This Weird Feeling

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Am I a stupid or what? He just offered me his help with homeworks, which by the way is the thing I find most boring, and still here I am blushing like a stupid little girl. What's wrong with me? What's this weird feeling I get whenever I'm around him? I hate it.

-Uhmm, yeah, I'll get going now, bye...- I said, leaving like I was in a rush, which probably left him confused.
But his voice stopped me two seconds later.
-Hey- I turned to face him and waited for him to continue. -Can you keep this whole thing between us?- He asked.
I just nodded, after having magically lost my voice.
-Thank you...- He said and after a quick, awkward smile I rapidly turned and started walking again, without a word.
That wasn't me, I'm not like this, but I become another person every time I'm with him. I get shy, which I never am, and then I get curious, which I never am either. And then I want to bully him and then I care for him.
This is madness.

On my way back home, I got a message from the group chat that I have with Soojin and Hoseok.

The Freaks

SooSoo: Shina, did you really go to Jungkook's house? Since when are you two that close?

Seokie: The real question is, since when did you need help with math? You're always the one helping me out...

Shina: Guys I just needed some help, I'm not a genius... And no, we aren't close, I just asked him because he is the top of our class...

SooSoo: Mmh I don't know... You two are being a bit suspicious lately... Are you sure you have nothing to tell us?

Seokie: Wait a sec! What did I miss???

Shina: Nothing Hoseok, she's just being paranoid...

SooSoo: Mmh yeah whatever...


I've always been bad at lying. I'm the most honest person and my friends know that. I always say what's on my mind and even if I don't say it, my face says it all. This has always been a problem for me, since people don't like honesty. That's why I only have two friends, who are just like me, outcasts. We became friends because none of us would fit in. Hoseok was too hyperactive and loud to be taken seriously, Soojin was too beautiful to be friends with other girls because they were jealous or with boys because they would try to hit on her. And I, well, I was too much of everything, too honest, too arrogant, too critical, too much of a lone wolf.

I didn't like lying to my friends, but I promised Jungkook I would keep the secret and for some reason I didn't want to break that promise.

Once I got home, Yuna welcomed me by screaming at the top of her lungs.
-Shinaaa! Oh. My. Gosh. You have to hear this! The Stone brothers invited us to a double date!- She said, super excited, while I was still trying to get through the front door.
-Who?- I asked confused.
-Christian and Jack! You don't even know their last name?- She said, dramatically face-palming.
-Oh them... Wait, they did what?-
-Well it's not like a date date, more of a 'let's take a coffee together' date- She explained.
-Wait, did Jack actually ask for me?-
-Yeah! Chris says he can't stop talking about you-
I was a bit surprised about it. I mean, yes we got along pretty well on Saturday night, but I didn't think he would want to meet me again. He didn't even ask for my number.
-So, is it a yes?- She asked me, interrupting my trail of thoughts.
-What? Oh, I mean, I don't know... If it's not a date then yes... You know, I don't want a boyfriend...-
-You know that's impossible, right? I mean if it's not him, it's gonna be someone else, but you're young and you're gonna fall in love at some point-
-Ew, love... Gross!- I said, pretending to be about to throw up, making Yuna a laughing mess.
-Ok, so what about tomorrow?- She said once she stopped laughing.
-Yeah, whatever...- I said, while getting into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.
-It's gonna be great!- She said, enthusiastically, from the other side of the door.

I mean, it's not that I'm not happy about seeing Jack again. He's a nice guy and really really handsome, but I don't want a relationship, so I should try to make him understand that we can be just friends and nothing more.

With these thoughts I got into the shower, being finally able to relax. It had been a long day and also pretty intense, I would say.
The whole situation with Jungkook had taken away a huge part of my energy and my muscles were sore, from apparently being tense during the whole day.
After a long and deserved shower, Yuna and I spent the evening watching a movie and after that she talked about Chris for what seemed like hours until we both fell asleep.

The next morning I was ready to go to school, but before leaving Yuna, who was still half asleep, reminded me about our appointment in the afternoon.
-Hey, don't forget we have to be at the Café by seven tonight, so come straight home after school- She said, from her bed, with a morning voice.
-Sure, boss. See ya- I waved from the front door even though she couldn't see me and I got out.

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