Stone Sanctuary

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Everyone began working. Gathering ingredients and working on electricity. Trying multiple times, they failed. "Maybe this is a job for the enemy mechanic! Let's just ask old Brody to handle this part", Yo sighed. "No!", Niki refused. "Senku must've asked us to craft a diamond for reason. So we shouldn't let the enemy get involve in the process. Like he said! Science ain't just for egg heads, which is why we can do this! This is ground Zero!" She worked up courage. After some trials and failures the group finally suceeded in creating the hardest stone to create. "Diamond Acquired!!"

"We finally created diamond! Starting from scratch" Everyone cheered. "We're gonna be zillionaires!" Yo, applaud. "As a pro, my eyes can clarify that this is a genuine diamond!" Joel chuckled. "It's too small to serve as a battery for a medusa. How do we make it bigger?" Niki tilted her head. "Making a large diamond in a lab is next to impossible so-", Senku chuckled, "Go dig up some natural diamonds". Everyone on each side was shocked. "Digging for diamonds- isn't that a hard job?" Kohaku asked.

"It's indeed hard to find diamonds. In fact, they are so rare that most miners give up", [Y/N] crossed her arms feeling nervous. "Then, why go through so much trouble? You're so dead meat!" Magma yelled. "Relax dummy! We actually need both! Diamonds are just carbon- another type of stone ganging out in the Earth. But the moment people get their hands on those stones, they're considered treasure", Senku chuckled. "Got yer diamonds right here!", Chelsea smiled as she pointed at the map. "If the expedition teams set out from Xeno's base, they'll get there in about a week"

"The Lassen Peak area's got a lava dome! Shield volcanoes! Cinder cones and stratovolcano action! I could just lol about it! And they're gonna explore it! The last eruption was around the year 1900, and it brought some kimberlite magma up to the surface! I've seen the stuff! Real Kimberlite! There wasn't much at the time. But it's been thousand years since then, yeah? So they're sure to find what we need!" Chelsea squealed with excitement.

"Come again? Can I get an interpreter?" Gen nervously chuckled. "Was that too fast for you?" Xeno asked. "Erm, was she speaking in tongues?", Gen asked. "She said- "I know where to dig if we need a few natural diamonds", Senku replied. "Basically..." [Y/N] thought sighing.

"Pop quiz! Which is tougher? Made diamonds? Or Natural Diamonds?" Senku asked. "Gotta be the natural one!" Taiju answered. "Oh yeah! I'm betting on the ones science made!" Chrome pouted in front of Taiju's face. "Shouldn't there be any differences between the two?  Lab-made diamonds are just as durable and strong as natural diamonds. But I'd go with our generation's knowledge.", [Y/N] replied. "And there we are- the unfounded belief that nature produces higher quality resources than man. How perfectly ironic, that the one without the prodigious benefit of 21st-century knowledge managed to arrive at the correct answer", Xeno crossed his arms. 

Taiju pouted as he was defeated. Chrome laughed historically. [Y/N] shrugged her shoulders. "Since diamond is the hardest stone we know. Only other diamonds can scratch and grind it", Senku indicated. "Because man-made ones are harder than the natural ones by a lot- We're gonna turn lab-made grains into a rasp, like sandpaper", He chuckled. "So, a new diamond battery?", [Y/N] thought as she glanced at Ukyo. "This will be the globetrotting team's last communication to you folks", Senku crossed his arms and smirked.

"Wait, why?!" Taiju panicked. "On the off chance that Stanley's gang is traveling all around South America", Ukyo sweated. "Off chance? It's more likely than that. Given how obsessive he is. As the true captain of the Perseus, I know the route they're taking. It won't take long before they're on top of us", Ryusui sighed. "Using radio near them would give away. Which would defeat the point of building this stealth ship", Ukyo stared at Ryusui. [Y/N] glanced at Xeno.

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