Spark A War

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Chelsea grabbed a pen and traced her map revealing where the enemies are. "Now we that we know where Stanley and his gang are, we are on edge", Senku chuckled. [Y/N] sat silently concentrating on the devices. 

"Wait guys! We really have to be careful. Suika and the others have been captured, and we know the enemy's general vicinity. Considering those two facts, a certain brave and valiant hero is guaranteed to run off and attack! One who must be restrained before it's too late!" Gen panicked as he started to warn the others to stop Kohaku from going all out.

[Y/N] sighed, "If it means to slow down a little bit of their time then I guess it would be useful. Kohaku, you do know what you would face right? Stanley and his gang are not just any gang who hold heavy weaponries. They are skilled and powerful. To be exact, they're stronger given the fact that they hold gunpowder in their weapons", [Y/N] glanced at her. 

Kohaku tied her hair upstanding and jeered, "You're darn right, [Y/N]. Whatever it takes as long as we win this. I will give it my all regardless of whether I were to break each burn bones in my body", she answered. 

[Y/N] delayed however didn't stop her . Gen saw Kohaku running outside with her blade. While the others were surprised by her sudden action, Senku and [Y/N] stayed silently and let Kohaku go. [Y/N] glanced at Senku from behind and continued to concentrate on the device

"Once we are able to activate the device, we'll win this battle", she thought as she got a grip of the medusa on her hand.

"Kohaku, you are without a doubt strong, viscous and independent. You jump into action knowing what troubles you'll face. I commend you for your bravery and willful actions for the science kingdom. If you won't make it until we're able to make it, I will deeply apologize, but for your bravery I will also salute to you for giving us this one chance. Tsukasa and Hyoga must also be out there. To these three warriors I shall pay full debt of what it takes to get your forgiveness if ever we won't make it. May this battle between two science kingdom be in our winning hands"

Senku and the others headed outside to create a loud sound to startle Stanley and his gang. While [Y/N], Chrome and Kaseki are still inside hastening their pace in finding a solution. Multiple groups in one team with one goal, and that is leading Senku and everyone to victory. [Y/N] called onto the three other workers.

"We just need a clean break on this diamonds, if we get the perfect one, we'll be able to power the gadget, and petrify everyone", she then mentioned Joel, "If we won't manage to get our way till the end, I hope you could do it, Joel", [Y/N] encouraged the boy. 

Joel chuckled and ensured [Y/N] that the device will work just in time for everyone to get stoned.

[Y/N]'s hands were trembling as she could feel her side painfully dripping blood. Chrome stopped her and told her to rely on Kaseki, Joel and him.

"Thanks, Chrome. But there's no break time for this bad boy. We might not be close to grabbing our goal, but I will give in my hardest effort just to get the device in our hands. Let's not bring emotions to our mission, and let's get this thing going", she replied continuing her work. Chrome sighed and glanced at the diamonds on the trey. For a long period of time, still, there was no progress in achieving to power the device. 

"Hyoga, Tsukasa and Kohaku are our most strongest warriors. If at any point they kick the bucket in the possession of Stanley and his group, all we would have left is mental information and brains", Chrome thought as he folded his arms. 

"I would prefer not to question it, truly. Be that as it may, undoubtfully, they will lose. Given the way that they are utilizing weapons versus our edge and arms, they'd without a doubt have a benefit", [Y/N] held her clench hands gazing at the precious stone on the table before her.

Kaseki chuckled, "As long as we have experienced a lot of different things, the fun we had together with everyone else is what matters". [Y/N] and Chrome glanced at each other before chuckling at the thought.

"I guess you're right about that", Chrome crossed his arms smirking. 

"Let's just hope that we get his things correctly", [Y/N] replied shrugging her shoulders.

 [Y/N] took a peek and saw Ryusui walking up to her, "[Y/N] come with me", he pointed at outside. As [Y/N] set foot outside, she saw everyone in panic chaos. They met with Senku, Luna and Chelsea. [Y/N] asked what's going on. Senku crossed his arms and stared at [Y/N] giving her an uncomfortable glance back. 

"You're going with Luna and Chelsea"

[Y/N] immediately knew what he meant an as to why she has to go, but declined.

"I'm sorry, but I'm staying here", she replied. Senku forcefully grabbed her shoulders

"You're going with them. This is so you can revive us after we get petrified here", he blurted the words out of his mouth. [Y/N] shook his hands and once again disagreed. She glanced at her injured side and sighed.

"I'm getting the petrification gadget to work. I don't have enough time either, but it would be better if I use all my remaining time left to help get the device work. Don't worry about me, I'm barely holding on myself. Going with them would only decelerate their mission"

[Y/N] glanced at the two girls in front of her. She turned to face Chelsea and walked up to her, "Chelsea, stay away from here with Luna. Far away where no one can see you, especially from Stanley and his gang. You're a professional geographer. You can do this", she encouraged Chelsea. As the girls were walking away, [Y/N] stood there with Senku and Ryusui by her side.

"We've been through a lot. Such an adventure we had. It was an awesome expedition, really", [Y/N] crossed her arms as she saw Luna and Chelsea walking further and further.

"The fact that I get to be here is undoubtfully a pleasant invitation. Science genuinely is a stunning and significantly energizing methodical branch. Having the option to encounter a great deal about science makes my heart avoid a thump each time I will encounter it. From the start till the end. Each and every one of it. Everything. Just so intoxicating..." [Y/N] got it together of her chest and held her clench hands.

"Let's end this game with a spark of hope in our eyes", she slightly smiled at the thought of an awful closure. 

Good day everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day today! Always smile! Labs Y'alls!~

Total Words Count: 1165

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