Is That Him?!

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Once Yuna was done with her job of styling me, she had a satisfied expression on her face.
-I'm so proud of myself, like I'm not even kidding- She said wiping her nonexistent tears.
She made me wear white ripped jeans, a crop hoodie and her white high heels, because I don't have high heels. She tried to make me wear a dress, but she knows me too well to think that I would ever wear it.
-I mean, that dress would have looked so much better, but I think that with the limits you put on my art I still managed to do a pretty good job! Ok now let's go!- she said, rushing to the front door.
I grabbed my purse and followed her.

-Guys, see you tomorrow!- she shouted to my parents who were in the kitchen.
-Don't be too late, girls!- my dad shouted back, but Yuna was already out of the house.
-Don't worry, dad! Bye!-
And we were off to our night out.

It took us half an hour taxi drive to get where my cousin wanted to go, and I was almost falling asleep.
-Oh my gosh, Shina, how can you not be excited? You can sleep all you want when you're gonna be in the grave!- She shouted in my hear, while I was about to fall asleep, making me jump in my seat.
-Oh yeah, I'm super excited Yuna, you have no idea. I usually fall asleep when I'm excited, you know?- I tried to say in the most convincing way, but she knows me too well, I can't fool her.

-We're here, ladies!- the taxi driver interrupted our conversation, luckily.
-Oh great! Thank you so much!- Yuna said, handing him the cash.
Once we got out of the car, I saw this huge building in front of me, it almost looked like a mall. I read the big sign on it.
-'Armybomb'? Are you kidding? What kind of name is this?- I asked more to myself than to my cousin, but she answered anyway.
-Doesn't it sound super cool?! I'm already having so much fun! Let's get inside!- She said, grabbing my wrist and bringing me towards the front door.

At the entrance, there was this man who checked people's ID.
-Yuna, are you sure I can get in here?- I asked her, already thinking about finally going back home.
-Yeah, don't worry, I asked my friend. They will just put a mark on your hand, so that the bar men won't give you alcohol- she answered, shattering all my hopes.
And that's actually what happened, we showed our IDs and he marked my hand with this symbol of a crossed bottle of beer.
-Shit, this is not gonna come off. I mean I don't even want to drink- I said to my cousin while we were entering the place.
-Oh, come on Shina, stop complaining and start having fun!- she said while she was going towards the dance floor, already moving to the music.
I tried to follow her, but the more we got into the core of the dance floor, the more crowded it got. And I didn't really like it, but I wanted to make Yuna happy, so I tried to follow her dance moves and smile to her.

Yuna and I danced for a few minutes, when suddenly, while I was looking into the crowd, I had a weird feeling. There was this guy, right in the center of the dance floor, surrounded by a million of girls. He was dancing, his skin was a bit sweaty and his brown hair messy. I started staring at him, trying to figure out why he gave me this weird feeling, but he was a bit too far and there were way too many people to clearly see his face.

-You like what you see?- Yuna said, making me focus back on her.
-What?- I asked, but then she made that wiggling-eyebrow expression again and I understood what she was talking about. -Oh no no no! You got it all wrong! It's not what you're thinking!- I said trying to clear things up, but she didn't let me finish.
-Oh, come on, Shina, I'm not your mother, you don't have to deny it! I would be a bad cousin if I didn't let you dance with the man you are clearly attracted to!- She said, while pushing me into that guy's direction.
Her taekwondo skills were showing, because she basically kicked every other person out of our way and even though I tried to stop her and tell her that it was all a misunderstanding, I ended up bumping into that guy's back.
-Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, there was actually someone pushing me, I'm not even kidding you right now. I'm so sor....- and it was then when he turned facing me and I saw him up close. Both my eyes and his went wide.

I couldn't believe it, it was actually Jungkook, but he was so different.
I mean, where are his glasses? And what about his straight hair parted on one side? And his cute smile? And especially his shy attitude?

-Ju... Jun...- I tried to say, but he was quicker than me and put a hand on my mouth while grabbing my wrist with the other one. He dragged me to a less crowded corner of the room and then he finally let go of me.

-What the hell are you doing here?- he asked with an angry tone.
I mean even his voice is different. Is this really the same person?
-What do you mean, Jung...-
-Justin- he interrupted me again. -I'm Justin- he said looking straight into my eyes.
He was getting kind of scary.

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