44 - Luna's Challenge

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I dug my heels, I thought that I could stop the rot
The ground gave way, now I've lost the plot
Fucked it again, that was all I've got
It never rains, but it pours

We're just a bunch of fucking animals
But we're afraid of the outcome
Don't cry to me because the fiction that we're living in
Says I should pull the pin. - Animals - Architects

Davyna's POV

It's been two days since I shifted for the first time, and finally Freya was released to the world. It's been a bit of an adjustment hearing her in my mind, but it's comforting to have her input on a lot of things now.

I'm currently relaxing out near the lake by the house, thoughts swarming my mind as I remember Asher's not so pleasant drop-in. I haven't told Caleb or Vincent yet, not necessarily out of fear, but mostly in part because I don't want Asher to ruin what time I have left here. Caleb and I have connected so much deeper now that we've mated and marked each other, accepting our bonds. I want to keep it as peaceful as possible, also considering Caleb is still slightly on edge about that Renee woman. She's kept her distance since her little stunt she pulled at the packhouse, but I've seen her watching Caleb and I from afar multiple times over the past couple days.

I've convinced Caleb that he should just ignore her, that her threats should mean nothing as I easily could take her if she decided to challenge me. Honestly, I wish she would so I could smash her face into the dirt for being such a bitch.

"Just do it, we don't like her anyways." Freya says and I chuckle to myself. "Who knows, Freya. I might get my wish." I reply to her quietly as I make small splashes in the water, droplets hitting my grey jean capris.

"There she is." I smile as I look back and see Caleb, in casual shorts and shirtless - which I mean, c'mon I don't mind - approach me. He went for a run earlier, and I chose to stay behind and get to know Freya a bit more.

"Here I am." I state happily as he sits down beside me and kisses my temple. "You okay?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes, just taking some time to soak up some sun and talk to Freya." He nods. "I'm glad you're taking time for her."

"She told me that she has been there my entire life. She just couldn't get through to me. I feel I owe her so much time." He pulls me into him gently. "You've got tons of time now, baby. She's with you now."

"I don't plan on leaving either. You're stuck with me!" Freya adds in.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I reply in my head, and I feel her happiness throughout my mind and body.

Caleb pulls my face up to meet his, and pecks my lips lightly. "There is a pack gathering today at the packhouse. A new little wolf pup was born last night, and the new parents would love for us to meet her."

"A baby? I'd love to meet her!" I exclaim as Caleb smiles widely at me. "Okay, great. I'll go change and we can head down whenever you're ready." He stands.

"Okay, Alpha." I state and he growls, and suddenly I'm picked up bridal style. I laugh as he buries his face in my neck, kissing his mark. "Actually, on second thought... you're coming with me."

He starts to walk with me in his arms, peppering me with kisses as we head back into the house.

- - -

I giggle as Caleb twirls me as we walk up to the packhouse. Many pack members are scattered around outside chatting and smile at us as we pass them, heading inside. I'm immediately greeted by Amelia, who comes over and hugs me.

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