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-What do you mean by "sharing"? It's not like you're two different people, for God's sake!- His possessive attitude got on my nerves.
-We are and you know that!- He yelled back at me.
-You have the same fucking body! Stop acting like that's not true! Stop fucking lying to yourself!- I yelled louder.
Why do I always act like a fucking kid? Why am I yelling at him? And keep on upsetting him again and again?... But why am I even worried about him getting upset? He's the one who started this! But that's not an excuse... When will I stop messing up this relationship?

He looked like he wanted to fight back, but couldn't. He just huffed and went towards the front door and yanked it open.
Seriously Justin? That was your best option?
-Oh yeah, keep running away from the problems! Way to go! Don't even...- I stopped yelling as soon as I saw my parents on the other side of the doorway.
Justin was frozen in front of them and my mouth dropped open.
-Shina, what's going on?- My father's tone had never been so serious.
My jaw was still on the floor and I couldn't articulate, meanwhile Justin bowed to them.
-I apologize, sir... Now I'll take my leave...- He said and then left in a rush, leaving my parents confused.
They entered and closed the door.
-Shina, what was going on in here?- My mom asked, looking more worried than mad. The opposite of my father.
-Why were you and a random guy alone in this house? And why were you yelling like that?- My dad was scolding me like I was a kid.
-Dad, it's none of your business...-
Yeah, right, get your stupid ass grounded, Shina! Why not? I need to face palm myself so bad... Maybe I will knock some sense into myself.
-Shina! Don't say that to your father!-
-What happens under my roof IS my business, Shina! You better not challenge me!-
I was about to do another one of my stupid, daring remarks, but then I decided to shut up and just go into my room and lock myself up, to avoid other catastrophes.
I heard my dad still talking to me, saying that the conversation wasn't done or something along the line. I just put my earphones on and put some music at the maximum volume.

I stayed like that for hours, needing to clear my mind. And the more I kept thinking about it, the more I was mad at Justin.
How can he ask me to choose between him and Jungkook? I like both of them and I even told him... Well, I told Jungkook, but that's the same thing! He knows I said it... But why is he so upset about it? I mean, shouldn't he be happy? I like all of him, all of his personalities, everything... Why can't he just accept it? Why do they have to fight with each other all the time when they are literally the same person?
After all these thoughts, I started laughing so hard, when I remembered me a week ago saying that I didn't want a relationship until school was over. What a committed person I am! I'm seriously ridiculous...

It was really late and my parents were probably already sound asleep, so I decided to leave my room, since I was starving. My mom had left me dinner on the table, so I ate it and then went to sleep. It had been such a long and exhausting day, my eyes were basically closing on their own, I couldn't control them. So, as soon as I laid my head on the pillow, I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to my mom sitting on my bed and talking to me.
-Shina, your father is in the shower... I wanted to talk to you before you two get into a fight again-
I was still half asleep and wanted to tell her to let me sleep, but I was too tired to do that too, so I just kept listening.
-So, can you tell me what's going on? Who was that boy? Why were you upset? Did something bad happen?-
Way too many questions for a Sunday morning, mum!
-You know you can always talk to me- She added and I could see she was really trying to communicate with me, to see if I was alright. So I decided to answer.
-Mum, everything's okay... He's just a friend... We had a fight... Friends fight sometimes, you know...- I said with my sleepy voice.
-Are you sure you're ok?-
-Yes, mum, I'm fine... I'll be even better if you let me sleep for another hour...- I said, putting the covers on my head.
-I'm sorry, I can't! It's already late! We have to go to your grandma! Come on! Get up! Rise and shine!- She said enthusiastically, taking the covers off of me and making me shiver from the loss of heat. Thanks mum!

I got up and checked my phone. Yuna had texted me that she got home safe and sound and that she missed me already. I texted her back saying that I was missing her too and that the whole Jungkook/Justin situation had turned into a mess. She was probably gonna call me once she read the text, in the meantime I had breakfast and started to get ready to go to grandma.

After me apologizing to my dad for the way I talked to him the night before, we got into the car and my dad drove us to grandma's house. We had lunch and after that my phone started to ring. I excused myself and went to another room to answer.
-Hey big freak- I said opening the call.
-Little freak! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier, I was saying hi to my friends here and didn't see the text... So what the hell happened?- I was so glad to hear her voice.
-Well, what do I begin with?-

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