To The Origin

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[Y/N] woke up inside a room, "Huh? Didn't I fall asleep outside?" [Y/N] thought as she yawned. [Y/N] walked out of the door and noticed everyone was busy. She saw Ukyo helping others and walked up to him. "Ukyo why didn't you wake me up?" She asked. "Ah- we didn't want to bother your sleep", Ukyo replied. "We're heading to Ecuador now", Ukyo indicated. "Ecuador?" [Y/N] thought as. Chelsea seemed pumped after seeing something at the distance "We made it! This is where we land!" Chelsea seemed pumped. While everyone was walking down the boat, Old man Kaseki and some others broke pieces of the ship. "Do we really need to break it all apart?" Suika asked. "Yep. We're done riding that boat", Senku replied.

"So- We're switching from vehicle to vehicle as we cut cross South America?" Luna sweated. "Strip out the wood too! That will be our fuel!" Ryusui pointed out. "The-Wood- is our... Fuel?!" Max and Carlos were shocked. "Our motorcycles are running on wood?" Gen asked. "That's so awesome!" Chelsea hugged Gen.

"To be precise they will run on gas produced by burning wood", Xeno specified. "We'll be making 1 boss bike and 5 baby bikes", Senku smirked. "We're riding a motorcycle towards the center of Amazon..." [Y/N] thought. "Guys!" Ukyo called everyone's attention, "The mobile lab's been sunk", he indicated. "They've change course and are approaching at our location at full speed". [Y/N] felt uneasy as she sensed something from far beyond the desert. [Y/N] stared at the distance then turned back to everyone.

Day came and Suika was on the lookout for Stanley's ship. As she was staring at the vast ocean, she noticed a bright beam strike her eye. Water's from afar was roaring towards their location. "Here they come!" she warned everyone. Max grabbed Suika and brought her down to safety. Max shivered at the thought of driving the motorcycle, "I can do this!" he encouraged himself. As Stanley and his men were approaching their ship on shore, they noticed that everyone was already gone. Stanley saw them from afar seeing their made motorcycle he was shocked. [Y/N] who sat at the back of Kohaku with Suika and Ukyo kept quiet feeling anxious. "Something's wrong..." she thought. "Don't you think you should the hostage as a shield?" Xeno asked. Hyoga boldly tied him up at the back where the tires were attached to the bike. Everyone had thought that no one from Stanley's group could fire their gun, but unexpectedly Stanley showed up aiming his weapon. He shot all the possible areas that he could shoot- Hitting Hyoga, Tsukasa, and [Y/N]. "[Y/N]!" Kohaku looked behind to check [Y/N]. "Tsukasa, Hyoga, and [Y/N] are shot!" Kohaku saw Hyoga and Tsukasa bleeding as well as [Y/N]. "My life is not in danger", Hyoga indicated. "I'm fine..." [Y/N] slightly whispered. "A shot on my arm won't end me", [Y/N] shivered from the pain at her shoulder "[Y/N] is shot..." Senku thought sweating. "Tsukasa, Hyoga, and [Y/N] are bleeding", Kohaku thought as she was thinking of a possible way to stop the bleeding. "[Y/N]", as she looked back behind her, [Y/N] ripped part of her clothing and wrapped it around her shoulder. [Y/N] clicked her tongue from feeling the pain. "Kohaku-san- can you tighten it up, please?" [Y/N] handed her end of the cloth and Kohaku tightened the knot. [Y/N] gritted her teeth as she was sweating. "This should help stop the bleeding..." [Y/N] thought.

"I hear an engine!" Ukyo thought. He knew he couldn't look up since he was driving so he called out to everyone and warned them "They're sending out a plane!". Luna looked up behind and saw the plane fly into the air. "Our science time bomb finally blew up!" Ryusui chuckled. "That's right! When we crashed after the dogfight, we were forced to abandon our plane! We weren't about to be some idiots who'd leave behind a war machine the enemy was ten billion percent sure to steal back!" Senku smirked. The plane that flew up in the air crashed down nearly close to their motorcycle. "Senku must've thought very well..." [Y/N] sighed in relief. "We're taking this bike right towards South America!" Chrome smiled.

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