Take Action

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"[Y/N], keep playing, please", [Y/N]'s mother called her on the phone.

"Mother?" [Y/N] wondered what's happening.

"I love you, [Y/N]" her mother said in a hazy tone.

[Y/N] kept calling out to her mother on the phone, but there were no response. Only chattering from the other side was heard, metal clacking and wheels rolling echoed through [Y/N]'s ear. Eventually someone picked the phone up and asked the person on the other side.,

"Are you a relative of [L/N]?"

"Where's my mother?" [Y/N] asked.

"I'm sorry..." 

[Y/N] was paralyzed on the streets as she couldn't hear anything but those last words the man on the other side said. Stoned on the streets, she felt her knees wobble and eye sight blurring. She collapsed on the floor and was sent to hospital.

[Y/N] woke up not realizing where she was. But a familiar touch on her right arm made her breathe out in relief. Her brother sitting next to her with tears flowing on his cheeks. [Y/N] couldn't understand what happened. She asked her brother while holding his hands.

Informed that her mother died of lung cancer, [Y/N] was stoned. [Y/N]'s voice was stuttering as she asked her brother, "Where is she now?". Trembling in fear, [Y/N] couldn't let out a tear, "She told me I should keep playing" [Y/N]'s hands trembled. Her brother comforted her that she could take a brake from playing the piano given how her fingers are in a bad condition. 

"But I can still play, brother", [Y/N] insisted. "Mother, she told me I should" 

Her brother's tear flowed even more and hugged her sister, "You don't have to, [Y/N]" he sniffled.

[Y/N] clenched her fists hoping everything would be okay. She couldn't shed a tear out of fear. Holding it was pain as she could feel a bump in her throat.

"It seems as though I have to even if I don't want to", [Y/N] thought as she hugged her brother back smiling, "I can't seem to not play"

[Y/N]'s father came inside the hospital room and hugged [Y/N], "I'm sorry [Y/N]", he apologized. Speechless to see her father apologizing she hugged him back, "Father, I'm fine", she reassured her father and gave him a smiled.

"You're mother she..." her father's voice stuttered and seemed like tears were about to burst out. "There's nothing to worry about father, she's surely in a better place", [Y/N] smiled at her brother and father.


"How can I secretly get this information about the key of science to Senku and the science team? The broadcasts are only one-way", Kohaku muttered as she scratched the back of her neck. [Y/N] shook her head and snapped back to reality, "I should really focus more on what's going on right now", she sighed as she straightened her back. "Some means to communicate with them", Amaryllis whispered.

"What if you did it just like when you communicated on the boat and just risked it all screaming your lungs out" Ginro awkwardly chuckled. Kohaku scoffed, "If I were to scream out suspiciously like that while walking around the palace, they'd probably skin me alive in questioning", Kohaku glanced at [Y/N]. "If she were to do that. All our hard work in infiltrating would go to waste", she averted her glance, "Though I didn't fake infiltrating back there..."

Ginro suddenly squealed as he felt a sudden slap on his back, "I'm talking to you! Are you even listening to me? You're all still apprentices here! There's only one week left until you actually enter the inner palace! So you better dedicate yourselves to this practice! You've got to train proper walking posture and learn all the correct etiquette!" an old woman scolded Ginro.

Suddenly Kohaku's earpiece buzzed out noises, "Kohaku can you hear me?  In just a while we'll be sending something quite interesting over your way", Senku chuckled. [Y/N] glanced behind to check what was making a sound from afar, "A scientific rat", she thought raising an eyebrow. 

Kohaku jumped down and grabbed the toy off the ground. "What are you doing over there?" the old woman asked Kohaku as she waved her stick. Kohaku turned around. "Apparently a big rat came running. Scared to the bone I was, Kohaku grabbed it and saved us", [Y/N] replied with a straight face. "Yes. Thanks to Kohaku, we're saved" Amaryllis pulled an act. 

The old woman backed away getting weird vibes from [Y/N]. Amaryllis and Kohaku pulled out a thumbs up. "Holy two-facedness. Women are scary. Especially Amaryllis, she's scary" Ginro awkwardly sighed. "If anything happens, you can use that rat. As kind of like an sos letter" Gen indicated.

"What are letters?" Amaryllis asked. Kohaku asked the same thing and was worried. Ginro stated an occasion before saying his brother, Kinro, studied alphabets and that he wished he learned them. "Letters are another type of communication. In the 21st century, people use technology to write letter's through cellphones. They call it telecommunication", [Y/N] indicated. Kohaku, Amaryllis and Ginro stared at [Y/N] in awe, "You learned letters?" Ginro asked.

"We'll I know how to make them and I learned alphabets, yeah", [Y/N] replied as she shrugged her shoulders. "Great! This means you can make a letter for them!" Kohaku ripped a part of her dress and gave it to [Y/N]. "Tell him we found the treasure chest here", Kohaku pulled a thumbs up.

[Y/N] pulled out a thumbs up back at her. [Y/N] wrote exactly what Kohaku told her to tell them, though she seems to have a funnier idea at a moment and decided to scribble puzzling doodles, "This alphabet, only Senku would understand something like this",  she crossed her arms. "This letter should be understandable given how [Y/N] could write them" Kohaku chuckled. "It might take them some time to encode the letters", [Y/N] grinned. Kohaku, Amaryllis and Ginro tilted their heads. [Y/N] chuckled slightly, "It's nothing. We should really get going now" [Y/N] headed out of the hut and so did everyone else.


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Total Words Count: 1011

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