The Shared Pain

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-Ju... Jungkook?- I asked, hesitantly, to check if he did switch or not.
-What about him, now?- He answered, annoyed.
So he didn't switch. Then why did he talk about stuff that Jungkook did as if he did them?
-No, nothing... I mean, go on, tell me what happened...-
-Well, nothing much... Jungkook was trying to talk to him, after he showered... About you, actually... And also about school... Boring, but whatever... The thing is, he wasn't even listening to him, or better he was trying to but it looked really forced... So I got really annoyed and I kinda yelled at him and left... And here I am... Always doing what Jungkook can't... Doing his dirty work...-
-Jus... I'm sorry... But I'm gonna be honest with you... The thing is... You probably don't see it, but your father is hurting as much as you do... It's not like he doesn't care, he's probably just trying to learn how to be a single parent...-
-I don't see him try! I see him ignoring me! Avoiding me! For years now!- He countered.
-Well, maybe that's because he hasn't found a better way to solve the situation... After all, your way to solve it wasn't that much better...-
As soon as I realized what I had said, I widened my eyes, looking for a mad expression on his face, but I was surprised to see him smile bitterly.
-You're right... My way of dealing with my pain was to push Jungkook away so why wouldn't my dad do the same?-
-I don't think he's pushing you or Jungkook away, I think he's just trying to find a way to have a relationship with you, without your mother involved... You know, it's not that easy... You should just try to meet him halfway...-
I saw him pondering. He was listening to me, he was actually valuing my advice. So I continued.
-I think if you just talked to your dad heart to heart, all the misunderstandings would be cleared up and you and your dad would have a better relationship... A relationship in which you both don't use your pain to push each other away but you share that pain to be stronger and closer to each other... But that's just my opinion, so...-
-Thank you- He interrupted me. -I'll try and do what you said...- He continued, scratching his nape as if he was embarrassed to say that I was right and he was wrong. But I was going to tease him about that later. It wasn't the right time.
-You don't need to thank me...- I said, smiling and I saw the smile coming back on his face too. But then he got serious again. He was like a roller coaster that night.
-Is it... Is it still my honesty time?-
His question threw me off guard.
-It can always be your honesty time...- I said, curious to know more.
-Uhmm I... No, nothing... I'll get going now...-
For some reason I decided not to push him to say what he was thinking. He had already opened up to me enough for one night.
-Okay... You can always call me in the middle of the night if you have something to tell me...- I said, jokingly.
-I'll do...- He answered with a wink, before leaving.
I wanted a goodnight kiss, but I had to settle with what I had: a deeper knowing of the guy I was falling for. I guessed it was enough and called it a day.
Luckily my parents didn't wake up even when I got back into the house. So I happily went to sleep.

The next day at school, Jungkook apologized for Justin's late visit.
-Did he wake you up?- He asked, concerned.
-No, don't worry... I was more than happy to help... I hope I helped you too...-
-You always do...- He said, shamelessly kissing me in front of everyone.
-Wooo, the hottest couple in school... You guys are getting clingier by the minute... Seriously, get a hold of yourselves!- Hoseok said, joking around.
-Yeah, seriously, we're not ready to be uncles, Jungkook!- Seokjin hit Jungkook on his shoulder.
-Hey! What are you saying?! Shut up!- Jungkook became as red as a tomato and everyone laughed. I would have laughed too, if I wasn't so embarrassed and at the same time distracted by the thoughts that were clouding my mind. Let's just say they were not so innocent thoughts. But I tried to push them away. Probably Jungkook wasn't even thinking about that anyway.
After a while of our friends mocking us, the bell rang and we all got inside for another long day at school. Halfway through the day I realized my phone had died, because the night before with Justin's visit I forgot to put it into charge. But I just ignored the fact, not imagining what it was going to cause.

After the day at school, we were all outside, saying bye to each other. Jungkook was holding my hand and I don't even remember what we were talking about, because what happened next was way more dramatic.
-Shina?... Justin?!- I knew that voice and in that moment it sounded like trouble.
I was in shock and I couldn't turn to face him, but Hoseok had something to say.
-Uhmm, how do you know Shina? And I think you're mistaken, that's our friend Jungkook, we don't know any Justin around here...-
I finally turned and saw a confused expression on Jack's face. He was standing in front of his car, more shocked than ever.
-Shina, I'm sure there's an explanation for this...- He said, hoping I could say something that would make everything clear, but there was nothing I could say to make this situation clear.
I just went with my guts and tried to protect all the people I loved.
-You go home, I'll handle this...- I whispered to Jungkook.
-No, wait...- He tried to stop me, but he knew it would have been useless.
-Guys, I'll see you tomorrow...- I said to my friends before walking up to Jack.
-Let's go for a ride...-

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