At The Armybomb

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After school, when our friends were already gone, I stayed a while longer with Jungkook in front of the school and I asked him if he wanted to do something together. I felt a bit shy saying that, but I knew he wasn't going to say it himself even if he wanted to. Well, I didn't know if he wanted to, I just hoped so.
-Uhmm, I'd love to, but... Justin... You know, he has boxing on Tuesdays...-
-Oh, right, I forgot... It was exactly a week ago when he punched Jack...- I said, remembering the whole thing and feeling like it had been more than a week.
-Yeah... About that... What... I mean you don't have to answer, but... What did you and Jack talk about yesterday?- He asked hesitantly, which made me smile.
-I guess you're not jealous, right?-
-What? Me? No, I was just curious... Why would you think that?-
-Justin said you were...- I answered, hoping he would admit it, but knowing that he never would.
-Maybe he was the jealous one... He's the one who stalked you while you were with Jack, after all...- He said, trying to blame it on Justin as he's been doing for his entire life.
-Well he said he was doing it because you could've never done it...-
-Of course I could never do it, because I'm not a jealous freak and I trust my girlfriend...- He said, almost whispering his last word, as if he wasn't sure if he was allowed to say it. I smiled at that.
-Well, I'm glad you trust me... So you don't need to know what happened yesterday, right?- I said, still having the time of my life by testing him.
-No, of course I don't NEED to... I was just saying... I mean, if you wanted to share it with me... I was willing to listen to you... I'm a really good listener...-
He's so cute!
-Okay, then just know that Jack and I are officially friends...-
-Does this mean that you're gonna spend time together? I mean, not that it bothers me... Just curious...- He said, still trying to hide his jealousy. I mean, it was pointless since it was pretty obvious. But I wasn't complaining.
-Well, yeah, we'll spend some time together... But I hope I can spend more time with you...- I said, shamelessly trying to flirt with him, which caused his cheeks to turn red.
-See you tomorrow...- I said then, kissing him rapidly on the lips. I love doing that, taking him by surprise, it always amuses me to watch the look on his face.
He was shocked as always. Will he ever get used to it?
I smiled and left with a satisfied look.

That evening I was planning on doing something by myself. Learning something, as always. My favorite hobby. I was searching for a good teaching video online, since I had decided to learn Italian, but my phone rang. It was a text.

Jungkook: Can you come to the Armybomb tonight?

Jungkook: I'm Justin, by the way...

What? Justin? Isn't he supposed to be boxing? And isn't the Armybomb opened only on weekends? Plus, I should change his contact name, it's really confusing reading "Jungkook" and talking to Justin.

Shina: What? Why? Isn't it closed on weekdays?

Jungkook: I'm friends with the owner's son, remember?

Shina: Yeah, but you punched his other son, remember?

Jungkook: Whatever, are you coming or not?

Shina: Depends...

Jungkook: On what?

Shina: If you want to tell me something bad and we're gonna end up fighting, than I'd rather not pay a taxi to bring me out of town... We might do that somewhere closer to my house...

Jungkook: Just shut up and come... I would pick you up if I had a car, but your friend Jungkook is too much of a scaredy cat to get a license...

Shina: Why don't you do it yourself instead, big guy?

Jungkook: I don't wanna study for the theoric part and he won't do it either just to stop me from driving... He's scared I'll die or something... And since we share this body, unfortunately, he would probably die too...

Shina: No, you don't say!

Jungkook: Stop being annoyingly sarcastic and answer! Is 8 fine for you?

I looked at the clock, it was 6.30, I had to get ready fast if I wanted to be there by 8. My parents would probably say I can't go out that late on a weekday, but they finish late at work so when they'll see the note that I'll leave, it will be too late to stop me.

Shina: Fine, I'll see you there...

I answered and then got rapidly into the shower. When I had to choose what to wear, I panicked. I usually don't really care what I'm wearing, but I didn't know what this meeting was about, so I didn't know what kind of clothes to wear. In the end I just went for a simple jeans and t-shirt and called a taxi because it was already late.

I got there a few minutes late, hoping he wouldn't mind it. When I got out of the taxi, I saw someone standing in front of the building. It was really dark, so I couldn't see his face, I was just hoping it was Justin, because otherwise I was in big trouble. The person started walking in my direction and I started to worry, until finally a bit of moonlight and the fact that we were getting closer allowed me to recognize Justin's face.

-Look who's late...- He said, with a smile. He didn't look annoyed so I guessed it was a good sign.
-I'm... I'm sorry, it just takes a lot of time to get here...- I decided to apologize anyway, just in case he was mad, even though he didn't look like he was.
-Yeah, that's why I chose it... So I wouldn't meet someone I know... Until you came and ruined everything...- He said, but he still had that smile on. Thinking about it, he hadn't stop smiling since I got there. What is he up to? Is this a prank?
-Well, thanks... Now, can you tell me why I'm here?- I said, pretending to be offended by his remark.
-You'll find out...- He said, turning and walking back towards the building.
-Am I supposed to follow you at this point?- I asked him, not sure of what to do.
He turned my way and saw me standing there awkwardly.
-Are you serious?- He asked with a raised eyebrow. -Ugh, whatever...- He then said, exasperated, coming back to me and taking my hand, dragging me towards the door of the Armybomb.
-Calm down... I was just asking... I don't even know what I'm doing here...- I said, trying to get his smile back, because I was enjoying seeing it.
-I hope to see me...- He said, looking at me and smiling.
There it is! His beautiful smile!

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