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Ryusui heard a loud shot from somewhere near. "Did Stanley- miss? Or was it intentional?" Ryusui sweated.  "Wait that was a close-range..." He got alarmed. Then they heard a tongue click. "You're not Stanley Snyder. Who're you?" He asked. "You bet I'm not! Because captain Stanley would never miss. He would only take shots to kill you both"

(It wasn't Stanley who they were fighting in the air, but they thought it was him)

Stanley who was shot to the air alarmed both Matsukaze and Mozu. Matsukaze was not able to dodge Stanley's shot with his weapon and was defeated. "Enemy combats have been subdued. Job's done" Stanley calmly spoke. 

"Yes, I've pulled off a most elegant checkmate with my ultimate knight,"

Dr. Xeno thought as he could feel the winning line. 

"Ultimate knight huh? Do you think that's checkmate? Right back at ya", Senku got him back.

 Their ultimate weapon, Tsukasa, appeared in front of Dr. Xeno, making him flinch as Tsukasa pointed his huge sword at Xeno's face. Tsukasa and the rest were able to get inside Xeno's base.

"It took us some time. Efforts never fail us..." Kohaku thought sweating. 

Gen was able to escape after the help of Kohaku and the rest. 

"Intriguing, I say... How did you arrive here? I didn't hear a single shot from the guards... Which tells me you infiltrated while somehow avoiding combat. From the sky? No... A tunnel right? Truly elegant!" Xeno felt ecstatic. 

"Woah! Actual 21st-century science!" Chrome looked everywhere and saw all the scientific things that Xeno has. "Huh? You must be..." Before he could continue, Kohaku tied him up real tight, "There's no time to lose". She carried Xeno on the way out. "They're coming", Gen looked outside the hole and saw Xeno's troops coming. "Don't worry! I have a plan! With this bomb here our problems are solved!" Chrome indicated, "The blast will send Xeno's sled down the tunnel while blocking off the castle's end of the tunnel", he stood proud. 

"Great! So who's gonna make sure the bomb goes off?" 

Chrome gave them an unsettling smile. The bomb was set, and unexpectedly there was a cave-in on both sides. "Let's dig !" Kohaku began to dig out debris. "It's a good ol' digging contest!" Brody also began to dig. "Let's see who gets first!" Taiju dug fast. While the two teams were digging on one side each, the two inside the hole, Dr. Xeno and Chrome, we're stuck. Chrome thought of away. 

"Am I to presume that you descended from humanity's survivors?" Xeno asked, 

"To construct a tunnel either way and enact a cable car escape plan in the stone world, is truly elegant!"

"Clearly you're a man of intellect, Chrome. So to think logically, which side will you be aiming for?" Xeno asked.

He then menacingly mentioned the ship's loss, "Stan has taken over your allies. You lost", he glared at Chrome. 

"I have no intention of ending any more lives now that the battle is over. I am the ruler of this new world, and you remaining people will be my subjects", Those words caught Chrome's attention. 

"O-Oh yeah? Why should you get to rule?" Chrome sweated. 

"Because I can lead the ignorant masses", Xeno indicated, "In the 21st century- Ethics. Morals, Politics. Those idiots stood by such worthless concepts and prevented humanity from progressing. I'm sure you know the types, Chome. Brutes who would sooner throw a punch than see the true value of Science"

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