Unexpected Event

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"Sorry, I already excused myself. I won't be having afternoon classes", [Y/N]'s brother, Daiki refused indicated that he's going home. He stopped at [Y/N]'s class and opened the door,

"[Y/N], it's time to go"

[Y/N] stared at her brother and began to pack her bag. [Y/N] didn't realize that her brother was walking towards her as she placed her handkerchief on her table. Her brother noticed the blood on the handkerchief and demanded her to tell him what happened.

[Y/N] stared at her brother in disbelief, "Even at school will you embarrass me", [Y/N] clicked her tongue as she grabbed her handkerchief back and walked past her brother.

[Y/N]'s brother was confused as to why there was blood on her handkerchief. [Y/N] and her brother got inside their car and headed home early. On their way home Daiki glanced at [Y/N], furrowing his eyebrows.

"What was that on your handkerchief?" 

[Y/N] averted glance and sighed, "You knew what it was. Try not to ask something so inept in the near future", [Y/N] leaned on the car seat closing her eyes trying to take a nap.

"In case you will undermine me into telling mother and father, you will not get everything you might want. As long as I perform according to their desires, they wouldn't mind less"

Daiki irritatingly stared at [Y/N] as she crossed her arms. 

"You're turning into a rascal step by step now, [Y/N]. Acting up will not make you any stronger", Daiki sighed and laid back on his seat. Both ignored each other on their way home. When they arrived both got out on each of their side doors and headed inside to greet their parents who are waiting for them. 

"Glorious day mother, father", [Y/N] and her brother greeted their parents who were at the dining table. Their parents both looking at them with an indifferent stare. "We're going back to Japan in a month", [Y/N]'s father informed the two. [Y/N] and Daiki's eyes widened. "That's great news, father", Daiki seemed happy.

Though on the other hand, [Y/N] was exasperated but didn't speak a word. She knew the reason, and that reason was because she hasn't improved in her practices. "I can still ameliorate my practices here in the US mother", [Y/N] disagreed. 

"I don't want to hear another word from you, [Y/N]. You're a prodigy, and you must do better", her mother argued. "A mere prodigy can never win against eternal studies and skillful practices", [Y/N] indifferently glanced back at her mother.

"Don't think I paid all the teachers for your practices just so you can call yourself a mere prodigy", her mother slapped the table as she stood up to face her. [Y/N] shut her mouth knowing what would happen next. Her father cleared his throat and halted [Y/N]'s mother.

"[Y/N], you're coming with us whether you hate it or not. You can leave"


[Y/N] woke up from Senku reviving her. She stood up and stretched her arms not realizing that her wounds were healed. When she noticed she tilted her head. Senku smiled and explained things to her. 

"So fundamentally, depetrification quickly recuperates any wounds, even to where the damage can be lethal", Senku chuckled. [Y/N], ever so proud of Senku smiled at him, "That is acceptable to hear. Despite the fact that I was unable to concur with the way that it check bond blood since I actually feel bleary eyed", she scoffed seeing Senku's flustered face.

"You're very impressive, [Y/N]", Senku commended her as she comprehended him immediately. [Y/N] gazed at him for some time before he proceeded.

"how could you even escape the petrification that Ibara dispatched? allow me to figure, you took the revival fluid and had it tossed at you from the top as you tossed it. however, how could you realize it was the revival fluid is the thing that I'm interested about"

[Y/N] smirked, "After everything necessary a great deal to be made a prodigy. I have photographic memory and quiescent rest, which implies, while I was unconscious, my mind had been gathering data and assembled complete attention of what's happening outside the ear", she replied.

Senku laughed, "I surmise so. However, we should zero in on what to do straightaway", he recommended. [Y/N] gestured and concurred, "Indeed, shouldn't we restore the rest?" she inquired. Senku recognized and acknowledged her for her suggestion, "How about we get Chrome first. That science prober would be a great assistance in concluding who to restore individually as indicated by their extraordinary necessities and help"

The two of them restored Chrome and had him do the resuscitating while Senku and [Y/N] makes a lot of revival fluid. [Y/N] observed Senku before doing precisely the same thing. With the estimations and perfect measure of fixings she had prevailing with regards to making perhaps the most remarkable and helpful product in the entire history of science. Senku who was glad for her praised her in accomplishing it. After at some point as Chrome was outside restoring each sculpture in turn, [Y/N] and Senku were inside the car made the fluid.

"Hey, Senku. What would you be able to say about the petrification millennia prior", [Y/N] tilted her head as she looked at Senku.

Senku turned his look at her and jeered, "I could say it transformed us into Adam and Eve by and by. To the who-man who made the gadget had accomplished something excessive that not even researcher had thought to plan of. It's exceptionally exhilarating truth be told"

[Y/N] extended her arms, "You have the gadget with you. Do you figure you will utilize that to petrify the world once more?" [Y/N] gazed at him.

Senku's eyes were centered around the analysis, "Perhaps. In the event that it's to save the world. At that point, it's no issue utilizing the device to petrify everybody once more", he answered.

[Y/N] proceeded with her examination, "Will you begin counting again at that point?" she laughed. Senku snickered back and murmured, "In reality. It's not actually an issue. After all I am never off when counting", he answered.

The two of them visited for a spell and had gone outside to mind Chrome. However, to there shock Chrome was listening in outside. Chrome was surprised as the two of them got out and started to whistle and keep away from contact. Amaryllis was the first Chrome resuscitated given the way that she could assemble food supplies and advantage on good food gathering. Senku, Chrome and [Y/N] resuscitated Taiju for he can chase for meat and creatures on the wild timberland. Second was Francois, an extraordinarily talented culinary specialist and great food preserver. 

The three had resuscitated three notable individuals in gathering food supplies and dealing with cookeries.


Hope you all have a wonderful day today. Always Smile! Lab y'alls~

Total Words Count: 1133

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