66 - The Final Push

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Reach too far
And burn your hands on the stars
The stronger the fire
The brighter the light in your eyes

I'll let you bleed until you break
Die before you wake
Take your heart away
Never knowing why you fight at all
Why you never fall
Why you're holding on
Until you break
Until you break. - Until You Break - End of the Dream

Davyna's POV

As I take in my surroundings, I see that my fellow kin of hybrids have joined into the fight. Freya sniffs that air, trying to sniff out Elijah, but we come up empty. There's too much blood and death around to be able to track him.

Freya huffs in annoyance with me as I sigh internally, pissed off that I can't find him.

Freya and I continue to look around and we spot one of the back doors of the Hollow open.

Oh no.

I quickly mind-link Caleb and Vincent.

D - One of the doors is open. I think Elijah snuck inside! -

V - Let's go. It's pretty much handled out here with the hybrids in play now. -

C - I'll mind-link Marcella and Sage and tell them to get ahold of us if anything changes out here. -

D - Sounds good. -

I break the link and Freya grabs my weapons in her teeth and we run towards the open door, dodging some other fighting that is still happening.

Once we step inside, Freya gives me back control, dropping my weapons to the floor with a small clang. I stretch and wipe some blood off my face and I see Vincent's arm extend in front of me with some clothing. We had put some around the compound in case we needed them. Good thing we did or I'd be fighting stark naked.

I pull my hybrid state forward as I put my harnesses back on, and sniff the air as Caleb walks up beside me and does the same thing. My eyes widen as I catch the scent of Elijah.

"He definitely came in here..." I trail off as Caleb growls. "He probably headed for the council room. That's where everyone who isn't fighting would be."

"Matthias.... he's going after Matthias!" I shriek and take off towards the council room, with Vincent and Caleb right on my heels.

- - -

I burst through the doors of the council room, and as I come into the large room, my eyes scan around and land on Elijah, who is standing in the middle of the room, Matthias beside him. He doesn't look hurt, but I can't be sure.

I walk forward slowly, and I see the bodies of Caleb's father and Vincent's mother laying near Elijah's feet, unmoving, while their counterparts are on their knees to the left of Elijah, clearly injured badly.

"No.." I say quietly, and as Caleb and Vincent approach each side of me and growl and snarl in response.

"You're going to pay, Elijah. Let him go. Now." My voice echoes slightly around the room, and the only response I get is a slight chuckle from Elijah.

"Why would I listen to you? I mean you couldn't even save your poor mother." He trails off and I scoff. "That was a long time ago, you know I'm different now, so don't bother playing mind games with me. It won't work. It just makes you look pathetic."

He hisses at me in response. "Fine. You want your chance at me?"

I smirk. "You know I do."

I gasp as he throws Matthias then, him hitting the wall with a sickening crack and slumping down to the floor. I go to run to him, but Caleb stops me. "We've got him. You kill that son of a bitch."

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