24 - Vampire Kisses

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There's nothing ever wrong, but nothing's ever right
Such a cruel contradiction
I know I crossed the line, it's not easy to define
I'm born to indecision
There's always something new, some path I'm supposed to choose
With no particular rhyme or reason. - Burning Bright - Shinedown

Davyna's POV

I wake up to Sage on the phone. "Mom, It's been completely fine here. I'm having the best time with Davyna." I can't hear the other side of the conversation, but Sage's mom can be just as stubborn as she is. I really hope we can convince her that it's okay for Sage to live here. I really need my friend, even more so now since this whole Caleb kiss business.

I can't believe yesterday even happened. I was so angry at him and then he kissed me and it just melted away everything. I forgot where I was, what I was even thinking. All I felt was him, on me smothering me with a kiss so intense that I wasn't sure I could stop. Would it be like that with Vincent? I can only imagine, because I can only assume it won't happen now that he witnessed Caleb and I.

I feel so guilty. I didn't even give Vincent any type of chance.

Sage hangs up the phone, sighs loudly and flops down on her back on the bed beside me. "Sorry if I woke you. Mom's worried as usual."

"It's alright, I get it. Have you told them you want to stay yet?" She shakes her head, messing up her blond hair on the blankets. "I don't want to say anything until I speak to your dad so he can back me up when they call him freaking."

"Good call. Do you want me to get ahold of my dad? He's pretty busy but I'm sure I can get you an appointment to see him sometime today."

"I called Kraven already and he's actually got me in to see him later today. Are you gonna be okay while I go?" She rolls onto her stomach and looks at me with a serious expression. "I'll be fine. I actually was going to go back to the archives and take a look into some more stuff so I can seem like I know something. I also head back to work tonight. "

"Oh right. Do you think I could come along?"

"I don't think Marcella would mind, but just text her and ask her to be sure." She nods. " I will."

I sit up and swing my legs over and off the bed. My feet touch the cold floor and I stretch. "I'm just gonna get ready quickly and head down to the archives, and then workout after. If you need me just give me a call okay?"

"You got it!" Sage replies as she heads out of the room. I quickly change into some grey sweatpants, a sports bra and throw on a zippered sweater. I unbraid my hair, run my fingers through it and put it in a high ponytail. I put my phone in my pocket, quickly apply some moisturizer to my face and hands and then head out of my room. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and wave bye to Sage sitting on the couch, as I grab my keycard and walk out the door.

Once I get to the archives room, I sit down in the same area all of us did yesterday. I asked for someone to pull some books for me since I have no ideas where to look. Plus with my hand still recovering, I wouldn't be able to carry them anyways. A few moments later, the large pile of books are placed in front of me and I look at them all.

"There's no way I'll get through all of this." I mumble to myself.

"Davyna?" I look up and see Vincent, book in hand. Of course. "Hi, Vincent." He's dressed pretty casually today, black jeans, white t-shirt. Come to think of it, It's the first time I've seen him so casual. Usually he's in a dress shirt of some sort. His golden blond hair is loosely tied back, with small pieces framing his face.

"Doing some research of your own?" He asks with a slight smile. "I am, what are you doing?"

He glances down at the book in his hand, "Oh just going over some information I read about yesterday when we were here. Care if I join you?"

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