No Easy Way

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Jack had been driving for a while and still no one dared to talk in that car. We were both at loss of words.
I didn't know what to tell him, the truth was probably the best choice but I didn't want to break Jungkook's or Justin's trust. They didn't want anybody to know. And I guessed Justin would have been extra mad if I told the truth to the person he couldn't stand the most. So I had to lie. But how? There was no easy way to do it. And eventually I had to give an explanation to my friends too. It was all so messed up.
-I'm sorry...- Jack's voice broke the silence and the train of my thoughts. -...if I came to your school. I texted you, but you didn't answer and then I texted your cousin and she said you didn't answer to her either so I thought I would come and check on you... I'm really sorry... But...- He paused as if he was trying to keep calm. -You and Justin? Why didn't you tell me? You go to school with him? And why did your friend call him differently? I'm so confused right now, you have no idea...-
Yeah, he was confused and he had every right to be.
-Jack, I can explain...-
-It doesn't sound as good as it should...-
-Well, the thing is... Yes, Justin and I go to school together and yes, we are a thing... I'm sorry if I didn't tell you, but he didn't want me to tell you... And Justin is a nickname that he uses outside school...-
-So that's not his real name? How did he... I mean, I saw his ID card... You mean that was fake? I thought we had the same age... How can you date such a liar?!-
-Jack, he's not a liar! He just... didn't like his name...-
Oh yeah, a good one, for sure! Good job, Shina!
-And I guess he didn't like his age either... He's a minor and he drank in my father's club! What's wrong with you? He's a fucking thug!-
-Oh my God, Jack! Can you at least pull over, I'm scared having you drive like this...-
-Yeah, sure, but you're not scared of a criminal, right?-
-Just pull over, Jack!-
-Okay okay... Whatever...- He said finally pulling over and turning off the engine. I felt more at ease.
-Happy now?- He asked.
-Yeah, much more... So, stop saying that he is a criminal... I don't even think he drank that much in your father's club...-
-That's not the point! He owns a fake ID card, he even punched me in the face and now I can see why he did it...-
-What do you mean?-
-He was clearly jealous of us...-
-Well, there was nothing to be jealous about and we both know that...-
-So you liked him all along?-
-I thought we were past that... You said you wanted us to be friends...-
-Yeah, before knowing what kind of company you were surrounding yourself with...-
I was about to answer when my phone started ringing.
-I'm sure it's him... Go ahead, take the call...-
I took my phone out and saw Justin's name on the screen. It was Justin. I mean, the actual Justin. He had switched and that wasn't a good sign. I thought of rejecting the call but it would have only pissed him more and we definitely didn't want that.
-Jus?- I said, picking up the phone.
-I'm coming, don't worry, just tell me where you are... I'm gonna solve this myself, you don't have to protect me...- He didn't sound mad, he actually sounded worried.
-It's okay, Jus... There's really no need to...-
-Just tell me where you are... Please...- He sounded almost desperate.
-We're...- I looked outside the car window and read the name of the street.
-Okay, don't move, I'm coming...- He said and hung up.

-Oh great, he's coming, I can't wait... This is going to be fun...- He said laughing.
-Why do you hate him so much?-
-The real question is why don't you?-
I just huffed at that and kept quiet for the rest of the time, until my car door was suddenly opened.
-Hey, are you okay?- Justin's voice sounded like music to my ears. He stuck his hand out to help me get out of the car. I took his hand, got out and I was surprised by a hug.
Justin is giving too many hugs lately and Jungkook is being too shameless... What's with them?!
-Oh come on, are you serious? It's not like I kidnapped her... If anything, she's safer with me than with you...- Jack got out of the car too and yelled at Justin.
Oh no, they are gonna get in a fight... And probably a physical one... Should I call for help?
-Shut up, we both know that's not true!- Justin stood in front of me, between me and Jack.
What is he trying to protect me from?
-Justin, or whatever your name is, your girlfriend told me everything... You know I could report you to the police...-
-No! Leave him alone!- I said, putting myself in front of Justin.
But he took me by my shoulders and brought me further away from Jack.
-Now, I need you to leave...- He whispered.
-Oh, hell no, that's never gonna happen... I was the one putting you in this mess and I'm sorry... I was just trying to protect your secret, but...-
-Shhh, it's okay... It doesn't matter... I'm not mad at you... Not yet... So just do as I told you and go...-
-You know, you've been mad at me since the day we met so it's not like I'm afraid of it...- I said, smiling and making a proud expression.
-Oh you're in trouble!- He said, with a challenging tone.
-I like trouble...- I said with an even more challenging one.

-If you lovebirds are done, I'd like to have a confrontation here...- Jack interrupted our little teasing.
-Why can't you just let it go, Jack?- I asked him, honestly confused.
-Don't you understand? He's just jealous... Because he can't have you...- Justin said to piss Jack off and I wasn't liking where this was going.
-Oh please... I'm just a concerned friend, we all know you're a violent person...-
-And you're a drunkard!-
At that, Jack threw himself on Justin. He grabbed the collar of Justin's shirt and started yelling at him.
-Shut up! You know that's not true! Stop using that story as leverage! I won't let you blackmail me any longer!-
Leverage? Blackmail? What am I missing here?

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