Lifetime Promise

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"[Y/N]!", Byakuya called [Y/N]'s name. He waved his hand from the distance.

"Hello, Byakuya-san", the little girl greeted. "Hello!", he smiled optimistically. "So, how're things going with Senku?", he asked as he stood next to her, who was riding the swing. [Y/N] stared at him wondering what he meant, "If you're asking about the projects and experiments, we're doing ecstatic", she replied smiling back. He chuckled, "Say [Y/N]", he lowered his voice "Can you keep a promise?", he asked. The little girl looked over to her right to face him and tilted her head to the side questioning what he meant.

"Take care of Senku", he winked.

Leaves were falling as [Y/N] heard those words. "Autumn is here", Byakuya smiled. 

"One day I will be gone and Senku will be all alone. I hope someone like you would still be by his side", He glanced at the distance. 

[Y/N] then saw Senku walking towards us from the side. "[Y/N], good you're here. I wanna talk more about astrophysics", he seemed confident as he stood in front of [Y/N]. She scoffed at him and whispered to Byakuya "I promise", and smiled.

"Sure! Let's talk about astrophysics!", [Y/N] stood up from the swing as Senku was about to turn around and walk back to his house.

"Then also promise me one thing Byakuya-san", She looked over to him "That you'll be a great father to Senku", she smiled and he seemed flattered.

"I wasn't always his father", he sighed. " I figured", [Y/N] replied confidently. Byakuya's jaw dropped.

"How'd you know?", he asked.

[Y/N] stammered, "I took pieces of both yours and Senku's hair and examined the DNA on it" 

"Hey!", he scoffed "Y'know that's illegal", he laughed

" I know that's why I hesitated at first. Although you're both related, the blood you both share is not literal ", [Y/N] replied. He chuckled "You're lucky I forgive you". He sighed 

"Then! I promise", he smiled brightly and we all walked towards their house.

But that one lifetime promise didn't stop me

from avoiding Senku...


"Hahaha! Stanley! You kept us waiting!", Ryusui yelled as soon as he heard that the other team was taking action. [Y/N] looked over to their aircraft that's rising into the sky. "Hahaha! They better bring their pilot a-game!", Ryusui chuckled "Because in this fight! We'll avenge Senku!"

"I'm not dead yet", Senku chuckled. "Woah it's a dogfight! Plane vs. Plane!", Ginro stuttered. "Don't get excited yet... If we'll lose, we'll be shot full of holes from the sky", Minami sweated. 

"Does he really need to go with Ryusui?" [Y/N] thought as she looked above the sky. 

"Why is Senku out of his sickbed and into the cockpit!?", Luna thought as well. 

"Woah! Do they have a machine gun?! How were they able to make it, in such little time?", Minami asked while she looked up into the sky. "Obviously they didn't! The one gun they've got is the one Ryusui snatched it from my hip!", Yo disagreed. Minami laughed at Yo who seemed to be blushing from embarrassment.


"It seems like he's doing fine..." 

Ryusui heard a small crack behind. "Did something break back there?" Ryusui asked sweating as he glanced behind. 

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