48 - Hybrid

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Moon hangs around
A blade over my head
Reminds me
What to do before I'm dead
Night consumes light
And all I dread
Reminds me what to do before I'm dead

The sun reclines
Eats my mind
Reminds me what to leave behind
Light eats night
And all I never said
Reminds me what to do before I'm

To see you
To touch you
To see you
To touch you. - Before I'm Dead - Kidneythieves

Davyna's POV

"So then it goes and finishes like this..." I say as I show Marcella the choreography for the last routine she asked me to do for her.

"I LOVE IT!!!" She exclaims, as she stands up from her seat in front of me. We're at Bloodhaven in one of the practice rooms. We've been here most of the day working through all the routines for the Coronation Ball for Vincent and Caleb, which happens to be in four days. I've only been back at The Hollow for two.

"It's so sensual! Quite different from what I've seen from you before."

"Well, I did choreograph it after... uh.." I pause, and Marcella claps her hand over her mouth with a little giggle. "You came up with this after having sex with Caleb?"

I nod sheepishly. "Well that makes total sense then. I still love it though."

I sigh. "You sure?" She nods her head. " I wouldn't lie to you just because your mated to my brothers now. I mean, I love you but I still have opinions."

"I'm glad. I wouldn't want special treatment. I get that enough from the boys." I say as I roll my eyes. Marcella chuckles. "You're not wrong there."

We've been spending most of the day here, because I had to do something. Caleb and Vincent decided they were going to move all of our things into our new suite, and were incredibly stern on the fact that I couldn't help. They wanted it to be something they did for me, and as touched as I was, I still was so tired of not being able to do any of the heavy lifting. I was a hybrid now for fuck sake. I can't lift a box? Ugh. I crashed at Sage's while the boys did the work yesterday, and I'm damn well annoyed and wanting to be in our space.

Sage actually has my old suite which is nice, and I finally had that stupid microchip implanted in my wrist to open the doors. It completely escaped my mind the whole time I've been here, and with Dad getting hurt and then all this mate business, there just wasn't any time. It's there now though, and honestly, the procedure wasn't terrible. Still makes me a bit queasy and gives me some sort of 'I'm being watched" vibes, but it's not the worst thing.

"You okay to come back to work?" Marcella asks me. I clear my throat. " Yes, of course! I've left you hanging way too long. Still sorry about that by the way."

"Oh stop it! You needed that time with them, and from what I hear it was pretty heated..." she trails off.

I sigh loudly. "Sage told you didn't she? I thought it would be awkward for you to hear."

"She did, and no. Sex is natural. I'm happy that they satisfy you and you them. Honestly, it was more awkward dealing with Vincent and Caleb when they weren't having sex, and struggling with it when you came into the picture initially."

"I never asked them, but did they have partners before me?" I ask as we sit down and drink some water.

"No, technically they were virgins as well as you, but for our species, sex comes naturally. There isn't any awkward 'figuring it out' stage that humans have. Our bodies just know, and then we just improve on it the more we do it."

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