18 - Uncertainty

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I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring
While the ice gives way
Under my feet
And so I drown with the Sun
I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
To prove you wrong and scare you away
I admit my defeat and walk back home. - Under the Rose - HIM

Matthias' POV

It seems that Davyna has been doing better now that Sage has come to visit. I was really getting worried. Ever since Klaire died, I know she's struggled. I've tried my best but nothing seems to help her move on. I've given her as much space as she needed, and that's continued now that we're here at the Hollow. It works for her, instead of having me hovering over her at all times. She's an adult, and I have to trust in her that she's doing what's good for her. I miss my wife terribly. I wish she could have been here to see the work I'm doing, and for Davyna's sanity.

My duties here as a councilman have taken up much more of my time then I thought. I understand why though, it's been a hard transition between the human and supernatural races and there are a lot of kinks to work out. The other council members have welcomed me with open arms and have treated me fairly, even when I've discussed topics that make them uncomfortable. For example, the vampire covens initially wanted to open up feeding stations so their kind could have access to blood whenever they wanted.

I explained how things like that wouldn't work for relations because then the humans would most likely perceive that as them being treated as cattle. And when we're supposed to engineering peace, that would be the furthest thing from it. I suggested in place, that we keep all blood banks readily accessible, and humans can donate their blood if they feel comfortable doing so. If someone wanted to offer "from the vein" then they would have to put in a request to do so in their local city.

The council saw my point and have made some necessary adjustments so that we can continue to work towards a peaceful coexistence.

The current situation is baffling though, and actually doesn't have to do with the human race for once, at least not yet. Celeste and Cyrus, the leaders of the largest vampire coven, and Kellan and Meira, Alpha and Luna of the largest werewolf pack, have been getting reports from other clans and packs all over saying some of their members are just up and disappearing. It's worrisome to some extent, considering what these beings are capable of, but investigations have come back empty-handed. Until we find some concrete evidence of what's been happening, there's really not much else we can do.

 - - - 

Davyna's POV

Why did I agree to this? Ugh.

I wipe the sweat threatening to pour down my face. Vincent, Caleb and I have been working out for almost 2 hours, and he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't going to take it easy on me. I'm still managing but it's getting tougher. Marcella and Sage worked out for a bit with us, but then they decided they were done and have gone to freshen up.

"How you doing?" Caleb asks as he comes up beside me.

"I'm starting to really struggle now, are we almost done?" He nods. I throw my hands up in the air "Finally! What else is there?"

"3 15 rep sets of weighted squats." Fuck. I hate squats.

"You're gonna kill me, Caleb." He chuckles and goes and grabs a 5 lb weight for me, and then grabs 2 clearly heavier weights for himself. I guess he's doing some arm weight lifting as his last exercise.

He hands me my weight and I get into position to start my first set of squats. "Remember to keep your core tight, try to keep level with the floor and exhale as you come up." I nod and start. After my first set is done, Vincent makes his way over, throwing a towel over his shoulder and sits on the bench near Caleb and I.

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