39 - Final Moments in Avern

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My lips are pale and vicious.
You're foaming at the mouth.
You've suffered in the darkness.
I'll suck the pain right out.
So come and taste the reason
I'm nothing like the rest.
I kiss you in a way you'll never forget about me. - Love Bites (So Do I) - Halestorm

[Some mature content below!]

Davyna's POV

Today is my last day in Avern.

I'm sad to leave, but excited to see how the packlands at Midnight Moon are, and spend some quality time with Caleb. He crashed here at the mansion last night with Vincent and I, after showing him exactly what had happened to me this week concerning my vampire awakening. It went over well, I managed to stay in control and Caleb seemed more excited knowing that my wolf would be making herself known sooner rather then later.

I've kept myself busy this morning while the boys have been out. Caleb went back to the compound to grab his things to come pick me up later, and Vincent said he was going to work outside in the backyard, as some of the stone path and flowerbeds took some damage while him and I were training this week. I've washed and dried my clothes, and packed most of my bags up so they are ready to go. I also decided to change the bedsheets and tidy up around the bedroom while I had time, since I don't really feel comfortable leaving messes for others to clean up, even though it is their job.

I'm currently walking around the bathroom, making sure I have collected all of my toiletries, tidying and cleaning as I go. When I'm satisfied, I walk back out into the bedroom and almost jump out of my skin as I hear Vincent.

"You've been productive this morning, love." I turn around and see him standing in the doorway, half naked with only black sweatpants on, his bare skin glistening with a slight sheen of sweat and dirt from obviously working outside. His hair is tied back, but some strands have worked their way out of his hair tie and they have fallen around his face, framing it ever so slightly.

Hot damn. I take my time checking him out, not giving any fucks if he catches me or not. He's just so damn beautiful. He smirks at me as I approach him. "Maybe I should do work outside more often if it gets you to look at me like that." He pulls me into him when I get close enough and spins me around and pins me to the wall closest to us, leaving no space between our bodies. I snake my hands around his neck, casually eyeing my mark. He leans in and kisses me softly, and then continues close to my ear. "We can continue this after my shower, kay?" I nod and he breaks away from me and heads into the bathroom.

I smirk as I hear him start the shower, and I silently walk over to the door that is ajar. I peek into the bathroom and watch Vincent undress. He's not showering alone. No way. This is my last day here and I'll be damned if I don't take advantage of this opportunity right in front of me.

I'm only in a sundress and underwear, so I slip those off and they pile at my feet just outside the door. I kick it all behind me and slip into the bathroom as quietly as I can. Can't lie, I'm using my vampire abilities to stay silent. I tiptoe along the floor, keeping an eye out that Vincent is not facing in my direction. I manage to get to the large shower unnoticed, and open the glass shower door and walk in. I take in the view of my naked mate, and wait until he turns around.

As soon as he does, I see his eyes change immediately and he pins me back against the tiled shower wall with his body, clearly aroused. I bite my lip. "You, love, are getting way too skilled at sneaking up on me." His lips crash against mine harshly and he breaks the kiss just as fast, trailing kisses down my neck and collarbone. I gasp as I feel him puncture my neck with his fangs and start to drink from me. The sheer pleasure of it brings my vampire side out immediately and I feel my own fangs elongate as he withdraws after a few moments.

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