The Beginning

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After our little sweet moment, Justin and I walked to my house while talking about what had just happened with Jack.
-Oh and by the way, thanks for trying to protect me...- He said when we were almost at my house.
-You don't have to thank me, I did it because I promised to keep the secret, remember? And I never break my promises... Just like you...-
-Yeah... Jack surely didn't know that...- He added, laughing.

When we were in front of my house, he gave me a quick kiss and said bye before leaving. Just like couples do, but I still wasn't sure if we were one. Once I was at home, I looked at my phone. I had some unread texts from the group chat.

The Freaks And The Geeks

Seokie: Ok, what just happened? Shina? Jungkook?

SooSoo: I'm confused... So that was Jack?

Jinie: Does he know Jungkook?

Joonie: Why did he call him differently?

Seokie: We need answers guys! Where are you??

Shina: Sorry guys, I was with Jack... Don't worry, it was all a misunderstanding... Jack said Jungkook looked like someone he knew, that's all...

Jinie: And why is Jungkook not answering?

Shina: He's probably doing his homework, you know how he is...

Joonie: Right! We should've figured...

And that problem was solved too. Our friends didn't suspect anything and Jungkook's/Justin's secret was safe. I didn't like lying to my friends, but I couldn't say anything. I had already talked about it with Yuna and I felt guilty, even though it was because she forced me to. Yuna said she wasn't gonna say anything, but I knew it would have been hard once Chris and her were going to meet again. I was only hoping for the situation to be solved naturally, which meant Justin and Jungkook becoming one again and no more secrets to hide. But that was just a hope.

The next day, I met Jungkook at school and he asked me if everything was okay.
-Hey, don't worry... I'm okay and everything worked out just fine...- I said, to reassure him.
-Yeah, I know, but... I just wish I could have been there to help you...-
-You know you couldn't... It needed to be Justin...-
-I know I know... I just feel like I don't do enough for you...-
-Aww, shut up! You're the best boyfriend...- I said, kissing his cheek, which turned red.
And we spent the rest of that school Friday being glued to each other, just like the cheesiest of couples.

In the afternoon, Justin texted me to tell me that we were going to meet at the Armybomb.

Jus(I'm better than Jungkook)tin😎: So, are you gonna dance with me or you think you're not on my level?

He then proceeded to tease me, because that's how he is.

Shina: Never seen someone asking a girl to dance this way... Sure it's creative, don't know about flattering...

Jus(I'm better than Jungkook)tin😎: Just say you liked it and say yes

Shina: Whatever... I need to change you're contact name!

Jus(I'm better than Jungkook)tin😎: Why? It's perfect!

Shina: Too late...

Justin(the annoying one): I feel violated! You're gonna pay for this one too...

Shina: You keep saying that... I think it's starting to sound less and less threatening...

I loved the relationship I had with Justin, we finally weren't bumping our heads anymore. We had found our balance, by teasing each other all the time. With Jungkook was all sweet and soft and sometimes surprisingly hot and with Justin all challenging and cheeky and sometimes surprisingly cute. It had been a difficult ride but finally I had both of them and I was happier than ever.
Actually Justin never said we were together, so I was a bit unsure about that, but at least I knew we felt the same way about each other.

That night, I said bye to my parents and took a taxi. Justin was waiting for me in front of the Armybomb, just like the time before.
-I need to convince Jungkook to take the driving license. I can't have my girlfriend taking a taxi to meet me...- He said, as soon as I got out of the taxi.
Did he say girlfriend?
-Uhmm what did you just say?-
-That I need to convince.....-
-After that!-
-That I can't have my girlfriend....-
-I'm your....-
-Girlfriend? Yes... Was that not clear?-
-I must've missed something...-
-Well you like me, I like you, we kissed, that's all pretty self explanatory to me...-
-But...- I was about to dig deeper into the subject, but I decided it was best to leave things as they were and don't ask any more questions. After all, I wasn't complaining. -No, nothing-
-Great... Shall we go inside?- He asked, sticking his hand out.
I gladly took it and we entered the Armybomb hand in hand. And that was just the beginning of our love story and of my boyfriend's healing process, which wasn't free of hard times, but it sure was worth it. Cause even if I still didn't want to admit it, I was in love.

The End

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for... Well, baby, you are all that I adore... If love is what you need, a soldier I will be..."

If you read this far, thank you...
Mypoornerves 💜
Aug 18, 2019

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