32 - Spit the Truth

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I'm on the outside looking through
I know I'm not the same as you
I'd rather be faceless than ignored
Than be in the in-crowd desperate for
A way to fit in just a little more
I am an outsider
I don't care about the in-crowd, no
Better off on my own now
I am an outsider
I don't care about the in-crowd, no
I'm better off on my own now. - I am an Outsider - Three Days Grace

Davyna's POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since Dad was attacked and I fought with Maria in that clearing. He's currently in a medically induced coma so that his brain injury can heal. I've visited him everyday, sometimes accompanied by Vincent or Caleb. Maria ended up in the dungeons as expected, but I don't know what has come of her. Nor do I care. I kicked her ass and hopefully she will know not to approach me or my dad again.

That's where I am now, sitting in a chair by my father's bedside. The small beeping sounds of the machines make me uneasy, but I need to be strong for us both. I brought fresh flowers for the visit today, I admire them on his side table. My phone pings as I sit quietly. I pick it up and read the message from Marcella.

M: You coming to work tonight?
D: Yeah, I'll be there.
M: How's your dad today?
D: No change.
M: Okay, we can chat later tonight. See you at work!
D: See you.

I don't mean to be so short with her, but I've been short with everyone. Even Vincent and Caleb. I've still spent time with them and have been training with Caleb to hone some of my skills, but I've been distant. I don't want to be, but the attack on my dad has put my defenses back up, and I've been kicking myself for not paying enough attention and letting the boys and Marcella protect me. I need to be strong myself so I can continue to stand my own ground. There are going to be times that they aren't there, and I'll be damned if I let myself be the weak, petty human.

Well, I mean somewhat human. Vincent confirmed that my eye colour change when I was fighting with Maria indeed was a sign of me being a hybrid, but we still have yet to figure out how to break my dormant state. I look at my watch and then get up out of my seat. "Time to go workout." I say to myself and walk over to my dad. "Good to see you today, daddy. I love you and I'll be back tomorrow. I promise." I kiss his forehead and gather my things before heading out.

Once at the gym and changed, I make my way over to the punching bags. They've been my new obsession when here. I wrap my hands and pull my hair back into a high pony. Placing my earbuds in, I hit play on my music and start to punch the bag. Slowly at first to warm up, and then as time progresses I increase in intensity and speed. Usually I'm focused, but today I'm off. Flashbacks of both my mom and my dad, injured and dead pass through my mind. I punch harder. I start to lose control, but then strong arms wrap around me.


"You're going to hurt yourself." He states as I turn to face him, removing my earbuds. "I was almost done anyways." I say and back away to unwrap my hands. He places his hands on mine, stopping me.

"Spar with me, we need to talk." I roll my eyes. "Okay." We go over to the large mats near the back of the gym and he holds his hands up. As I hit them and go through the movements that we've been practicing, he starts to talk to me.

"Vincent and I have been talking, and we think we need to go ahead with telling the council about us." I duck as he swipes towards me.

Coming back up, I scoff. "And what if they just say it's not possible and don't acknowledge it? What then?"

"Then Vincent and I have decided we will go ahead with marking you, regardless of their approval." I pause punching. "You'd both do that? Wouldn't your families be pissed?" Caleb goes and gets a sip of water and comes back. "Probably, but it's what we want. We can't just ignore the fact that you are our mate. It's just not possible." He raises his hands again.

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