6 - New Home

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I will not hide my face, I will not fall from grace, I'll walk into the fire, baby. - The Fighter - In This Moment

??? POV

I should have killed that girl along with her mother, but I just couldn't.

When I think back to that night, I remember her scent. It was something not of this world. I had my suspicions before I had tore my hand from her mother's chest and dropped her still heart. It was quick, but there was a flash of what she truly was. It made itself known.

I feel some concern knowing that I left her - Davyna - alive, but she could be of so much use to me for what I am planning. I'm interrupted of my inner musings by a servant of mine. "My Lord." He bows and waits for me to allow him to continue. I wave my hand and he stands. "The girl has been reported to have just arrived at the council's compound with her father."

"Good. Tell the scouts I want eyes on her as much as possible. I need to be kept updated on her condition and life while she's there."

"Yes, my lord. Right away." He turns and leaves. I go back into thought. If Davyna is what I think she is, the council is going to have fun dealing with that. I don't know if I'll regret keeping her alive, but I guess we will see when everything comes to fruition.

Here's to chaos.

Davyna POV

I jolt awake as I hear a knock on my door. "Davyna? It's Kraven. I have that list of possible job opportunities here in the compound as well as the city."

Right. "Just a minute!" I get up, fix my clothes that I didnt bother to change out of, try to tame my hair as I open the door to see Kraven's face with a small smile as he hands the small document package to me. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. When is the full tour happening today? Just wondering how much time I'll have to get some stuff unpacked and get ready." Kraven looks at his watch. "It's about 7am now, so I'd say you have about 6 or so hours. Tour will most likely begin around 1pm or just shortly after." I nod. "Thanks again Kraven. See you later."

"Bye Davyna. See you." Kraven waves slightly and turns and walks away. I close my door and turn around to see the boxes upon boxes all over my suite. " Well, should get started...., but need breakfast and coffee first." I yawn.

After I finish eating, I start to place boxes near where they would go. Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living area. I realize where I crashed last night wasn't even the bed. It was the couch. I laugh to myself as I take my bedroom stuff into the actual bedroom and begin to setup my belongings. First thing I take out is a picture of Mom and Dad and place it on my nightstand. I trace my finger over her face. I feel the anger rise up within me and I shut my eyes and take deep breaths to push it back down. " Not now."

I take out my blankets, trinkets, and everything else I had in my room back at our old house and place them around on the shelves in the room. I set up my laptop on the desk and place the document folder that Kraven gave me beside it. "That's another task for another day." I say to myself and keep going. I move from room to room and around 11:30 I've finally finished. I sigh as I sit down on my couch. "Done."

I head to the bathroom, turn on the shower and get myself freshened up. Once done, I hop out and begin to brush my long curls with my fingers, detangling and then styling with a bit of mousse. I do some light makeup, nude eyeshadow and a black winged liner, mascara, brows, and some lip balm.

Heading to my closet, I pull out some grey skinny jeans, black tank top and my favourite wool sweater. I pop on some socks and my sneakers as I figure I will be doing a lot of walking today considering how giant this place is. I stick my access card in my pocket and look at my watch. 12:30. I grab my phone, and I give my Dad's cell a call. He answers on the second ring. "Hey Davyna, you all settled?"

"Yeah finished unpacking a little bit ago, you?"

"I'm almost finished... how was your sleep? Any nightmares?"

I think.. "Actually. no. I slept well." 

"That's good to hear. Tour is around 1, meet you in the main lobby here in 20 and we can walk together?"

"Sure, Dad. See you in 20 minutes. I love you."

"Love you too sweetheart. See you soon!"


"What to do for 20 minutes?" I ask myself and then look at the door. I didn't get to take a good look around last night aside from coming straight to my door. I wonder what the rest of this hallway looks like. I reach for the door handle and walk out, putting my phone in my pocket.

As soon as I walk out, I'm hit onto the floor. I hear a girl's voice. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! Here let me help you up." I hold my hand up and get back on my feet. "I really should watch where I'm going. Are you hurt?"

I take a quick look at myself, "No I don't think so." I fix my sweater that got twisted around me when I fell, and then I finally look at the girl who knocked me over. Short blonde hair, slender figure and profile, pale complexion, and red tinged eyes. I hold my breath. "So sorry again, my name is Marcella." She holds out her hand. I shake it and take note of the slight coldness of her touch.


"I'm Davyna." She looks at me wide eyed. "You're the daughter of the new human relations advisor for the council right?" I nod.

"Well, welcome to The Hollow." She smiles. I look at her, "That's the name of this place?" She laughs. "Yeah. Honestly, a lot of us think it's weird. But it was the council's decision, so we just have to go along with it. You're heading to the tour right?"

Shit. I look at my watch. 12:50. "Yeah I'm supposed to be meeting up with my Dad now actually in the main lobby."

"Okay, I'll walk with you, I was heading that way anyways, gotta get to work."

I follow Marcella into the elevator at the end of the hall and when the doors open on the main floor, I see my Dad waiting patiently. Marcella and I walk up to him. "So sorry Dad, Marcella and I literally ran into each other and I lost track of time."

He smiles at me. "That's okay sweetheart. We still have time." He glances at Marcella and holds out his hand. "Hello Marcella, my name is Matthias. Good to meet you." Marcella shakes his hand. " Pleasure's all mine sir. Looking forward to seeing you help the council. You'll be a great addition in my opinion." She smiles and continues, "I have to get going to work but it was great meeting you both. See you around!"

I nod at her. "Likewise. See you around." I look at Dad and he's smiling widely. "Don't start, this doesn't mean I'm fully okay being here yet." I say with slight disdain in my voice. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders and give me a slight hug with a kiss on my temple. " I know, just give it a chance, okay?"

"Okay." I reply as we walk away together to meet up with Kraven for the tour.

 - late upload! busy day!
 - First meeting with Marcella! She's another main character.
 - Still a slow start, it will get better soon, I promise!!

See you in the next one! - vv

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