36 - Now or Never

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Covered by roses
When this dance is over
We all know all beauty will die
The choirs have awoken
Left no words unspoken
Remember you as long as I can
Hold you in my arms all night
And spill the wine until the end
We all have our place in time
Need to live every moment
For all we are is falling stars in the night
A blinding light raging down from the sky
The rise and fall, the rhapsody of our lives
It's all we are and know, we've got to let go. - Covered By Roses - Within Temptation

Davyna's POV

I stir awake slightly, rubbing my eyes. I roll over and notice I'm alone in the bed. Did Vincent not sleep here last night? I sit up, my stomach churning with nerves as I remember our heated discussion last night. I overstepped a line. I shouldn't have pushed him to answer if he wasn't ready to talk about it. Whatever it was, it upset him greatly, and I really have to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

I sigh, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I hop off and adjust my pyjamas and head into the bathroom to wash my face and tame my wild curls. Once finished, I walk back out and open the double doors to go and find Vincent.

I'm greeted by a wonderful smell coming from downstairs. I make my way down and peek my head into the large kitchen near the back of the house. I smile as I see Vincent, bare chested with just pyjama pants on, whistling some tune while he makes food.

"Vincent?" I say quietly, trying to judge his mood and see if he's still angry at me. He turns and sees me, eyes scanning over me as I stand there in my burgundy shorts and tank top - actually one of the new sets Marcella bought for me.

"Good morning, love." He walks over to me and pulls me in for a kiss.

"I'm so..." He cuts me off by placing his finger on my lips. "I know. I am too. Fresh start today?" I nod. "Come sit, I made you some breakfast."

"You didn't have to do that." I say as I sit at the kitchen island right in front of the main counters and stove, as Vincent returns to cooking. Minutes later, a plate of bacon, eggs, fruit and toast is placed in front of me. "This looks amazing Vincent. Thank you." He hands me a fork. "Dig in. We've got plans today."

I happily take the fork from him and begin to eat. In between mouthfuls, I ask him, "What are we doing today?" I see him head into the fridge and grab a bottle of blood for himself, a glass of water for me and then he comes and sits beside me, watching me eat.

"You and I are going into town today. Shopping, taking in the scenery, walking in the park, you name it." He pauses, "Then we have dinner reservations at my favourite restaurant here."

"Dinner? You're eating?" I ask curiously, knowing that in this entire time I've known him, I've never seen him eat food. At all. "Yes. I can eat food, taste it and I do enjoy it. But it doesn't satiate me so I usually opt out of it. But this is a special occasion, so we're going to go for dinner, and after.....we can talk about what caused our little argument last night."

I immediately reply, "If you don't want to tell me Vincent, that's okay. I totally understand. It took me a long time to be comfortable enough to open up to you and Caleb."

"Yes, but you have opened up to us, and we hardly have to you. It's not fair to you to keep you in the dark about my previous struggles. I want to be completely honest with you and for you to know everything about me." I look at him and our eyes lock momentarily. "I love you, Vincent." He leans in and places his forehead against mine. "I love you too. I am so sorry I upset you so much last night. It's not what I wanted at all."

"I know." He kisses my forehead and nods towards my plate. "Finish up, we can get ready and head out when you're done."

"You got it, boss." I tease and he smiles.

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