Final Announcement

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Hello dear readers, it's me Japanime_. I want to talk about a lot of things from how this story blew to how this story ends. Announcements will be in the very last.

My adventure with you guys was memorable and remarkable. I can never forget the funny and lovely comments you guys gave this story. The lovely comments I receive whenever I update, I really appreciate the love and support.

This story began when I was inspired to create an x reader of Dr. Stone after watching the first season and reading the manga. I was really bewildered by the anime and had to write a fanfic about it. Well, I only thought of writing a story for me to read and write when I'm bored, but when I got comments about updating it, I had to step up. Those comments encouraged me to write more and more.

Eventually, I got into writing this fanfic to the point where I'd procrastinate over my school works (Don't worry I haven't failed any of my classes). It was a fun experience, writing and reading with you guys. It took me some time to revise the story from beginning to end, but eventually I was able to finish it.

And it's all thanks to you, readers. I hope that you guys will have a great day, a great week, even a great month at that. To be able to finish this story was a blissful experience. From having tenths of view to hundredths to thousandths. It mesmerizes me how this story blew up.


This story is now meeting its end. It was a great adventure everyone. You did so well reading till the very end (I really appreciate it). 

But hey~ A good news at that. I'll be creating a new one that includes after the second petrification where Suika was the first to ever get revived. This will yet again encourage me and I hope you all will still be there and join me with this adventure.

Couldn't tell when to publish it yet, since I'm still writing the few first part. 

Once again I thank you all readers for walking this golden path with me, we will see again next time and I hope to meet you all in another bright path. Have a wonderful day as always. Labs Much!~ 

From: Japanime_

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