Where Is He?

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-Are you serious? Do you really like them?- He asked, with his eyes wide open, like if he was shocked by what I just said.
-Yeah, I really do! I wish I was that brave to dye my hair!- I said, really meaning it.
-Ahahah really? What color would you dye it?- He asked, smiling.
How can he have the smile of an angel?!
-Mmm, I think I would go all purple- I said, remembering all the times I've been thinking about doing it, but chickened out the next second.
-Oh, I like it, I think it would suit you a lot!-
-Really? Well then as soon as I muster up the courage to do it, I'll do it-
-Then I hope to see it-
Hold up, is he flirting, or is it just me?

-Oh I'm sorry, I think you were actually going to the bathroom and I'm here talking to you about hair- He said, when he realized that, before bumping into each other, I was walking towards the toilet.
-Oh no don't worry, I didn't actually need the toilet, I was only trying to escape my cousin flirting with that guy- I said pointing towards Yuna and Chris.
-Oh, so you're Yuna's cousin?- He asked, leaving me speechless.
-What? How do you know her?-
-I don't know her, but that guy you said she's flirting with is my older brother and he told me about this beautiful girl he met last night and that he was going to meet her again tonight-
I was speechless for real this time. Chris's brother? Seriously? Is this some sort of joke?

-Are you serious?-
-Yeah, I mean he really said that Yuna was beautiful and also funny-
-No, I'm not talking about that! Are you really Christian's brother?- I asked, still not believing it.
-Oh that, yes I am... Oh my gosh, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm so rude... Hi, I'm Jack, nice to meet you-
I was still in shock, thinking about the fact that there were like a thousand people there but I had to bump into Chris's brother.
-Uhmm... Hi, I'm Shina- I answered shyly.
-Oh I like your name!-
-Thank you- I said, still looking for some sort of resemblances with Chris, but finding none.
How are these two brothers?

-Hey, what do you say if we go to the bar and chat for a while? I promise we'll sit far from the lovebirds- He said, starting to laugh.
-Uhmm yeah, it's fine to me- I said, trying not to sound too excited about it.

Once we got to the bar, he ordered a drink for himself and asked me if I wanted one too, but I showed him the mark on my hand that was still there from the day before and the doorman didn't even have to do it again.
-Oh then no alcohol for you- He said laughing. -So, yesterday was your first time here?- He asked after ordering his drink.
-Yeah, I'm not really a club person but my cousin is. I didn't know this place even existed before yesterday, when she convinced me to come- I explained.
-And what do you think about it? Do you like it?-
Shina, remember, he's Chris's brother, so he's the son of the owner too. Say something nice!
-Oh yeah I like it, it's really... I mean... You know...- I started thinking hard, looking around for an inspiration, but I couldn't find anything good to say about it. Not that it was a terrible place, I just don't like this kind of places in general.
After my pretty long pause, he started laughing. -Ahahah don't worry, I mean I don't like it either, I'm here only because my dad owns this place and every now and then he asks me to come and check how the business goes, since my brother is here more for partying than for anything else- He explained and my fear of him having a personality similar to his brother's vanished.
-Oh wow, the owner's son!- I said, trying to sound surprised. I didn't want him to know that I already knew that.

-Oh yeah, he is! There you go, boss!- A bartender said, while bringing to Jack the drink he ordered a few moments before.
-Oh, hey Suga, long time no see! You're still working here at the bar? I was hoping to see you behind the DJ decks this time- Jack greeted the barman.
-I still have to talk to your father about it- He answered.
-I thought you already did! What are you waiting for?-
-You know, I don't want to look like I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'm friends with his kids- The barman with the pale skin explained.
-Oh shut up! He knows how hard you work here, he's gonna be more than happy to give you this opportunity-
-I hope so...- He said, with a smile. Then he looked at me for the first time since he got there and tilted his head.
-Oh aren't you Justin's friend?- He asked me.
-What? Me?- I panicked.
-Yeah, you were here talking to Justin yesterday, he looked kinda upset after that... Oh by the way, where is he? I haven't seen him since yesterday-
-So you know Justin?- Jack asked me, adding even more pressure on me.
-Well, we... We actually just met yesterday- I answered to both of them, trying to sound convincing.
-I mean, if you made him upset then you and I must be friends!- Jack said, smiling.
-What? Why?- I asked, curious.
-Well, you know, Justin and I, we are not exactly best friends. I'm not saying we hate each other, we are just too different. He's more similar to my brother, that's why they are friends- He explained.
-Oh I see... Well I don't know if I made him upset as he said...- I started, pointing the Suga guy, -All I know is that he left while we were talking- I lied, still trying to keep alive the 'we don't know each other' thing that Jungkook started.
I mean, why am I even doing this? This way I'm just doing Jungkook a favor and this is most definitely not what I wanted. So why am I doing it?

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