What Do I Do?

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-Wow, little freak, this is on a whole new level of "mess"!- Yuna said from the other end of the line after I told her what had happened the night before.
-I know! And I have zero clue on how to solve this! I know it's Saturday night there and you probably want to go out with your friends and have fun, but I really need help with this...- I said, sounding desperate.
-Oh don't worry about it... I'm not really in the mood for a night out-
-Is this a joke? You're always in the mood for a night out!- I said, not believing my ears.
-Yeah, well... You know, I'm tired and... I think I'm gonna call Chris later...-
-Oh, you already miss Chris, don't you? I mean he was missing you the second you got onto the plane, so... Fair enough...-
-Oh really??-
-Yep, you guys are cute... And for me to say this, I mean...-
I could hear her laugh.
-Yeah, I know and I'm glad you're happy for us... But now let's talk about your love life, not mine... So, you and Justin got into a fight, what's new! But you actually like each other... But you don't know if Jungkook likes you... But do you think it's possible for him not to like you? I mean, they're the same person, how can they not feel the same way? I don't know, I think you should talk to him...-
-To who?? Jungkook or Justin? I mean, I know I should talk to both of them... But who should I talk to first?- I asked, while I was eating my finger nails because of the stress.
-Well, let me think... Ok, I think you should first try to figure out if Jungkook likes you too... Because if he doesn't... Oh boy!- She said, sounding like an old lady and making me laugh, even though the situation was the opposite of funny. That's why I love to talk to her when I'm in trouble, she gives the best advices and at the same time she can make you laugh.
-You're right, I need to talk to Jungkook... Thanks, big freak! I love you and I miss you!-
-Yeah yeah, whatever, now go and get that man!-
-Ahahah you're crazy!-
-Oh, thank you, you too!-
-Love you, bye- And she hung up.
Now I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't know if I was going to have the courage to do it.

We stayed at grandma's a little longer, then in the afternoon we said bye and left to go back home. Once I was back at my house, I went straight to my room, sat on the bed and took my phone. I opened the chat with Jungkook and I just stared at it for a good ten minutes.
What am I gonna tell him? I don't even know if he's Jungkook or Justin right now?
Finally I texted him.

Shina: Hey, Jungkook? You there? Can I talk to you?

After a few minutes he texted back.

Jungkook: Hey, Shina, yeah it's me... I think we should talk too. Where do we meet?

Shina: Is it okay if I come to your place?

I had to wait ten minutes to get an answer. Maybe I went overboard! Who invites herself at someone's house? I'm so stupid...

Jungkook: I guess it's fine...

He didn't sound convinced, but the next text I got was an address, so I forgot about my doubts, took my purse and texted him back.

Shina: I'll be there...

I said bye to my parents, not leaving them the time to ask me where I was going and then I left my house.
I checked the address and it wasn't that far, so I decided to walk there.

Twenty minutes later I was in front of his house. I felt nervous like a kid on their first school recital.
I mean, it's just his house, no big deal, right? Even though this house looks pretty big! Is his dad rich or something? Wait, is his dad home?
While I was lost in my thoughts, the door opened, but I hadn't even rang the bell.
-Hey- Jungkook said with a shy smile. -I saw you from the peephole, why didn't you ring the bell?-
-Oh, I... I was about to... I was just, you know, making sure this was the right place...- I answered awkwardly.
-You can... come in...- He said, opening the door wider.
I smiled and got inside. The house looked big also from the inside. It was like a huge open space with living room and kitchen all connected and then wooden stairs that probably led to the bedrooms on the second floor.
He invited me to sit on the couch and we both sat there. A few seconds of awkward silence passed by, until I decided to talk.
-I need to ask you something!-
Wow, we're going straight to the point, aren't we? Good job, Shina!
-Go ahead...- He said, looking a bit scared of what I might ask, which made me loose a bit of my confidence.
-Uhmm... Is your dad home?-
Yeah, I knew that you weren't going to make it, Shina... What did I expect?
-No... I'm... We're... Alone...-
And the great news is, I probably made him more uncomfortable by asking this than by asking him if he likes me... So now it's gonna be child's play!
-Uhmm... Good... So... Do you like me, by any chance?-
I can confidently say that this is one of the most awkward and cringey moments of your life, Shina! You go, girl!
He was not speaking, he looked like he had seen a ghost. So I started talking, because that silence was driving me crazy.
-I mean, because you basically know what went down last night, right? And Justin went all crazy about me liking both of you... And we yelled at each other... Well, what's new! But anyway, the thing is that I'm trying to understand how to handle this situation and I...- My nervous talk was interrupted by his voice.

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