Wants to Die!?

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Franky had somehow escaped, with Robin, who was looking out ahead of her. While was quite a shock as she stood up. "Hey! Robin! Thank goodness you're still here!" Luffy had come to spot her above him, and was smiling greatly up at her.
"Luffy..." she almost looked terrified as she saw him.
"Recapture them! Don't let them escape!" Some soldiers were charging for the balcony that both Franky and Robin where on.
"Scram, you chumps!" The cyborg had lost it. "Weapons Left!" And fired off bullets from his own arms.
"Looks like Franky's there, too. But where's Luna?" Luffy had asked noticing that Robin was only with Franky. "Yosh! Wait there!" He then jumped down from the glad she was on top off, running back. "It's far, but I'll give it a shot!" He gains a fair distance from the large stretching his arms back then wrapping them in front of him. "Gum Gum..." as he was ready to sling shot himself across to the other side. But seeing this
"WAIT!!" Robin snapped at him, her voice echoing causing him to stop. "I've told yiu countless times. I won't...came back to you anymore! Go back! I don't even want to see you face anymore!" She was shouting down at him asking why he was trying to rescue her. She never asked for this. "When did I ask you to save me!?" After hearing her shouting, Luffy's arms had retracted back. "I only... I only want to die!!" Her voice once again echoed across to him, only to cause shock upon hearing them.
"Interesting! What are those guys doing?" Spardam had come out clapping his hands in amusement.
"What the heck are you planning to do!? They came this far by risking their lives!" Franky had ask become angry by her words.
"That's something they did on their own." She responded to him, as if she didn't care.
"What did you say!? Don't mess with—." Before he could shout out her a foot had meet his face, sending him into the side of the balcony wall.
"You're in the wall." Kaku walked down the balcony after being the one to kick him.
"Kaku, you just did that to relieve your frustration, right!?" With Jabra behind him laughing his head off about how the Devil a fruit Kaku eat was weird. Fukurou was also with them
"You're really noisy." The long nose man snapped behind him saying that he liked the fruit. And it wasn't long before
"Oh? The enemy is Straw Hat alone?" Kalifa had used Moon walk to head up from the floor below.
"Yoyoi! Even if he's alone, it's admirable to have come this far!" With Kumadori, but all remaining members stood into if the ledge of the balcony together, looking across at Luffy.
"That's right, Blueno got beaten up." Jabra seemed to find it amusing.
"As I thought, he went and lost his touch after spending five years of bar keeper." Lucci stated since Blueno was a lot stronger before.
"You say that, but the fact that he lost is quite surprising." Magnis spoke up, standing along side him.
"He lost!" Fukurou just said chapaping
"Alright! It's great that you gather up, CP9! But, let's just wait a little bit!" Spardam was saying before behind thinking it would be more amusing to watch the Straw Hat crew crumble in its own.
"You want to die?" Luffy had asked Robin, looking right at her.
"That's right." Had been the respond given.
"Say, chief... shouldn't we just go down there, annihilate that thing, and it's be the end of the story?" Jabra had turned around to Spardam asking while pointing across at Luffy.
"Wait, hold on.A captain her wrist everything and came this far to rescue his crew mates, only to have his efforts to save her rejected at the very end. Have you... even seen such an interesting spectacle?" Spardam had gone out to the side of the balcony wanting to get a closer look at expression Luffy was making.
"ROBIN!! DON'T DIE!!" Is what he had shouted back up to her,
"Listen to his desperate shouting!" which had caused Spardam to bursted into laugher. "I wonder what kind of expression he has!"
"What are you babbling about?" But to everyone surprised, the boy was picking his nose with the pinky belonging to his left hand. "You know, Robin..." The roof ground behind him began to act strangely. "We already came this far..." Which had then busted opened by a giant tornado and the screaming of both Nami and Chopper could be heard, as they were falling from above when the tornado stop. "Anyway, we're gonna save you."
"Landed well." Nami landed safe, while Chopper fell on his head in Heavy Point.
"And then, if you still want to die... you can die after we save you." Robin was completely shocked at seeing and hearing.
"Ouch, it hurts..." Chopper was rubbing the back of his head.
"Are you alright, Chopper?" Nami had then asked him, as she was fine.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But I wonder what that thing just now was." He said a bit confused to the sudden tornado, looking at the giant hole left behind.
"I can somewhat imagine what happened..." It was then when her sight turned to the tower of Law behind.
"I should have climbed up this way from the start." But it soon feel on the hole where Zoro and climbed out of.
"Zoro! I knew it was you!" She snapped since it was what she had imagine that had happened. She then started going on about they were lucky it was only an after effect. Because they would've died if it had been the actual centre of the technique.
"Whaat wrong with you two?" But it appeared he hadn't been listening, however, all eyes had turned
"Dash!" As someone came smashing out of the roof behind the massive hole. "Shishinaba Shoot!" (Boar Stew Shoot, French) he was somersaulting the air before landing. "I'm certainly the first one here... now, Robin and Luna, sorry to habe kept you waiting! I will come and save..." he was all confidence until he saw Zoro. "Moss head! Why the hell did you get here before me!?" It makes sense since the guy didn't have any sense of direction.
"Ah, you're pretty late. Did you get lost?"
"Where did you learn that freakin' word!?" Sanji had asked since the man had never admitted he had been lost before. But all changed when someone screaming had caused all to look above, to see Snipped King flying above, praying.
"Sniper King!?"
"He's flying in the sky!" Nami was shocked at seeing that as Chopper was completely amused by it.
"Where was he and what was he doing?" Sanji could only ask, since he had completely disappeared suddenly.
"I wonder if he'll land safely..." Zoro then said, nothing that he hadn't stopped going up. But he had then came crashing down.
"It appears everyone is here." The heads of CP9, Robin, Spardam and Franky all had turned to find Luna standing at the giant hole in the way that Franky had caused. "For a bunch of morons they sure are praiseworthy." She was saying as the others had ran over to Sniper King so that they could pull him out of the ground that he got himself stuck in.
"Pi...Pi-Pirates, so many of them!" Spardam turned back freaking out at the sight of them. While Robin couldn't help but watch them before her eyes fell back on Luffy.
"I'll request this from you, Robin! Whether you wanna die or not, I don't care about whatever you say!" He had told her. "And you! Luna!" His sight feel upon the woman standing at the balcony wall now. "If you knew this was all going to happen, then tell us!! Say that kind of thing...while you're by our side!"
"That's right, Robin! Luna!" Sanji shouted in agreement.
"Robin, Luna, come back!!" Chopper shouted as well, dropping Sniper King legs. While Luna didn't react, Robin was holding herself back from crying.
"Oi, Sniper King. Can you stand?" Zoro asked looking to him.
"Of course." He sat up answering. "Such a little fall won't stop me..." then had stood up before they all began to walk, heading to join with Luffy. "Don't worry, I'm alright." With Sniper King in the middle, Zoro and Nami to the left of him, while Sanji and Chopper were the right, they began their walk. It was filled with determination as they stood up on the edge looking up to the tower floor. The six of them standing before all. And the wind of change began to blow
"Leave the rest to us!"
"They passed through Aqua Laguna to come here. If you think about it, it's amazing." Kalifa had to admit that fact.
"Seems like they're quite lucky." While Jabra didn't think much if it.
"This time we have permission to kill." Lucci reminded this of the group.
"This is going to be easy if we don't have to hold back." Kaku stated.
"Yeah, but it wouldn't be much fun." Magnis informed the others. But the crew couldn't move to get to the other side.
"Oi, CP9! Alright guys! I give you permission to annihilate them, but attacked them from this tower of Law!" Spardam deemed to be giving an unreasonable order.
"Coward." Luna was saying looking at him, knowing that he only cared about his life and promotion. He truely was the scum of the earth.
"You idiot pirates!" Spardam stood on the wall of the balcony shouting down to Luffy and that. "Even if you try your hardest, there's nothing you can change in the end!" He was acting all tough. "We have this Assassination group, CP9's strength. We have a heavy Gates of Justice, impossible to open with mere human power! And more importantly" at this moment, I hold... the authority to use this golden transponder snail, and call upon the Buster Call!" He held up the golden transponder snail above him.
"The Buster Call!?" Robin had become shocked at hearing that.
"That's right... exactly twenty years ago, it's the power that crushed your homeland, Nico Robin. The name Ohara... it disappeared from the next year's map, didn't it?" Spardam was acting all proud of this fact which didn't sit well with those watching. Robin had admin a long time ago that she had no place to go no place to call home. Now they understood why she said that.
"STOP!" She screamed up at him. "Anything but that!"
"That's a nice reaction, it's giving me chills!" But it only seemed to please him even more. "What? Does that mean you want me to push the Buster Call launching switch?"
"Do you really understand what will happen if you press that button?" Robin was shaking while asking this.
"I guess I do... The probability of the Pirates leaving this island will become zero! With a single push of this button... it's really simple."
"It won't end as simple as that!' She screamed at him,
"Are the old memories flowing in?" Spardam was asking her grinning like a lunatic. "Then, should I press it for a little test?" And brought his index finger to the button.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? STOP IT NOW!!" Robin had completely snapped at him.
"You shouldn't be so cocky with me... right?" But she wasn't listening to him, as the memories of the past were flowing back to her. Luna could see it all as she looked at the woman.
"You said Ohara disappeared from the next map, didn't you? Can you see humans when looking from above on a map? It's because you are looking upon the world this way...that's why you can do a horrible thing!" She was telling him while all remained silent. "The Buster Call is... it's a ruthless power that loses sight of its targets itself. You can't use it...Never...

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