9 - Unsettled

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Existence will capture a spark of life. Just a fragment, but it's all that I will ever need to revive. - Veil Of Elysium - Kamelot

Vincent's POV

"What are you talking about Caleb?" I look at my good werewolf friend sitting on my bed in my suite with his head in his hands as he's trying to explain to me that he saw his mate, but wasn't 100% sure it was her.

"Why didn't you approach her? If you had eye contact, she would have felt the same thing you did and wouldn't have walked away so easily." I take a sip of my blood. Caleb then stands up, towering over me as usual. Damn werewolf Alpha genes. I'm tall myself for a vampire but Caleb always looks massive and menacing when he is standing at full height.

"It was so strange Vincent. I wasn't sure what to do."

I swirl my blood in the glass and sigh. "Well no point in worrying too much about it currently. If you saw her at the gym, then she's staying at the compound. You're bound to run into her again eventually and can find out for sure then." I smack him on the back. "You're heading to Bloodhaven tonight right?" He nods. "Great, shall we go together? Our parents have been working us to the bone with this council shit. Need to let loose for a while."

"I hear you there. I'll meet you out front, I believe Ruka is taking us over."

"See you shortly then." I wave slightly as Caleb exits out of my suite. I frown and place my hand on my forehead, "I hope this girl is actually his mate considering everything that guy has been through."

I finish my blood and go to get myself ready for the club.

Davyna's POV

"Can these pants be any tighter, Marcella? My god. I swear I go to bend down they're going to rip open!" Marcella winks at me, "Then don't bend." She bursts out laughing as I throw a shoe at her. I like the outfit, but man these pants. I pull on them a little like they'll actually stretch, but who am I kidding? The rest of the outfit is agreeable, thankfully. A black lace top over my own black tank top, with a matching black lace choker around my neck with a pearl in the middle. The high heel boots I could do without though. Luckily I'm good at walking in them.

"C'mon, you look fine, you'll fit right in.. have to fix your hair though. That braid is a mess." She comes over to me and takes my braid out. "Wow your hair is so long and gorgeous! Why braid it?"

I touch it and look down, "It can be a super huge pain in my ass when it's down. I'll never cut it though." Mom always loved my long hair, it's why I refuse to cut it. No matter how much it does irritate me on a daily basis.

Marcella brings me back to the present by running her fingers through it. "I've got an idea, sit." I comply and sit down in front of her. She begins to separate my hair and leaves bangs down to frame my face on either side, french braids the top half and then leaves the bottom half down.

"There! Gets most of it out of your face but still show it off. I love it." I take a look at myself in the mirror. "Yeah it's not bad actually." I touch up my simple makeup and then Marcella sprays me with perfume, I start to cough. "Too much!"

She taps my back. "Sorry! Alright let's go, want to be down there before the massive crowd arrives!"

I follow her back downstairs and it looks so different then earlier. The lights are off and the club lighting is on. The DJ is set up and playing music, and the bartenders are waiting for people to come in and order drinks.

The music gets louder and the main doors open.

"Here we go." Marcella grins from ear to ear and here I am just hoping I get through this night okay.

Caleb's POV

My mind is still spinning from the other day. Did I really see her? My mate? Or was my mind playing tricks on me. Ever since....that situation, I've kept myself reserved and isolated aside from spending time with Vincent and doing the ridiculous tasks our parents are getting us to do lately. I get I'm a future Alpha, but Dad still has a long time in his reign before it's my turn. Sidetracked. Honestly I'm nervous, do I want to see her again? Or should I just forget it?

I look at Vincent who is across from me in the limo. "You okay?" I nod. "I'll get there." He nods and sips blood from his glass. Most think our friendship is bizarre, but in reality, Vincent is the only one who understands the pressure I'm under. He is the future leader of the largest vampire coven on the continent and is under the exact same pressures as a leader that I am. We don't even focus on that we're different races, ones that used to be mortal enemies. The feud between our races ended the moment we all decided to come out of hiding. There wasn't any more competition, no more need for reckless wars and bloodshed when we have a chance to live out in the world peacefully. There still are problems between other packs and covens, but for the most part everyone is peaceful.

Vincent and I have been good friends even before that. Our parents met often to negotiate terms for agreements, executions, and anything else that came between the races. Our parents are pretty good friends like him and I now, and regularly spend time together outside of council duties.

I'm snapped out of my train of thought when the limo stops. "Finally, we're here." Vincent opens the door and I follow behind him. We walk past the lineup of other supernaturals and some humans, and walk past the bouncer and head inside and go straight to the bar.

"Want your regular?" Vincent asks as he orders his own drink. "Yeah sure. Thanks."

A few minutes pass and both Vincent and I have our drinks and go and sit in our reserved booth. "I wish they wouldn't reserve it, the entitlement is a bit much." I nod, "Yeah, everyone knows who we are so why can't we just mingle as normal? I feel as though I'm on a throne waiting for subjects to address me." I stand and bow and then sit down and laugh along with Vincent.

"You really crack me up some days." He laughs harder and sips his drink and then stops suddenly. I look over and see his serious expression.

"What is it?" I follow his eyes and see. "Oh yay." I quickly roll my eyes as we see a certain group of people that let's say, we would prefer not to talk to? And they're approaching us. Double yay.

Vincent sets his drink down as the group approaches. "Can we help you, Asher?"

I look up at Asher. He's another council member's son, part of another vampire coven. Not necessarily important, but he thinks he is. Vincent and I could easily put him in his place, but he's never shown an ounce of hostility to us. The posse that follows him around are just as pathetic as him. There's Michael, the brute of the group, but a giant idiot; Tessa, the slut who just throws herself at anyone who will tolerate her, and Reed, the jokester who isn't really funny at all but laughs at everything. Tessa has attempted to seduce both myself and Vincent, with no success. I chuckle lightly, remembering her lousy attempt, and then Asher opens his mouth.

"I heard the new human council member's daughter is working here now. No one's really seen her, I wanted to introduce myself." He smirks. "If you honestly think she's going to fall for that miserable personality of yours, you're more delusional then usual." I withhold a laugh as Vincent says pretty much exactly what I was thinking of saying myself.

Asher gives Vincent a dirty look, but its gone as fast as it appeared. "Well let me know if you see her? I'd really love to say hi." He walks away with the three stooges following. I sigh loudly, "He's such a piece of work."

"That he is, can't disagree with you there. Hey there's Marcella." Vincent begins to wave.

I look over and see Marcella acknowledge Vincent and she starts to come towards us and then my heart stops as I see who is behind her, also coming this way. 


 - finally starting to get into it! Enjoy.

 - See you in the next one! - vv

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