8 - A New Job, A New Friend?

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Rocking this hard never felt so good, so rock your body right like you know you should. Throw your hands up into the air, and wave them all around like you just don't care. - Move Your Body - Blessed by A Broken Heart

Davyna's POV

(The Next Day)

I wake up to my phone ringing. Still half asleep, I reach over and answer it.

"Heloo?" My voice cracks. Lovely.

"Davyna? It's Kraven. I got your number from your Dad as I was unable to make it in person this morning." I clear my throat. "That's alright, Kraven. What do you need to tell me?"

"I just wanted to tell you that Marcella spoke with me last night and said that you will be taking the entertainment supervisor position at the nightclub, and that I've made the proper arrangements for you to your work. This includes travel to and from the nightclub alongside Marcella, as well as some new clothes and gear that will make transitioning to this position much simpler for you."

I sit up in bed, "That's not really necessary Kraven, but I appreciate it. Thank you."

"Not a problem, Davyna. Transport has been arranged for you today at 1pm, Marcella will meet you out front of the compound." I yawn loudly. "Sorry, Kraven. I'll be there. Thanks again."

"My pleasure, Davyna. Talk to you later." Click. I check the time on my phone and my eyes go wide. Only an hour until I have to be out front. "Shit I gotta get ready."  I pretty much throw myself into the shower, wash quickly, rush out and throw on some fitted sweats, sneakers, and a tank top. I dry my hair and braid it so it's out of my face. I quickly make some scrambled eggs for breakfast, grab a snack bar for later, grab my keycard, phone and water bottle and get out the door carrying it all and my bag.

I pack all my items into my small bag while I'm in the elevator and manage to zip it up just as the doors open to the main area. I head out into the main foyer I came through the first day I arrived and walk out the front doors as I put my jacket on.

It's cloudy today, but still bright. I shield my eyes and look for Marcella and I see her waving at me beside a silver car a small distance away from the front doors. I walk over and she comes up and grabs my bag for me. "Ready?" I nod. "Yup, let's go."

She climbs in on the right side and I get in on the left and we leave for the nightclub.

About 45 minutes later, we're in the city and reach the nightclub. Marcella and I climb out of the car. The driver gets out and opens the trunk and takes out mine and Marcella's bags and hands them to us. " I will return to pick you both up around 3AM after the club closes." Marcella waves him off. "See you then Ruka." He nods and gets back in the car and honks once as he drives off.

"Let's go, I'm excited to show you around!." She pulls me inside.

"Welcome to Bloodhaven!" Marcella says as we walk in. I'm floored again as I look around the space. It's all dark maroon and black fabrics lining the walls, with booths, tables and 2 huge bars on either side that have matching coloured accents on them. I see the sparkle of some gold centerpieces on the tables, and then I see the massive stage at the front, with the usual mini stages for individual dancers as well.

"It looks like you could host a whole production in here." Marcella laughs at me slightly. "Good observation! Most of the Hollow's events are hosted here. All the tables and booths are able to be moved. There's a large dancefloor underneath for more official events like weddings and parties. There is a full stage up there that can accommodate a whole production if someone wished it. Nothing like that has been done yet though. Most are just into partying and dancing usually."

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