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What's that smell?

I can't breathe...


~~~~~~~~Awhile Ago~~~~~~~~~

"[Y/N]!" A voice called out for me, "Let's eat lunch together!" I looked to see who it was.

Yuzuriha stood in front of me as I was checking on my phone.

"I still have to go to the bathroom. Meet me at the cafeteria"

"Are you ok [Y/N]? You've been stopping at the bathroom every lunch. Does your stomach hurt? Should we go to the infirmary?" She asked.

Lying to her was greatly unfair of me. But, I wouldn't want her to get hurt. Speaking nothing of it, I lied and told her I'd clean my hands for awhile. 

"Then, come eat lunch with us after stopping at the restroom"

She smiled brightly as she stared at me with those bright mocha eyes. I averted my glanced and went ahead.

Running towards the restroom, I checked my phone to see a message that I received from earlier.

"I'll see you at the bathroom floor 3, on the left side of the school building exactly 12:00, don't be late and be sure to bring the money"

"This is the life I've been living right after getting back from abroad"

I sighed as I thought of my situation as a hindrance. As I arrived at the 3rd floor panting. I walked my way to the restroom. The hallway is dark as always, it's the only abandoned hallway that connects to the bathroom where a group of people would hang out.

Someone called my name in a threatening and menacing tone.

I glanced to see the same face of who I had a conflict with from months ago. I handed them the money and left immediately.

"Gosh your parents must've been disappointed in you..."

One student insulted my parents as they think I wouldn't talk back.

"You can insult me however you want, but don't bring up my family"

Infuriated by what I heard, I had to step up.

"I'm glad I get to help a person like you who really needed insurance"

An insult for an insult.

The student was offended yet didn't say a thing.

"Don't think I do this because I feel threatened. Rather, I feel ecstacic helping someone with such a low background"

I kept my chin up as I smiled at them menacingly.

"Money is not a problem"

I turned around and went to a much more convenient bathroom. I went in to wash my hands thoroughly.

"I could easily shove them off my shoulders, but seeing their flustered face as I feed them the truth about themselves... Is ecstatically pleasing to the bones"

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang on the bathroom door which unfazed me. After all this wasn't the first time.

I am still surprised as to how no one figured this situation I face eventually.

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