Scared To Love

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Just as I predicted, after he gave me my phone back, my dad called.
-I'm sorry, it's my dad...- I said to Justin, who nodded.
-Dad, before you say anything...- I said, as soon as I opened the call, but he was faster.
-Shina, where are you? Nobody gave you permission to go out on a weekday! Especially without saying where you go and who you're with... I want you back home right now!-
Why is my dad like this?!
-Yeah, dad, I'm coming... But it'll take a while...- I said, surrendering.
-What do you mean by that? Where are you?-
-Dad, I'll talk to you later, now I need to call a taxi... Bye...- I said, hanging up, before he could keep scolding me.

-Everything okay? Did I get you in trouble?- Justin asked me, once I closed the call.
-Don't worry about it... I'm sorry but I have to go now...- I said, feeling sorry. We didn't even have time to talk.
-It's okay...- He stood up to walk me to the door.
Once we were outside, I called a taxi and he waited for the taxi to arrive with me. I didn't know what to say, I felt awkward. When the taxi finally arrived, I spoke up.
-So... See you next time...?- It kinda sounded like a question.
-I'll text you...- He said with a smile and all of a sudden I didn't want to leave anymore. But the taxi was waiting and most importantly my dad was waiting.
We both said bye and I got into the car.

Something like half an hour later, I was in front of my house, ready to receive my punishment once I crossed the threshold.
And so it was, I got inside and my dad yelled at me for some time, while my mom was trying to hold him back but also agreeing with him. I wasn't really paying attention, all I could think about was Justin. I wished I could've spent more time with him. Even though we mostly annoy the hell out of each other, being in his company makes me feel some type of way. I couldn't even describe it, I just knew I liked it. It was definitely different than being with Jungkook, but it was equally beautiful and confusing. I always got mixed feelings whenever I was with one of the two, but I wasn't sure if it was because of their split personality or it was just a normal feeling that everyone went through when liking someone. I should probably ask Yuna about this.

Once my dad was done and didn't give me any punishment as long as it wasn't gonna happen again, I went to my room and texted my cousin. It was early in the morning for her, so I knew I would've seen her answer the next day, but I just needed to write down my feelings, as cheesy as they may have sounded. After sending her a long heartfelt text, I went to sleep.

The next morning I found a beautiful answer from Yuna.

Big Freak: Aww little freak, I'm so happy for you! Wow, I've been gone for three days and you already have a boyfriend! And about your question, don't worry, it's normal feeling confused, excited and scared at the same time... I know you don't want to hear this, but you're falling in love... And I wish I was there to witness my cynical little cousin falling in love! Hahaha... Don't worry too much, it's all gonna turn out great... I feel like you're probably the only person on this earth who can be able to deal with a situation like this and he... well, THEY are lucky to have found you... I know you have so much love to give, because you've given it to me for all our lives... I'm happy for this new chapter of your life and I can't wait to come back to you...

Big Freak: Oh and about Chris, yeah everything's going great... Sometimes it's hard but I think this distance will make our relationship stronger... What can I say? I'm in love, little freak! Talk to you soon! Love you!

Reading her texts I realized how much I missed her already. I couldn't wait for her to come back the next month. But what she said hit me harder.
I'm falling in love? With who? Justin or Jungkook? Or both? Does this mean I get twice the side effects?
I didn't want to fall in love. I mean, yes, I wanted to be with him, them actually, but I really didn't think it through. As I said, I'm someone who wants everything then and there, so when I decided I wanted him to be my boyfriend, I really didn't think about the consequences.
What if I fall in love and he breaks my heart? Twice! I don't know if I can take it...

With all these thoughts in mind, I left my house, headed to school. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see Jungkook standing next to my front door.
-Hey- He said, scaring me. -Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...- He apologized after I jumped at the sound of his voice.
-No, it's not your fault, I was just distracted...- I said.
-Do you have something on your mind?- He asked me, worried.
-Uhmm no, nothing much... So, why are you here?- I asked to change the topic.
-I was early and I thought we could go to school together... If it's okay for you...-
-Yeah, sure, let's go...- I said, trying not to give too much weight to this sweet gesture.
Before being a teenager and deciding that I didn't want to have a boyfriend during my school years, I always imagined that one day my boyfriend would have walked me to school. I don't know why, it was just a kid's fantasy.
But I can't overthink it! Don't fall in love, Shina, don't fall in love!

I was being pretty quiet during the walk, so he started to talk.
-Uhmm... Everything okay? Did Justin get you in trouble?-
-Oh, no no, everything's fine... Yeah, my dad freaked out a bit but no big deal...- I said.
-Great... Did you... have fun last night?- He asked, hesitantly.
-Yeah, I mean I didn't expect him to agree to... you know... this! He's always rambling about how he's never gonna share something with you, so I thought it would never happen... I mean why can't he just be chill like you are? Because you are, right?-
-Does it matter?-

Wait what?

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