Weekend Habits

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It was Friday and at the lunch break we were, as usual, sit at our corner table in the cafeteria.
-So, what do you guys do during weekends?- Namjoon asked.
-We usually just chill at home or, if we feel like it, we go out and do something- Soojin answered.
-Should we all do something together this weekend?- Hoseok asked with sparkling eyes. Why does he get so excited all the time?
-Yeah, that should be fun!- Jin answered enthusiastically. -We also like to stay at home and do something, like watching movies or playing some board games-
-But only the two of us, Jungkook never comes- Namjoon added.
-Oh, why so?- Hoseok asked curious, looking at Jungkook.
The brown-haired boy lifted his head, feeling Hoseok's eyes on him and answered, looking kind of nervous.
-Uhm I, I prefer studying during the weekend-
At that point I couldn't stop myself from laughing. All eyes turned on me.
-Sorry guys, I.. Just... Ignore me- I tried to say in between my giggles.
Luckily they actually ignored me, probably because talking about Jungkook studying on weekends was just more interesting.
-You really study on weekends, Jungkook?- Soojin asked him.
-I mean even in the evening? You never do something else or go out of your house?- Hoseok sounded like a concerned mom, which made my attempt to stop laughing even harder. This whole situation was so funny.
-Yeah, he never does- Jin answered for him. -It's just the way he is. He's not the number one in the class for no reason, right?- Jin said, smiling at Jungkook, who nodded and smiled back.

I mean, he's cute and everything, but he should loosen up a bit. Studying on weekends?! There's just no way somebody would rather do that than anything else. I mean, I'm not saying he should go partying, I don't do that either, but watching a movie or meeting up with friends would be a step in the right direction. But he can do whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned.

-Ok, so Jungkook's not coming. What about the rest of us?-
-I'm in- Jin said.
-Mee too- Namjoon added.
-We can do it at my place, my mom gets excited when I bring my friends- Soojin said.
-Great! Shina, what about you?- Hoseok asked me.
-I already told you I can't this weekend, Seokie-
-Oh right, you're cousin's coming to town. Well, it's fine, you'll join us next time. So it's the four of us-
-You think my mom will still be excited if all the friends I bring home are boys?- Soojin asked, laughing.
We all laughed, then we headed back to our classroom.

That night, my cousin arrived. She moved to the States two years ago to go to college and whenever she comes back we try to spend every freaking second together. I really love her and she's just like me, doesn't give a shit about anything. But she's more of a party girl than me, so whenever she's back in town I mentally prepare myself for some hardcore partying.
This time was no exception. She didn't even get through the door of my house that she was already talking about going out. I mean she's older than me, so why does she have all this energy? Am I the only one who feels like even breathing takes a huge effort?

-Oh my gosh, I missed you so freaking much, little freak!- She hugged me so tight that I felt like my lungs were about to explode.
-Yuna, I.. Can't.. Breathe!- I tried to say with my last breaths.
-Oh shit, I'm sorry Shina, I just really missed you!- She let go of me and took her luggage inside the house so I could close the door.
-I missed you too, big freak!-
-So so so... What are we doing tonight? Any new clubs I should know about?- She asked excited.
-Mmm I don't really know, you know I only go to those places when you're here-
-I know, your big cousin makes you have fun! How sweet am I?-

I mean, it's not that I don't have fun when I go clubbing with Yuna. I have fun because I'm with her, not because I like clubs. But she doesn't have to know this.

-You know, my friends from here told me that there is this super cool club right outside the town. It's huge, a lot of room to dance and really hot barmen, what do you say?- She asked me, while wiggling her eyebrows and pushing her elbow into my stomach.
-Yeah, why not...- I said, before her sharp elbow would kill me.
-Yaay, let's go get ready!- She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my room.

While she was rummaging through my closet, we heard the door opening.
-Shina, we're home! Is this Yuna's luggage? Is she here?- My mom's voice came from the hallway.
Yuna ran outside my room as soon as she heard it and I followed her.
-Auntie! Uncle! You're here! I missed you so much!- She said while choking both of them just as she did a few minutes before to me. It would be less harmful if she hadn't done taekwondo all her life. But I mean, it is what it is.

-Yuna, sweetie, we missed you too- my dad said, trying to free himself from her grip.
Yuna finally let them go.
-Ok, so guys, back to the important stuff! Can I kidnap your daughter to have a bit of fun tonight?- She said, sounding so serious, which made everyone laugh.
-Of course, sweetheart, as long as you take care of her and don't let her drink. You know, she's still a minor...-
-Mom!! I don't drink!!- I told her, feeling hurt by her mistrust.
-I never said you did, Shina- she smiled at me, making it look like she was saying "I believe you", but she was actually saying "You better not or I'll kick you out of this house".

-Great, so we're going to get ready now, if you'll excuse us...- Yuna said, pushing me towards my room.
I didn't know why but I wasn't even out of my house yet and I was already regretting this decision.

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