25 - Mate

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We are forever as one in what remains
You're in my blood from the cradle to the grave
I don't like to think about the pieces
Or the cracks and the breaks that still remain
If I could breathe, I'd ask you
So look in my mercy mirror
I need you more than I have known
So look in my mercy mirror
'Cause I'm not ready to let you go. - Mercy Mirror - Within Temptation

Davyna's POV

I sigh impatiently waiting for Caleb and Vincent to arrive. I texted Marcella saying that I was upstairs at the club. I'm in one of the rehearsal rooms, pacing back and forth, trying to decide how I'm going to approach this. I'm still pissed as hell, but at the same time I still need answers.

I've been lead on enough. I'm admitting it now, there's feelings there for both Caleb and Vincent. I can't deny that anymore, but whenever I've let go and let my guard down, they've both just left me reeling with no real explanation. I'm tired of being in the dark.

Then there's this whole mate thing. It can't be possible. All signs point to it, but Vincent even said himself that him and Caleb hadn't found theirs yet. So I don't know what to think, and it's honestly driving me insane. I feel a connection with both of them, even though that is completely unorthodox to me.

I hear the door to the room open, and Marcella walks in. "They're here. I'll head down with Sage and show her the ropes and get her acquainted while you guys, uh talk." She says awkwardly, making me think she knows something. I won't press it though, since the boys are the ones I need the answers from.

I look at her apologetically. "Thanks, Marcella. I'm sorry if I was harsh earlier."

"Don't worry about it, I get it." She turns around and leaves and a few minutes later, Caleb walks in and Vincent isn't far behind. I'm still taken aback by how handsome they both are..

It's hard to not approach them, but I have to stand my ground. Vincent closes the door, and then comes to stand beside Caleb. They're about 5 feet away from me. Smart. They know I'm mad and are keeping their distance. Maybe I can actually keep a level head through all this.

I continue to pace slightly, and Caleb speaks first. "Why have you called us here Davyna."

I hold my hand up to cut him off from saying anything more and say, "You don't get to do that. Considering the treatment I've received between the two of you these past few days, you don't get to come in here and demand answers from me. If anything, I should be the one demanding them." I stop pacing and look between them. Sighing heavily, I start.

"What the hell am I to you? Is this some sort of sick game you both are playing? I understand some things, but you both have left me unsure and frankly quite upset." I say as I hold up my still bandaged hand as proof.

"We don't mean to Davyna." Vincent answers plainly. "You don't know everything so it's hard for you to understand why things have happened the way they have the past couple days."

"So why haven't you told me anything so that I can understand? You've both been super cryptic about the fact that you both are interested in me, as if that doesn't change a thing."

"It doesn't. We both care for you, immensely. It's not a game to us." Vincent rubs his temples as he replies to me. I sense his own frustration building, but I have to keep going.

"How is that okay?! You're best friends. You're saying there's no jealousy or resentment of the fact that I've now kissed both of you in a 2 day span?"

"No." Caleb answers simply.

I feel myself losing it. How are they so calm and collected?

This is going nowhere. I try to settle myself down by taking even breaths, but its no use. Between this and mom, I can't hold it together. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at them again. "I don't understand. Is there something wrong with me?" My voice quavers, my anger dissipating and sorrow overtaking me.

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