I'm Justin

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-What the hell do you mean? You're Jungkook, my classmate- I said, kind of confused by the situation.
-Here I'm Justin, so stop saying that name, will you?- He got closer and lowered his voice, while looking around as if he was checking if anyone could hear us.

-Jung... Justin, what the hell is going on? Aren't you supposed to be studying? I mean, not that I ever bought that bullshit, but still.. Why would you lie?- I asked him, trying to understand why he was there with a different name and after lying to his supposedly friends.

-Ok, this is none of your business... Shit, this wasn't supposed to happen. Why the hell did you come here?- He was getting pretty frustrated, but I couldn't understand why.

-Why are you making this big deal out of nothing? It's fine, you wanted to party on your own without your nerd friends. I get it. There's no need to get so upset!- I told him, trying to calm him down.

-It's not that... I mean yes, but... You can't understand- He said, while nervously combing his hair with one hand.

I was about to say something, when another guy arrived.
-Hey Justin, here you are, I couldn't find you!- Then he noticed me. -Oh, sorry man, did I interrupt something?- He said wiggling his eyebrows just like my cousin. What's up with that weird expression, for God's sake?

-No no, not at all,- Jungkook answered to the man with the ash-blonde hair. -We just... bumped into each other- He lied. Why would he want to hide the fact that we know each other? Do I embarrass him or what?
-Oh, is that so? Then let me introduce myself- he said walking past Jungkook and coming closer to me. -Hi, I'm Christian, it's a pleasure to meet you-
He took my hand and kissed it. I was like 'What the hell is going on?'. But to be honest I had been like that since I walked into that place, so it didn't really make that much of a difference.

-Are you going to tell me your name or you want to be all mysterious?- He said, since I wasn't talking.
-Well, I could give you a fake name, I guess it's a common thing here- I said, looking at Jungkook. He basically killed me with his eyes, but whatever.
-Ahahah sure, if you feel like it, I like a little bit of mystery- he said, apparently finding what I just said funny.

I was trying to think of a name, when Jungkook interrupted us.
-Chris, why don't you go and take her something to drink?- He said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
-Yeah, that's actually a good idea. I'll be here in a second, girl of the mystery- He whispered to me. -Justin, will you keep her company for a while?-
-Sure, we'll be waiting for you- Jungkook said, while Christian was leaving.

Once he was far enough, Jungkook got closer to me again.
-Ok, this is your cue, time for you to leave. I'll make something up to tell him- He said like he was in a rush.
-What? I'm not going anywhere only because you said so-
Did he seriously think that I would leave only because he doesn't want me here? I don't even know why he doesn't want me here.
-Jeez, why are you so freaking stubborn?- He said, getting nervous again.
-And why are you so different from the guy I meet everyday at school?- I asked him, hoping that he would open up in that moment of mental breakdown.

But luck was never on my side. In that moment a girl came.
-Oh, Jus, here you are. You promised you would spend some time with me, what are you doing with her?- She said, trying to make a cute voice that sounded more creepy than cute.
But neither me or Jungkook had the time to focus on her, because right after that, Yuna arrived.
-Oh gosh, Shina! You're here! I lost you in that crowd, I've been looking for you like crazy! I was scared to death!- She said, while catching her breath.
-Oh, so that's your name- Christian joined the party. -And you are?- He asked Yuna, with a mischievous look, ready to kiss her hand. Is he like that to every girl or he just has a thing for the girls in my family?
-I'm... I'm Shina's cousin, Yuna.- She said, a bit flustered by his gesture.
-I guess beauty runs in the family- He said with his charmer look.

-Ok, Yuna let's go- I said before the situation could get any weirder than that.
I took one step, but Christian stopped me.
-Wait, your drink...- He said, showing the glass in his hand.
-I don't drink, but thanks- I told him, taking another step, only to be stopped again. This time by my cousin.
-Wait Shina, I'd like that drink- She said to me, while smiling to that Chris guy.
-Oh really? Then is all yours, but only if you let me offer you another one and let me get to know you better. What do you say?- He said, smiling back to her.
-Yeah, I'd like that very much- She answered.
I was going to tell her that I wanted to leave, but then I saw Jungkook's expression. He was in so much distress, maybe because he was afraid I would tell Christian that we know each other or maybe that I would say his real name. I didn't really know what was the thing he was afraid of, neither the reason behind it, but a rush of adrenaline got through my body and suddenly all I wanted was to keep making him feel uncomfortable, just like how he makes me feel everyday with that smile of his.

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