7 - Discovery

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This is the broken ground, misery begins to rise. Turn away from yesterday, tomorrow's in my eyes. - This Fire  - Killswitch Engage

Davyna's POV

Whew. That was a lot. I think I only really took in the first half hour of that tour and tuned out after.. but at least I know where the compound gym is at least. I'm back in my suite now, having said goodbye to Dad as he had to get caught up with the council and current affairs.

After plugging my phone in to charge a bit, I sit down and take a look at that list of jobs Kraven dropped off earlier this morning. I go down the list for the compound, lightly skimming the job titles.

"Kitchen Assistant, Yard Maintenance, Assistant Maid.... does no one like to do physical labour around here?" I sigh and move on to the list for the city. Something catches my eye. "Entertainment Supervisor for the local nightclub? That's more like it." I highlight it and decide to ask Kraven about it later.

I take a look at my phone, 7:30pm. " I guess I should get a workout in." I get up and grab my workout gear and get changed. I pack a towel and grab my water bottle and head down to the gym. I scan my access card and walk in to the ladies changeroom on the left.

After placing my items in a locker, I head out to the actual gym floor. "Woah" I mutter to myself.. I stand and take a look around. Muted coloured walls, tons of mirrors and windows that would let in natural light during the day, and wooden floors with grey carpet scattered throughout. The place has little decoration aside from the basic hygiene rules and uses for the equipment that you see in most other gyms. Speaking of which, there's so much equipment here it seems like the whole compound could workout all at once. I look around and see there's only a handful of people in the gym itself at the moment. Great. Hopefully I won't get interrupted.

I walk over to the weights and grab some 10lb hand weights. I put my headphones on, start my music and get into my groove. When I'm in the middle of my set, I feel like I'm being stared at. I brush it off and continue. I let out a sigh as I finish my set, turn around to go put my weights back and I catch a guy out of the corner of my eye, looking at me from across the floor. I stop suddenly and stare back. I catch myself after what seems like ages and shake my head. "What am I doing?" I think to myself. I knew I would obviously get some attention being new around here and a human to beat, but this is just creeping me out. I go put my weights back and sigh. " I guess I'm done for today." I say quietly.

Grabbing my water bottle and taking a few sips, I make my way back to the ladies changeroom, where I see Marcella. "Oh hey," I say as I wave to her. "Hey! Davyna, was it?" I nod and she comes over to me. "Getting a late night workout in?" She says and I nod again. "I workout everyday usually but with the move and also trying to get settled and then the tour, I didn't have time until tonight. Really needed it even though it was short.."

"I hear that, work has been busy for me so I haven't had a chance until tonight either. Although you could say I do workout during the day for work anyways." She turns to the mirror in the locker to put her blond hair up in a tight ponytail.

I take a look at her in her gear. She looks similar to me in body type, fit and healthy. "What do you do for work? I'm actually trying to decide what type of job I wanted to take on while I'm here."

She looks at me and smiles. "I work at the nightclub in the city. I choreograph the dancers that work there." I look at her surprised. " That's what I was looking into on the list that Kraven gave me. I think it was Entertainment Supervisor?" She laughs, "That's funny you ran into me tonight. I'm the one who posted the job. I am the only one doing anything regarding the entertainment at the nightclub and I need serious help.... you have any background?"

"I took dance and musical performance classes for about 2 years maybe a bit more, before...." I pause and clear my throat. "before I stopped for personal reasons, but I've wanted to get back into doing something similar. It's a good outlet."

Marcella eyes me. "Well you've got the physique for it, and honestly I'd take anyone at this point. I'm getting burnt out doing it all." She pauses, "If you can help me choreograph the dances and help organize the performances, then your hired."

I clap my hands together in excitement. "That is definitely something I can do!" Marcella smiles, "Great! I'll let Kraven know. You okay to start tomorrow?" I nod.

"Awesome, meet me tomorrow around 2pm at the nightclub. It has a whole facility upstairs where we can work on stuff and I can show you the ropes."

"Sounds good. I appreciate it. See you tomorrow." I grab my stuff and wave to Marcella who says "See you!" and head out back to my room for the night.

Caleb's POV

"Late workout......again." I mumble to myself as I press my wrist to the scanner and walk into the men's changeroom. Mom and Dad have kept me so busy with stupid council tasks, I've hardly been able to keep up with my normal routine. I head out to the floor and begin my endurance run on the treadmill. I haven't shifted in a few days, so my wolf is begging me to run. Can't complain, I don't mind it.

About half an hour into my run, I sense something.. wait no....someone. Unable to shake the feeling, I go investigate letting my senses take me to what I'm seeking. I pause across the floor from the weights and I see a girl doing reps with what looks like 10lb weights in each hand. I watch her for a few minutes, kinda impressed at how many reps she's managing for her tiny frame. Then she turns around and our eyes meet. She looks slightly startled to find me looking at her, but she still continues to look back at me. Just when I think 'm going to approach her, she breaks eye contact, shakes her head and puts her weights back and then leaves while she's drinking her water, not glancing my way a second time. I watch her until she disappears into the women's changeroom. Once she's out of sight, I finally let out the breath I was holding.

Then it hits me.. "Mate."  

 - Early update as I'm away this weekend :)
 - Finally got to introduce Caleb! 
 - See you in the next one! - vv

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