57 - Treason

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When you feel all alone
Remember we are one and more
Together we will be alright
And it feels like home
When you're left on your own
Feel the heartbeats of us all
You are one, we are one. - We Are One - VENUES

Davyna's POV

"You can't go home just yet. There is still the rituals for Caleb, Vincent and Marcella."

I sigh. "Then we need to do those ASAP and then get on our way. There's no way to know when he plans to attack."

"I'll go talk with the elders and see if we can't do it first thing tomorrow morning. That way the travel back won't be too bad and you'll still have daylight." Declan states as he stands and heads out, leaving all of us to ponder what we just concluded.

The silence is suffocating as I look to Caleb and Vincent who are just as speechless. I hear Marcella put the scissors down behind me and she says quietly. "I'm done." I turn back catching her gaze and I smile lightly. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Of course. Anytime." She says as she turns to tidy up.

I stand and stretch, some of my joints cracking from sitting for so long. I run my hands through my now shorter curls, actually taking a liking to them. They sit just past my shoulders in tighter ringlets. Definitely more manageable now. I sigh as I feel Caleb come up behind me and massage my shoulders.

"Thank you." I say and suddenly there is a knock on the door. I shoot a puzzled look as Vincent stands and shrugs. He makes his way over and opens it and in the doorway are a man and a woman who I don't recognize.

"Can we help you?" Vincent asks, and they nod.

"We would like to speak with Davyna, if we could. We're her parents."

I can't stop my jaw from dropping open as I take them in at the door.

My birth parents are here. To see me.

- - -

I can hear my heart thumping loudly as I watch my birth parents enter into the room, after Vincent lets them in.

"Do you need us here Davyna or are you okay?" Caleb asks and I shake my head. "I'll be okay. I'll come find you both later." Not a moment later, the door shuts behind my mates and I stand there, suddenly speechless as I take them both in.

My mother is around the same height as me, with those same cloudy grey eyes that match mine. Her face is rounder and smaller, with long lashes and thinner lips. Her hair is a white blond and falls past her shoulders in waves. My father is taller, muscular with jet back short curls. His eyes are a striking green, like emeralds. He has a short beard with a more square face and jaw. I can see how both Declan and I have taken physical attributes of them both. There's no doubt they are my true parents.

"I am Diana, your father's name is Kieran. We are so happy to finally see you again, Davyna." Diana says to me with tears brimming in her eyes.

Kieran clears his throat. "We wished that this was under different circumstances, but we wanted to say that we have missed you terribly, and that we are sorry for what you've had to endure. We are partly to blame for that, and we are truly sorry daughter." I'm surprised at how calm their voices are. I mean I never even thought as to what they would have looked like, nor sounded like even. But I didn't know I was even adopted until a little bit ago.

"It wasn't your fault, at all. Please don't blame yourselves." I state, my voice shaking slightly.

"We saw some of your training with Diaz. We are so proud of you. You are so strong." Diana says with adoration and I find myself smiling at her. "I appreciate that, thank you."

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