Talk To Me

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Should I ask him? I probably shouldn't... If he didn't mention it then it means he doesn't want to talk about it, right? But I want answers!

We were halfway through the meal and we had kept silent since he laughed at me eating like a pig. I had to speak before the dessert.
-So... Did I really come here just to eat? I mean, not that I'm complaining, I really enjoyed the meal... You probably figured...- I said, lowering my head.
Shina, you were supposed to take his mind off of you eating like a pig, not to make him remember that!
Even though I was waiting for him to start laughing again, he never did. When I looked up at him, he had a serious expression and he seemed to be deep in thought.
-I... You know... About what you asked me yesterday...- He started to say without making eye contact with me. -It's okay, I guess...-
Oh no, you're not gonna get away with it so easily. I know exactly what you're talking about, but there's just no way I'm not forcing you to say it.
-What are you talking about?- I asked, pretending to be confused.
-You know... Yesterday... The thing you asked...- He kept fidgeting with his fork.
-I mean, I ask a lot of things on a daily basis, so it's hard for me to remember every question... Can you be more specific?-
I'm having so much fun! It's always a delight to see him distressed. Not that I'm sadistic, it's just that Justin is always so confident, so seeing him like this is a breath of fresh air!
-I know what you're doing!- He said after giving me a suspicious look.
-I'm not doing anything...- I said shrugging.
-You know exactly what I'm talking about, you just want me to say it...-
-Will you?- I asked hopefully.
-I...- He looked like he was about to say one of his usual annoyed remarks, but then he cleared his throat and after a few seconds he started speaking again. -Will you go on a date with me?-
I can't believe he really went there! Yeah, that was my goal, but I was sure he wasn't gonna say it!
But I obviously had to ruin the moment.
-Only one? Plus, doesn't this already count as one? Then, you should've asked it before... I mean, at this point I....- He interrupted me, before my nervous talk would get out of hand.
-Just say yes or no, please...- He looked nervous too, which made him look so cute.
And here I am again, thinking that Justin is cute!
-Uhmm.. I... Guess... Well... Technically I was the one asking you first...-
-Shina!- He said, starting to lose his patience.
-Okay okay, yes! Are you happy? Gee, you are one impatient boy! I was the one waiting for you to decide for the longest time so you can wait two fucking seconds!- I snapped, annoyed.
He just burst out laughing.
-What's funny?- I asked serious.
-I just love it when you get so mad at me...-
Say what?
I stayed frozen for a few moments, trying to understand if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
-Well, then I'm gonna try not to get mad at you...- I said with a challenging tone, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I didn't even know why they were there.
-You know that's impossible... You hate me too much...- He said while unwrapping the dessert, a box of Italian pastries.
Where did he even find all this Italian food? I need to ask him! Maybe not now...
-Oh, do I?-
-Don't you?- He asked while taking one of the pastries and shoving it into his mouth.
I decided to try one too, while thinking of an answer, but once I tasted it I felt like I was in heaven, so I completely forgot about everything else.
-You like 'em?- He asked, probably noticing my entranced expression.
I just vigorously nodded, while taking another pastry from the box.
-As much as you like me?-
I choked on my poor little pastry.
How can he say something like this out of nowhere?!
I coughed a couple of times before answering, while he was looking at me and probably having the time of his life.
-Didn't you just say I hate you?- I asked him.
-Well, yeah, you probably do sometimes... But as you said, you were the one asking me out first, so... I guess you don't hate me that much...- He said with his smug smile.
Can he be more shamelessly arrogant than this?
-Whatever...- I answered, annoyed.
He laughed triumphantly, but then stopped, as if he remembered something.
-Oh, by the way, I bought a new phone... I didn't need it before, since Jungkook and I had different contacts, but now that we text the same person... I mean, you always think I'm him and I don't wanna say my name every time I need to text you...- He explained.
-Wait, let me get this straight, you bought a new phone only because you're lazy?-
-You should've probably said something like "omg you bought a new phone only to text me!" But yeah, however you wanna see it...- He said, using a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like me.
-Ok, first of all, my voice doesn't sound like that... Second, I mean you're gonna use it also for your friends I guess, so...-
-Nevermind, I didn't mean to be romantic, I was just saying...- He cut it short, looking a bit disappointed.
Did he mean to be romantic? I mean, I know nothing about romanticism, but he probably knows even less, so... This is gonna be fun!
-Anyway, give me your phone, I'll save the number...- He said, then.
I took my phone, unlocked it and gave it to him, noticing that it was almost 9.30pm, my parents were probably on their way home.
After he saved the number, he gave me my phone back.
-Now you'll know when it's me...- He said, smiling suspiciously.
Mmm, what was that about?

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