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We were getting closer and closer to my house, while talking and laughing about what a day it had been. When we got into my house's street I saw someone standing near my front door. At first I thought it was a thief who was trying to get into my house and I was alarmed, but the closer we got the more that figure looked like it was just waiting, awkwardly I would say. We were just a few meters away from my house and Jack and Chris didn't seem to notice the person in front of my house, they were busy fighting about who was their mom's favorite, I think, I'm not sure, I wasn't really paying attention.
Even though it was dark, I could finally see a glimpse of his face when he turned towards the car.
Oh my God! That's Jungkook!
At that point I was even more alarmed than when I thought it was a burglar. He seemed to have my same reaction when he saw the car, probably because he recognized Chris's car. He rapidly went to hide behind a tree or something, I couldn't see clearly. Just in time, because Jack pulled over in front of my house and got out of the car.

-Oh you don't need to walk me to the door!- I said trying to stop him, but he was already walking around the car to open the car door for me.
-Hey, Shina, thanks for today... I'm sorry if I wasted your time- Chris said to me from the back seat.
-Oh no, don't even say it... I had fun! We should do it again!- It sounded not so honest, not because it wasn't, more because I was nervous about them seeing Jungkook.
-Lady...- Jack said, opening the car door and sticking out his hand to help me. I said bye to Chris and got out of the car.

-Jack, you really don't have to...- I said, while he was making his way towards my house.
-But I want to...- He said, smiling to me.
I kept looking around to check if Jungkook was anywhere to be seen. Then I got lost in my thoughts, wandering if it was really Jungkook or if it was Justin. He had his glasses on, so it must have been Jungkook.
-Hey, something wrong?- Jack asked me, looking around like I was doing.
-No, absolutely not... Uhm... Thanks for today... See you soon, I guess...- I said, hurriedly.
-Yeah, I had fun today... Thank you for helping me out with my brother...- He said, getting closer and finally my focus was on him.
What's going on?
He was really close and I couldn't really understand if he wanted to kiss me or not.
Damn, I thought we were doing fine at being friends!
I panicked, so not wanting to risk him kissing me I hugged him.
-Bye Jack!- I said, letting go of him and opening my front door.
I got inside and waved at him, he got the hint and waved back, turning around and walking towards the car.
I closed the door and released the breath I had been holding for the previous five minutes.

I heard the car leaving a few moments later and then I heard someone knocking at my door.
I opened the door and it was him. It was clearly Jungkook, I could tell not only by his appearance, the glasses, the clothes, but also by the way he was standing. He didn't have Justin's confident posture.
-What the hell are you doing here?- I said, checking if Chris's car was gone and pulling him inside by his sleeve.
Once I closed the door, he spoke up.
-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were with them...- He said, watching the floor, clearly feeling uneasy.
-How do you even know where I live?- I asked, confused.
-I texted Hoseok...- He looked really embarrassed.
And he should be, he basically ambushed me!
-You shouldn't have!- I said, regretting my scolding tone, right after the words came out of my mouth.
-I'm sorry, if you want me to, I'll leave...-
I lost all my cockiness the second he lifted his eyes and looked at me.
Shit! Why is he so damn cute?! What am I even saying?!
-Uhmm... Well, you're here, so... You might as well tell me what you wanted to say...- I said, now being the one feeling uneasy.
-Oh, I just... Well... I wanted to check if everything was okay between us... I mean, just wanted to make sure you knew that it was Justin, not me...-
-Oh, yeah, don't worry, that's crystal clear...- I said with a slightly annoyed tone.
-And why do I feel like you're mad at me?- He asked me with his puppy eyes.
-Never mind...- I said under my breath, trying to get away from him and his cute looks.
-No, wait... Explain...- He said, holding onto my sleeve. I stopped.
-Please...- He added, letting go of me.

-Jungkook, let it go... Really...- I said, trying to convince him to forget about the topic.
-Ok, then I'll try and guess and you tell me if I'm right...- He was really determined.
I huffed and let him go on with his act.
-So, are you mad at me because I came tonight without telling you?- He asked.
-Well, it didn't help your position...- I said, more to myself than to him, but he heard me.
-So you were already mad at me? Is it about last night? Are you mad because I... interrupted you and Justin?- I blushed instantly.
How can he say that so blatantly?!
-What do you mean?- I asked, shocked.
-I mean, were you... enjoying it?-
Oh my God! Is he serious right now? Where did he find all this courage all of a sudden?!
-What?! I... What are you talking about?!- I was stuttering for the embarrassment.
-Well, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised... Every girl likes him...- He said, looking down.
I was ready to yell at him for bragging about that, but I realized he looked kinda sad. I mean, is he jealous that girls like Justin? It's still him, so what's the problem?

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