Like Nothing Ever Happened

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-Pretty rude. I mean, he is what he is. You know, some girls like that attitude... I hope you're not one of them- He said, while the pale barman left us to go and take another order.
-Oh, no, not at all. When we bumped into each other, I was actually distracted looking for him, only to tell him how rude he has been yesterday- I told him, trying to make clear that I was not into Justin, since it sounded like that's what he was curious about.
-Oh I'm glad- He said smiling.
Is he actually flirting? I'm oblivious so I never understand if a guy is flirting with me or not... I need Yuna! She would definitely know!

After that we kept talking, getting to know each other better, until Yuna and Chris saw us and came to where we were.
-Hey, Jack, didn't know you were here!- Chris greeted his brother with a hug.
-Shina, I see you've met my brother. Yuna, this is my brother Jack- He said first to me, then to my cousin.
-Hi, nice to meet you Jack- Yuna said politely.
-Nice to meet you too, Yuna. I've heard beautiful things about you from my brother. And also, you have a wonderful cousin- Jack said, which made my cousin blush first and then wiggle her eyebrows at me.
For once my reaction wasn't rolling my eyes and that's why Yuna got really suspicious.

When it was time to go home, or better when I was too tired to keep going (since Yuna is actually a night owl), we said goodbye to the two brothers and left with stupid smiles on our faces.

-Someone has a crush!- She started chanting as soon as we were out of the club.
-You mean yourself?- I asked, already knowing she was referring to me.
-No!... I mean, also me... But this is not about me!-
-Oh you just admitted your crush for Chris!- I said, doing a fake shocked expression, only to distract her from talking about me and Jack.
-You're not going to fool me! I know you like him-
I mean, I tried, but she can't be fooled.
-It's not that I like him... I just think he's really handsome and has a nice personality- I said, with the 'no big deal' face.
-Which basically means you like him!-
-What?! No!- I tried to defend myself but she kept saying that I liked him during the entire taxi drive back home, even the taxi driver was sick of it.
Only once I was in my bed, I realized that I completely forgot about the whole Jungkook/Justin thing. In the end he didn't come to the Armybomb or at least I didn't see him, but this didn't keep me from falling asleep like the previous night.

On Sunday, since my parents weren't working, we spent the day with them. We also went to visit grandma and brought flowers to my grampa's grave. We did a bit of baking, messing up the entire kitchen, but at the end of the day it was fun. I love spending time with my family and even if she doesn't want to admit it, Yuna loves it way more than clubbing.

On Monday, I went to school, even though I wanted to spend time with Yuna, but she said school was more important. She didn't sound really convincing while saying it, but still my mom would have killed me, so I went.
Once there, I saw Hoseok and Soojin by the gates. Getting closer, I realized they were talking to the Geeks. And yes, Jungkook was there too.
I got kind of nervous, not knowing how to face the upcoming situation, but once Hoseok spotted me from afar it was too late to think of a plan.

-Oh hey, Shina! This way!- He screamed while waving in my direction, as if I didn't see him.
I waved back and got closer to the group.
-Hey, haven't heard from you during the weekend. You and your cousin have gone wild again, haven't you?- He asked me as soon as I got next to him.
-What do you mean?- Namjoon asked Hoseok.
-Well, you know her cousin is a party girl, she always drags Shina to clubs and stuff like that- Hoseok explained.
-Oh, I see- Namjoon said.
-But you don't look like you enjoy that kind of stuff- Seokjin added.
At that point, I turned in Jungkook's direction and made eye contact with him. He didn't look scared nor nervous , he just looked like the usual Jungkook that I used to know before Friday. Like nothing ever happened.
-Well, you never know. There's people who hides stuff pretty well- I said, still looking at him, to see his reaction.
Why do I always end up wanting to challenge him every time he's around? What's wrong with me?

-And that's most definitely not you- Soojin said, starting to laugh. -You're so bad at lying and keeping secrets- She added, making everyone laugh, except me and Jungkook, who ended up looking away, not being able to keep eye contact, unlike Justin.
-Well, let's go inside. It's already late- Namjoon said.
And even though Hoseok argued about being still early, we all ended up going to our classroom.

During the lesson, I couldn't help but staring at Jungkook.
I mean how's it possible that I find Jungkook's face so cute but if I think about Justin's face I just want to punch it and they have literally the same face?
But the crazy thing was that I was the only one affected by the whole situation, he was his usual self, following the lecture, smiling from time to time.
I have to talk to him! He can't act like nothing happened!

When the bell indicating the lunch break rang, everyone headed out of the classroom, but I noticed Jungkook was still writing down some notes.
-Hey, are you coming?- I heard Namjoon asking him.
-Yeah, I just need to finish this. You can go ahead- He answered, without looking up from the notebook.
-Shina, are you coming?- I turned my head towards Soojin.
-Yeah, just give me five minutes, I need to go to the toilet. I'll catch you in the cafeteria, ok?- I answered, thinking about my plan.
Soojin nodded without further questions and they all leaved.

Now it was just me and him. In an empty classroom.

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