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Why is he blushing? Maybe he's just embarrassed to ask me if I like Jack. Maybe because he doesn't want to invade my privacy. Maybe... Wait! Why am I blushing too?!

-I...- I cleared my throat, not really knowing what to say, I mean I knew what to say, but the situation got the words stuck in my throat. -Well, we... We just, you know, hang out... I mean, like friends... Yeah, we're just friends...-
Why does it sound like I'm justifying myself?
-Oh, good... I mean, yeah, fine...- He said, scratching the back of his neck.
-But, I mean, if Jack and Justin are not on good terms then I shouldn't cross paths with Justin if I hang out with Jack- I said, trying to get my brain back to work.
-Well, yeah, I guess...- He said.
-Ok, then... I... Well before we go... I want to apologize to you... I was really upset, I'm sorry...-
I usually don't like apologizing, but I thought it was needed.
-It's fine, don't worry... I mean I can understand... He hurt someone you care about- He said, trying to smile.
-Yeah, he really pisses me off sometimes... And by sometimes I mean always- I said, making him laugh.
Why does he have the cutest smile and the sweetest laughter? And why am I thinking like this?
-Should we go back inside?- He asked me.
-Yeah, I'm starving...- I answered, touching my stomach, that was complaining about the lack of food.

We went to the cafeteria and we found our friends at the usual table.
-Hey, you two! Where have you been?- Seokjin greeted us.
-We got you something to eat- Soojin said, pointing at the dishes still full.
We thanked them and sat down to eat.
-Are you two dating or something?-
Hoseok's question literally made me choke on my food. I was about to die.
Why would he think that? Is he crazy? Me and Jungkook? What?!
I was about to answer, when Jungkook spoke up.
-No, nothing like that, Hoseok... We just needed to talk about math stuff, you know the one I'm helping her with- He seemed to be more composed than me. How can he be so calm?
-Yeah, exactly... What he said...- I added, trying to sound convincing, while recovering from my choking.
-Mmm, ok, whatever you say, guys...- Hoseok said, sounding not so convinced. But at least he let go of the topic.

While going back home, after school hours were over, I got a text from Jack. The night before he asked for my number so we wouldn't have to communicate through Chris and Yuna and so I gave it to him.

Jack: Hey, did you get out of hell.. I mean school? :)

Shina: Haha, yeah, just now...

Jack: You know, I wanted to make up for ruining our date yesterday... Will you give me a second chance?

Did he just say date? No, he didn't... Shit! Everyone was right about it... It was a date... Now he thinks we're gonna be more than friends... What do I do now?! Changing the subject is the best option, right?

Shina: Well, you didn't ruin anything...

Jack: Yes, I acted like a kid. All because of my pride. I'm really sorry... I couldn't stand Justin talking down to me in front of you... I care about what you think of me...

Change subject, quick!

Shina: Do you mind me asking what's with you and him?

Jack: Nothing actually... I mean, he's always been an asshole to me for no reason just for the fun of getting a reaction from me... Although last night he didn't look like he was joking, he looked genuinely mad at me, but as far as I know I didn't do anything to upset him...

Shina: Oh, ok... Shouldn't you talk to him and figure that out? I mean before he gets even more aggressive, if that's possible...

Jack: Nah, let him be... He'll get over it, whatever it is...

Shina: Okay, if you say so... I mean, you probably know him better than I do...

Jack: Yeah, I've known him for the past 2 years, since my family moved here from the States and my dad opened the Armybomb... He's been coming since then...

Shina: Oh, wow, you've known him for a really long time...

Jack: Yeah, but enough talking about him... So what about tomorrow night? Just the two of us this time...

Shit shit shit! I need help!
By then I got home and I could ask Yuna for help, she would've certainly known what to do.
-Yunaaaa! I need help!- I shouted, once I closed the door behind me.
She rushed out of our bedroom.
-What happened? Did you hurt yourself?- She asked worried and I felt sorry for saying that sentence so dramatically.
-No, I'm fine, don't worry... It's just... It's about Jack...-
-Uuuh, someone's going on a date, am I right?- She asked, doing that wiggling-eyebrow thing.
-Yuna, stop! Seriously... I told you, I don't want dates, because I don't want a boyfriend! How do I tell him that without hurting his feelings? I mean he's nice, I want to be friends with him...- I told her, while sitting on the couch with her.
-So you don't like him? I mean, you're not attracted to him? Physically?-
-Well, I mean, he's handsome, I guess...- I said, hesitant.
-Well, duh! Of course he is, he's Chris's brother after all... But that's not the point... I mean someone can be really handsome but for some reason you're not attracted to that person...- She explained.
-I don't know... Just... You know how I am...-
-Shina, come on! Help me here! Ok let's put it this way... Does he make your heart flutter, make you blush because of the most stupid thing, make you feel like a kid on Christmas day and you feel like the air is different when he's around?- She asked with dreamy eyes.
-Yuna, you're talking about yourself, aren't you? I get it, you like Chris, just date already!- I said, knowing that that was the way she felt about him.
-Don't change the subject, little freak! Answer the question!- She said, trying to look angry, but failing because she was smiling at the mere thought of Chris.

Anyway I did what she was asking. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't feel that way for Jack. But those feelings, they were kinda familiar...

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