Jack, I...

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At lunch break I was ready to talk to Jungkook and try to understand why he acted like that a few hours earlier, but he went to the cafeteria with the others and I couldn't stop him and ask him to talk. I went with them and while our friends were chatting like usual, we were quiet.

-Hey, you two, everything ok?- Both our heads turned towards Namjoon, who asked the question.
We looked at each other for a second and then answered at the same time.
-Everything ok-
-I'm never gonna understand you two, honestly...- Seokjin said, shrugging.
-Yeah, it always looks like you're hiding something from us...- Hoseok added.
-Oh, I know for sure that they're hiding something...- Soojin said, making the eyes of everyone at the table go wide. -...but I know that whatever it is, they're gonna tell us when they feel it's the right time... So just let them be, people!- She then added, looking at the three curious boys.
Weirdly enough, they listened to her and didn't ask any more questions.
It was then that I got Jack's text.

Jack: Hey, I need to talk to you, can I pick you up after school?

-Hey, who's that, Shina?- Hoseok asked, smirking unnecessarily.
-Seokie, what did I just say?- Soojin scolded him.
-You said to not ask about the two of them, not about Shina's texts!- Hoseok defended himself.
-It's okay, Soo... Uhmm it's just Jack... He's asking if he can pick me up after school to talk about something...- I explained, before Soojin and Hoseok started fighting.
-Oh... Did you two spend the weekend together by any chance? Is this why we haven't heard from you all weekend?- Hoseok kept smirking.
All of a sudden, Jungkook stood up.
-Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom...- He said, then left.
What's with him today?

-So, can I ask you about Jack?- Soojin asked, distracting me from Jungkook's behavior.
-Well there's not much to say... I mean, we're just friends...- I answered honestly.
-And are you sure he knows that?- She asked.
-Well... I hope so...-
-I think you should meet up with him and say it clearly-
Yuna's and SooSoo's advices are the only ones I know I can trust.
-Ok, I'll text him back...- I said.

Shina: Yeah, I'll see you after school

The lunch break was over and we got back to class, but Jungkook wasn't there and he would never get back to class late. Where is he?
Lesson started and I was getting worried. 10 minutes later he finally arrived, even the teacher was shocked.
-Jungkook, is everything ok? You're never late...-
-I apologize Mr Park... It won't happen again...- He answered with a low voice.
For the whole lesson I glanced at him, trying to make sure he was ok, but I couldn't quite figure it out.
He looked like the usual Jungkook, focused on the lesson, but on the other hand he looked a bit annoyed, his eyes looked like Justin's, but it couldn't be. Could it?

Once lessons were over, I packed my stuff rapidly. Jack texted me, saying he was waiting for me outside, but I wanted to talk to Jungkook first. But when I looked up from my bag he was already gone.
-Guys, where's Jungkook?- I asked to my group of friends.
-He flew out of the door as soon as the bell rang... He's been weird all day...- Namjoon answered.
I said bye to them and tried to find Jungkook. I saw him at the other end of the hallway. I ran to catch up with him but I couldn't. The sea of students made me lose track of him and just like that he disappeared.

I decided not to make Jack wait and that I was going to call Jungkook later, so I exited the school. Jack was leaning on his car right in front of the gates.
-Hi- He greeted me, smiling.
-Hi- I answered.
-So, should we go somewhere else?- He asked, pointing at his car.
-Yeah, sure...- I said and he opened the car door for me.
Once he got in the driver seat, he started driving.
-So, how did your day go?- He asked during the ride.
-Uhmm, normal, I guess...- I answered, not completely convinced.
-If you're not in the mood and want to go home, just tell me... It's okay...-
-What? No no don't worry, it's fine... I was just thinking about something else, sorry...-
-It's okay...-
For the rest of the drive we didn't speak. Then we finally arrived to the bar we had been to with Yuna and Chris last time. We got inside and ordered something to drink.

-So, uhmm... I wanted to talk to you about something- He started to say when we were seated at a table with our drinks. -Well, you already know that... I'm sorry...- He looked kinda nervous.
-Jack, it's okay... Tell me...- I said, trying to make him feel less nervous.
-It's not easy... The thing is... I really like you and I think you know that... But it's also pretty clear by now that you think of me as just a friend... And I hope that I haven't made you feel pressured or something... What I'm trying to say is that I really don't want to mess up our friendship because of this... I'm fine with being your friend, because I really enjoy spending time with you... And I hope you don't feel weird about me having a crush on you... I guess I'll get over it at some point... I just wish we could keep on being friends...-
He got it all out of his chest, I could see he was way more relaxed now. But I didn't really know what to think at that point. I needed a few seconds to process everything. After that, I finally spoke again.
-Jack, I...-

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