Special Chapter II - The Wedding Day

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Sorry for the long wait. Here's another special chapter as a thank you for surpassing the 300K reads! And this time it's really special, because it's from Jungkook's point of view. I hope you like it.
Mypoornerves 💜


The day has finally come. Everything is gonna change from this day on. Even though things have been changing for a while even before today. Precisely, things have been changing for 7 years, 6 months and 13 days. Since the day I met her.

When she sat next to me in the cafeteria for the first time, I had no idea how drastically she was going to change my life, to change me. And I didn't know that I was going to fall in love with her, but more specifically that all of me was going to fall in love with her. Up until that moment, I had only glimpsed at her from time to time during classes, but I wasn't the type to have a crush, well, Jungkook wasn't, so I never really focused on her. But after we started getting closer thanks to our friends, I began to look at her more often than Jungkook would've liked.

And then she met Justin.
And despite him acting tough, he was definitely drawn to her ever since she bumped onto him in the Army Bomb.
For the first time ever, my two lives collided. And I was scared, really scared. I probably did and said things I shouldn't have done or said, just out of fear. Up until that moment I had been able to conduct two completely separate lives without anyone noticing. Up until that moment, I was broken in two.

Shina was the first one, the only one. And the fact that both of my personalities were developing feelings for her felt even more confusing. I didn't know what to do and she kept pushing me to tell her the truth. It's not like I didn't want to tell her, I just didn't want her to hate me or, even worse, to be repulsed by me. I kept thinking "What would she think if she saw the real, broken me?"

I could've never imagined she would end up loving that broken person and fight for that love even when both Jungkook and Justin were pulling away because of the hate they had for each other. She showed me I could love every part of myself just the way she did, that's why I'll never regret the day I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me. And I'll never forget the moment she'll become my wife. Today.

-I'll be there with you. There's no reason to be worried, babe-
That's what she said last night before both of us would fall asleep. I hadn't said a word, but I was actually panicking, thinking of how I was going to explain to my friends why they know two different me. Shina probably just felt my heartbeat getting faster while we were hugging in our bed and understood the reason. She has this way of understanding me better than myself that at the beginning used to scare me, now it makes me feel safe.

We had decided to wait for the wedding day to explain to my friends the situation. Shina thought it was cathartic, I just thought that maybe if I told them at my wedding they couldn't get mad at me. A bit selfish, I know. But I didn't want to lose my friends, I'm really happy now. Now that I don't have to hate my other self all the time or that I don't need to be necessarily either one of them.

That morning, Shina and I woke up together but her crew came to pick her up at 8 to go and get ready for the wedding. I kissed my soon-to-be wife and waved at her while Hoseok and Soojin were dragging her away.
They also still didn't know about me and my two lives and Shina was able to keep it from them for all these years, only because I asked her to. She had done so many sacrifices for me, for making me become the man I am today, and for that I'm always gonna be grateful to her. I still love her like the first day because she doesn't stop giving me reasons to love her and I just hope I can be for her the light in the darkness just like she was for me, in the worst period of my life. I had written something along these lines in my vows.

After wearing my tuxedo and taking a last look in the mirror, I decided that I was ready, so I texted her.

Jungkook: I think I'm ready. Only missing you...

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