26 - Some Quality Time

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I am having these dreams
So dark and full of sins
Let me tell you about my dreams
Where I don't have wings
I'm a nocturnal creature
I belong to the night
Crawling through the forest
I'm so thirsty for a bite
It's witching hour, it's witching hour
The time and place where I've got the power. - Witching Hour - Blackbriar

Davyna's POV

I jolt awake suddenly, having dreamt of mom. I sit up and hold my face in my hands, trying not to cry. I did enough of that last night. I feel a set of hands on my left shoulder and back, and turn to look to see Vincent giving me a concerned look, his blond hair messy from sleep. He sits up slowly beside me.

"You okay?" He says in a low voice. "I will be, just a bad dream." I reply as I try to compose myself. "Here." He says as he shuffles to sit behind me, trying not to wake Caleb, who is still sound asleep. He begins to massage my neck and shoulders, the warm tingles of the mate bond helping to relieve the massive tension I've been holding.

"He's a pretty heavy sleeper, that werewolf." I look at Caleb and take in his sleeping figure. His left arm is over his eyes, his black wavy hair splayed out. I honestly don't know how he slept comfortably, considering he takes up so much space. Thankfully my bed seemed to be big enough. I might have to look into a bigger one if this is going to be a regular occurrence.

I feel myself relax into Vincent, and he stops giving me a massage and wraps both his arms around me. I feel safe, content. It's still mind blowing how my entire being changes when him or Caleb are around me. I'm calmer, my anger levelling out. I forget to put my defenses up, as if my body, no my entire being knows I'm safe. I still don't know why I'm able to feel this way, considering I'm human, but I'll take it.

Vincent and I stay like that for a while, just taking in the calmness and peaceful feeling. Caleb then stirs slightly, and I look over as his squinted eyes catch my gaze. He smiles at me and sits up, yawning.

"Well look at you two. Vincent, can I have a second with our beautiful mate?" I feel a slight blush warm my cheeks at the compliment. Just as Caleb says that, a phone rings. Vincent says, "Perfect timing, that's my phone." He slides out from behind me and answers it, and walks out of the room.

As I'm watching him leave, Caleb pulls me over to him and wraps one arm around me, laying us back against my headboard. "So how's it feel having both of us here, knowing what you know now?" I snuggle into him, placing my hand on his chest. "It's taking a bit of getting used to, but it's not bad. I feel better when you're both around."

"We're here whenever you need us, Davyna. Don't forget that. I'm hoping once we accept these bonds, that you might get the ability to mind-link us." I look up at him. "Really? You think I'll be able to do that?"

"I don't know for sure, but I am hoping. Mainly just so I can tease you without anyone hearing." I smack his chest with my hand. He laughs as I tell him, "Don't start with that, it's embarrassing."

"You won't find it embarrassing as you get used to us being around you." He kisses my forehead. "But it's all up to you how things go. We won't pressure you for anything. Only once you're comfortable. So communicate with us as best you can okay?" I nod and continue to snuggle with him for a few more minutes until Vincent comes back into the room.

"Sorry to break this up, but that was my parents. The council needs us for something Caleb."

"Of course they do. Way to ruin a great moment."

Vincent looks at me. "We shouldn't be long, will you be okay here?" I nod and reply. "Yeah, I'm still feeling pretty tired so I'll rest for a bit longer. Uhm, take my keycard off the side table by my door to get back in once you're done." Vincent nods in acknowledgement.

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