Kissing You Was A Mistake

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Despite the delicate way in which he rested his lips on mine, once he did he started to kiss me more and more intensely. He took my face in between his hands and his touch was soft but firm at the same time. I started to kiss him back, without even knowing what I was doing, since it was my first kiss. I grabbed the hem of his shirt, needing something to hold on to. I was so into it when he abruptly pulled away.
-You have to leave-

Excuse me? He didn't just ask me to leave after kissing me, did he? This cannot be happening!

-I told you to leave- He repeated, but his voice was getting more soft even if his words were harsh.
My voice wouldn't come out and my feet wouldn't move.
He was getting more and more far away from me. I didn't understand what was going on, until I heard his voice. It was Jungkook's voice.

-I'm sorry...- He whispered.
-J.. Ju... Jungkook?- I was so confused.
-I'm really sorry for what he did... He shouldn't have...-
-Why... Why are you here?- I didn't understand why he had to come when I was in the middle of kissing him, well actually kissing Justin, but the lips are the same, so... Once I realized this detail, I kinda got awkward and shy. Kissing Justin was one thing, but kissing Jungkook... Oh my God, this so confusing! Who did I kiss?

-I just wanted to stop him... He was making a mistake and...-
A mistake? Is he saying that kissing me was a mistake?
-What do you mean?- I asked, getting irritated and starting to feel stupid.
-He shouldn't have kissed you... It was a mistake... I'm sorry... But, I mean, if you had avoided him, as I told you to, this wouldn't have happened...-
-Are you kidding me right now? So you're saying that kissing me was a mistake and that it was actually my fault because I approached Justin instead of doing what you told me to? I... I'm out of here...-
I couldn't stand the situation, I had to leave.
-Wait, Shina, that's not what I meant...- I heard him say, but I didn't stop. This time I left the room for real and I knew he wasn't gonna come after me, because now he was Jungkook in Justin's territory.
And I was right. He stayed in the room, while I was back into the super crowded club, feeling a little dizzy and confused.
I didn't know where to go, I didn't really want to meet people I knew in those conditions. But too late for that, because Jack saw me from the bar and came up to me.
-Hey, what happened? Why did you come out from that room? That's not the bathroom... Wait, are you ok?- He filled me with his questions and I wasn't really in the mood for explanation, or better for lying, since I couldn't really tell him the truth.
-Why are you not answering? What happened? Why do you look like you're about to cry?-
Well, because I am, Jack!
I was too overwhelmed, that I ended up letting my emotions take the best of me. Hot tears fell on my cheeks while I was trying to stay composed, hoping no one would notice. But, well, Jack surely was not going to ignore it.
-Why the hell are you crying, Shina? What happened?- He was getting nervous, I could tell he was worried and I felt bad that I couldn't reassure him by telling him that I was ok, because I clearly wasn't.
When I finally looked at him in the eyes, I could see how upset he was just by the look on his face. But then his eyes shifted to something behind me and his expression changed. I followed his gaze and I saw Jungkook sneaking out of the room where we were fighting just minutes before.
-I'm gonna kill him! What did he do to you?- Jack said, getting really aggressive.
I was still in shock and I didn't respond to him right away so he wasted no time to go towards Jungkook, with a really scary look.
At that point, I came to my senses and tried to stop him.
-Wait, Jack, wait, he didn't do anything...-
-How am I supposed to believe that if you two come out of the same room and you're crying?!- He kept walking, while I was trying to pull him by the arm, but he was too strong.
-You got it all wrong, Jack... It's not what you think...-
It was too late, he got to where Jungkook was, looking lost, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
-What the hell did you do this time, Justin?- He was growling.
Note to myself: never get Jack mad at me.
-Jack, stop, I told you he didn't do anything!- I said, still trying to convince Jack and save Jungkook. I didn't even know why I wanted to save him. A part of me was trying to convince me that he deserved what Jack wanted to do to him, but the other part, well let's say the 90%, wanted to protect that man at all costs, whether it was Jungkook or Justin. The reason was unknown to me.
-I'm serious, Jack, leave him alone...- I whispered, getting closer, only for him to hear.
Finally his muscles relaxed and his expression softened and he let go of Jungkook's shirt. Well, more like Justin's shirt, Jungkook would never wear a see through shirt.
Focus, Shina!

-Hey, guys, what's going on here?- I heard Chris's voice and I had never been happier to hear that sound.
-Shina, everything ok?- Yuna got closer to me, seeing the dried tears on my cheeks.
-Yeah, everything's ok... Justin was leaving...- I said, looking at Jungkook to make him understand to get the hell out of there.
-No, he's not until I understand what happened...- Jack was not giving up.

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