Sparkling Eyes

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We met them at the Café fifteen minutes later.
-Hi!- Yuna said, hugging both of them. I just waved.
-You look really beautiful- Jack said to me.
-I know, right? I styled her, I mean a part from the shoes and the jacket...- Yuna answered in my place.
Jack got closer to me and whispered -Those are the best part- and that made me blush way more than the first compliment.

We all entered the Café and ordered, then we went to sit at one of the tables.
-You know, I missed you- Chris said, holding Yuna's hand across the table.
Yuna blushed and for the first time I thought that maybe there was something more to them. Maybe it wasn't just a flirting game, as I thought. They were looking at each other with sparkling eyes, they seemed to really care about each other, even though they met not long ago.
Is something like this even possible? Can you meet someone and suddenly know that he's the one? Without even knowing each other that well.
Anyway, I finally stopped being the usual me who would have thrown up at Chris's statement and I just smiled.

-So, what have you been up to?- Jack distracted me from the romantic moment happening next to me.
-Uhmm.. Nothing much.. Just school- I answered.
-Oh, I graduated last year, it was the best moment of my life- He said smiling.
-You hate school too?- I asked him, starting to like this conversation.
-Yes, I mean I used to have pretty good grades and everything, I just didn't like going to school-
-Yeah, me too! I can't wait to finally graduate this year- I said enthusiastically.
-Are you a loner too, by any chance?- He asked me, curious.
-Kind of. I mean, I have my two best friends and now another few guys added up to our group, but still... I'm not that social- I said, shrugging.
-Yeah, me too, I'm not that big of a fan of people's company... But for some mysterious reason I enjoy yours- He said, showing his beautiful smile.
I couldn't find the words to respond to him, but I didn't have to, because his brother barged into our conversation.

-Shina, you have to help me convince your cousin to stay- He said with an hopeful look. -She said she's gonna leave this weekend-
-Yeah I know, but she has to, it's her last year of college in LA. I'll miss her too but we can't do anything about it- I answered honestly.
-It sucks...- He said and I could see he was really sad.
-Hey, it's fine- Yuna said trying to cheer him up. -I'm gonna try and come back here as often as I can... You know I don't leave business unfinished- She added with a cheeky smile.
-Oh, am I a business?- He asked, returning the cheeky attitude and doing that thing with his eyebrows.
And we're back to the sexual tension, I can take the cute stuff, but this... It's a no no for me!

-Ok, so what were we saying?- I said, focusing back on Jack.
-That I love your company- He answered.
How can he say this stuff like it was nothing? Shit, he's so good at this but I can't have a boyfriend! I mean, I don't want one! We should be just friends.
-Uhmm, yeah, me too! I feel like we could be great friends- I said, hoping he would take the hint.
-Yeah, we get along pretty well, don't we?- He said, smiling purely.
Maybe he's not flirting, maybe he wants us to be just friends, like me.
-Yeah, we do...- I answered, smiling back.

-So what do you like to do, a part from hating school?- He asked, giggling.
-Mmmh, I don't know, I like learning stuff... I know it sounds contradicting, but...-
-No, I totally get it- He said, interrupting me. -You don't like being told what to learn and how to learn it... That's actually really beautiful...- He understood perfectly and this (or maybe his beautiful smile) made me blush. -And what are you up to lately? What are you learning?- He asked, interested.
-Well, let me think... I'm working on my photography skills and also learning how to edit videos... then I'm studying guns... I mean, don't freak out, it's just because I watched this cool crime TV series and I got curious...- I realized I was rambling so I shut up, even though there were many more things.
-Wow, that's cool! But there's more, am I right?- He asked, putting his elbows on the table and laying his head on his hands.
-Yeah, I just, don't want to bore you- I said, uncertain.
-Are you kidding me? This is fun! Keep going!- He smiled, making his eyes wrinkle up.
-Ok, well, I'm trying to learn Spanish... Since I already speak English I wanted to learn another language and telenovelas are so funny, so I decided to learn Spanish...- I said, making him laugh. -Then I've gotten into dancing lately, so I'm learning this hip hop choreography, but it's pretty difficult... I need more practice- I said getting shy, all of a sudden and looking at my hands.
-I'm stunned, you really like learning stuff, you weren't kidding- He said and we both laughed. -And on top of that you go to school and study... Do you even sleep at night?-
-Yeah, it just takes a really good ability to organize your time...-
-I hope I'm not taking time that was destined to some other activity-
-No, don't worry, I did my homeworks during lessons and the dance practice in my bedroom can be rescheduled- I said, making it sound professional.
He laughed at that and I joined him.

I really like his company, I could get used to this.

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