41 - Meeting the Pack

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Oh, I try and I try
To be a man but sometimes
If I breathe it's alright
Some things don't change
I'm still learning to love myself (to love my, to love my, to love my)

Who I am, what I'm on
Who I've hurt and where they've gone
I know that I've done some wrong
But I'm trying to make it right
Did the one I love do me wrong?
Give me up right now
I'm still learning to love myself. - Still Learning - Halsey

Davyna's POV

I hold onto Caleb's hand tightly as we enter the large packhouse. I'm more nervous then I'd like to admit, as we walk side-by-side through the large front glass door. As soon as we enter, Caleb pulls me in and kisses my hair. "They'll love you. Stop worrying."

I sigh as we enter into a room on the left side of the entranceway. "This is where the pack members can come for meals made by the kitchen staff - who also are all pack members. My grandmother, Grand Luna Amelia oversees everything here." I look around the room and see scattered pack members sitting around and eating at the multiple tables that fill the room. There is a large banquet table alongside the large front wall across from us and the doorway that is filled with all sorts of food. Another large table is at the head of the room, and I can only guess that is where Caleb and I would sit. It just screams hierarchy.

I hear and see the large kitchen doors beside the banquet table open and and an elderly woman enters, walking with pride as she wipes her hands on a towel that is tied into her apron.

"Caleb, is this her?" I hear her ask excitedly as she approaches us. "Yes, grandmother. This is Davyna. My mate." I hear the beaming pride in his statement and it makes me blush slightly as Caleb rests his hand on the small of my back. Amelia grasps my hands in hers. Her hands are soft, and a scent of freshly baked bread comes off of her as she looks me over.

"I am Caleb's grandmother, Amelia. I am so pleased to meet you, Davyna. My goodness you are a beauty." She cups my face with one hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Grand Luna." I use her official title, as I place my hand over hers on my face and she chuckles. "I appreciate the respect in addressing me, but please. You are family. Call me Amelia." I smile. "Of course."

"Come with me, both of you." She pulls me with her as we walk back into the kitchen area, the definite source of that wonderful smell. She hands me a package of which Caleb takes from my hands as he comes up behind me. "Make sure to take that back to your house with you Caleb. I made some goodies for you both to have while you're here." Caleb smells the basket. "Thank you, grandmother. I'm sure we will enjoy everything in here."

She turns to face me again. "If this one" - she points at Caleb - "is ever too busy and you want some company, you are welcome to come hang out with me. I could use help some days, if you're up for it."

"I would love to help out, Amelia." I smile as she grasps my hands again. "I look forward to it. I'll let you get back to the tour and meeting the rest of the pack. Oh.. you both will be joining us here for dinner right?"

Caleb chimes in. "Yes, grandmother. We will be here."

"6pm. Sharp. Don't be late, grandson." Caleb leans down as she hugs him and kisses his cheek. "We won't be late, promise." Amelia nods at him and heads back to her station as Caleb and I leave, basket of goodies in hand. We continue down the main hallway, closed doors lining most of the walls. The hallway breaks off left and right and Caleb points down each as he tells me what rooms they are.

"Left side is a rest area with multiple rooms and bunks for anyone who needs it. Then the right side leads to the pack bathrooms and storage. Upstairs mainly consists of offices and meeting rooms. My father's office, the Beta's and I have a secondary small office up there as well."

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