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"Who are you?" [Y/N] asked as she felt pain in her chest after she fell. "Hm? That's not something you should know", the man crossed his arms. "Seems like you're still awake. Don't worry- because of the sudden fall you will lose temporary consciousness", he grabbed [Y/N]'s arms and carried her on his back. "Where are you taking me?" [Y/N] muttered. In less than a minute [Y/N] lost her consciousness and passed out.

[Y/N] woke up to the sound of people cheering. "Where am I?" she thought as she sat up. She glanced everywhere and realized she's somewhere unfamiliar. "How long was I asleep?" [Y/N] stood up and walked up to a small window at the end of the room. The window was up high. "At least I could keep track of time", [Y/N] sighed.

"I need to get out of here" [Y/N] walked towards the door. "You're not going anywhere", [Y/N] heard a familiar voice right outside the door. The man walked inside and revealed himself as Mozu. "Where am I?" [Y/N] asked.

"In another island", Mozu replied. "Another island?!" [Y/N] thought. "Why did you take me here?" She asked. Mozu glared at her, "You're one of those people", he replied shrugging his shoulders. "One of those people?" [Y/N] wondered, "He probably saw Ukyo and the rest". [Y/N] stared at Mozu and sighed, "And what do you plan on doing?" [Y/N] interrogated. Mozu stared down at [Y/N]. "You're probably thinking that they're coming here, huh?" [Y/N] sighed. "I hope not", [Y/N] thought as she glared at the window. 

Ukyo and Hyoga met in the forest on their way back to the quarters, "Have you seen [Y/N]", Ukyo asked. "Hm? I thought she was with you?" Hyoga hummed. Everyone was still awake preparing themselves for the battle, [Y/N] is probably asleep by now. "Did she perhaps went back?" Ukyo thought as he ran towards the quarters and met with Minami. Hyoga followed behind.

"Is [Y/N] back?" Ukyo asked. Minami stared at him, "Hm? I thought she was with you?" Minami replied. "Where is she?" Ukyo muttered.

Ukyo searched around the quarters, "It's already getting dark", he thought. Tsukasa walked up to him, "I heard [Y/N]'s gone?" he asked. Ukyo nodded in reply.

[Y/N] glanced at Mozu. "What do you plan on doing?" she asked. "Petrifying those people of yours", Mozu replied. [Y/N] gasped slightly, "Petrify? How?" she thought. "You're basically just a hostage kept" Mozu shrugged his shoulders. [Y/N] scoffed, "Are you perhaps the leader?" [Y/N] asked. "No. You can't question anything about our leader" Mozu replied. 

Mozu left the room and locked the door. [Y/N] stared outside the window. "There's only forest to see", she sighed. "Petrify? How?" [Y/N] thought as she walked around the room. "I have to escape before they come here", she muttered. [Y/N] glanced at the room and tried to find something useful. "There's nothing much. Only a table next to the bed. A rope on the top, and on one side of the wall there was a torch and another rope", [Y/N] sighed and sat down on the bed. 

"Let's think this through", [Y/N] glanced at the window. "A rope... A torch..." she grabbed the torch and the rope. "Acting immediately would only trigger Mozu. I have to at least earn his trust before leaving this place", [Y/N] sat back down at the bed and laid down. "Let's wait and see".

"[Y/N]'s nowhere to be found", Ukyo glanced at the village to see if they caught [Y/N]. Ukyo got back to the quarters and informed Tsukasa that [Y/N]'s no where to be found. Minami went up to Ukyo and worriedly asked where [Y/N] was, "Sorry, I still don't know where she is" Ukyo replied sighing. Minami clenched her fists, "Where are you, [Y/N]?" Minami thought as she was getting worried.

Yuzuriha and Taiju who heard their conversation went to the forest and search for [Y/N]. "Oh [Y/N] where did you go?" Yuzuriha left out a huge sigh as she wondered on the sand. She glanced at the ocean and wondered where her friend was. Searching for [Y/N] with Taiju, both Yuzuriha and Taiju decided to go back to the quarters. Then, yuzuriha stepped on a cloth that seemed to be familiar to her. "[Y/N]'s cloth!" she crouched down and grabbed the cloth from the floor. "Does that mean [Y/N]'s been here?" Taiju questioned. "I guess so..." Yuzuriha glanced on the other side and saw another cloth on the distance. "Another one?" she thought as she grabbed the other cloth. "Did [Y/N] intentionally drop these?" Taiju asked. 

Yuzuriha saw a path of [Y/N]'s cloth leading deep in to the forest. "Yuzuriha. I think it's best to leave these cloths for a path", Taiju indicated. Yuzuriha nodded, "I think so too", she replied. Yuzuriha laid the cloths on the floor. "Should we go and follow the cloths?" Taiju asked sweating. "To find out whether or not she's ok. We have to", Yuzuriha began following the cloths. 

They stopped at the last cloth dropped on the floor, "Is this where's she is?" Yuzuriha thought. She glanced everywhere, "But there's nothing here", she thought as she was wondering everything. "What really happened?" Yuzuriha sweated. "We should inform everyone", Taiju turned around but Yuzuriha stopped him, "Who are we telling?" her hands were shaking. "[Y/N] wouldn't want Senku to know. Tsukasa are our enemy" she took a deep breath and sighed, "Let's just inform Ukyo", she stood up. "Ukyo?" Taiju raised a brow. "He's the only one who doesn't want war between the two kingdoms", Yuzuriha replied.

"Then let's go!" Taiju grabbed her hands and they left to inform Ukyo.

Hello! I hope you all have a great day! Labs! Y'alls!~

Total Word Count: 950

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