The Missing Shadow!

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After discovering that Brooke had no reflection caused the entire crew to refer him as a vampire and the crew was ready to attack except Luffy, who thought Brook was awesome. Not to mention they had completely forgotten they already had a vampire on the ship. "N-Now that I take a closer look, you don't have a shadow!" Usopp had pointed out, since there was none as the skeleton's feet.
"You're right! What are you, really?" Chopper was screaming while asking that. However, Brook had sat down and calmly sipped his tea like nothing was happening.
"Don't soothe yourself!" Sanji slammed his hands on the table.
"We're freaking out! And it's your fault!" Usopp had reminded him.
"I have spent far too many years drifting on the seas to tell my story in one sitting." Brook had spoken which had everyone calm down a little. "The story behind why I am a skeleton in the story behind why I like a shadow a completely unrelated. To be continued."
"Tell us now!" Sanji was beginning to lose it.
"A certain man stole my shadow a few years ago." That had been state and it seemed that something had come to Luna's mind upon hearing it.
"It was stolen?" It seemed a little hard to believe.
"After seeing you move or talk, nothing could surprise me." That was unless one saw a walking, talking, singing skeleton. "But does that sorta thing actually happen?" Zoro was asking
"Yes, it does. And having lost my shadow, I am no longer able to exist in the world of lights." Brook had explained
"But aren't you alive?" Luffy had gotten confused with what he meant by the 'world of light'.
"No, he meant that he is unable to live under the sun." Luna had corrected him
"Yes, I'm only alive now because I avoid the sunlight here on these foggy waters." It was explained by the man himself.
"What would happen if you were hit by the sunlight?" Robin asked out of Curiosity.
If I was directly hit by sunlight, my body... would be obliterated!" That was something that was known to happen to vampires, it legends aren't exactly true.
"Obliterated?!" But hearing that had come as quit a shock to the others.
"Right..." Brook had explained to them that once he witnessed a person, drove with madden, without shadow come in contact with sunlight. He watched as the man began to burn and crumble away in pain and with nothing, not even bones, were left behind. "It was truly terrifying! A hair-raising sight to behold! And here I'm a skeleton! Your shadow appears on the ground when you stand in the lights. Since I like a shadow, my body cannot reflect light. That's why I can't cannot be seen in mirrors or photos. In other words, the light rejects my very existence! And my crew mates are all dead!" It sounded like a really rough existence.
"Your life sucks!" Sanji wasn't holding his punches.
"Even so, I've scraped by! Scraped by to the bone! I am the dead and skeletonised Brooke. It's a pleasure!" Yet for some reason he was a little too enthusiastic about it.
"Why are you so cheerful?" Which the cook didn't understand why. But the skeleton had began to go on a laughing rampage as if he had completely lost it.
"H-Hey! What's wrong? You okay?" Usopp was still holding up the cross asking.
"Today is truly a wonderful day! I met people! Is it today or tomorrow? On the start, foggy seas, I can't tell when one day moves to the next... All of my crewmates passed away... I was all alone on a large ship with a broken rudder... I merely rocked on the water as I drifted for several decades. I was really lonely! I was lonely exclamation and scared! I wanted to die! But I'm glad I lived such a long life. People are joy! I see you as joy!" It seemed like a rough life but many of the crew understood where he was coming from. "If only my tears hadn't gone dry, so I could shed tears of joy! You invited me to join your crew, didn't you? That made me truly happy! Thank you!" He bowed to Luffy yelling and the captain was grinning happily. "But I'm afraid I just turn your offer down."
"Eh!? Why!?" Which had come as a shock.
"As I just explained, my shadow has been stolen. I cannot live on the sun. I'm currently protected by the fog that blocks the sunlight here in the Devil's Sea. But if I left with you, it would be a matter of time before my body was obliterated. I will stay here and wait for the miracle day where I regain my shadow!" Despite saying that he burst into laughter once again.
"Don't act like such a stranger! If you need your shadow, I'll take it back for you!" Luffy bursted out slamming his hands on the table. "Didn't you say someone stole it? Who was it? Where is he?"
You're a really great guy... i'm surprised! However, I cannot tell you. I cannot ask you to die for me when we've just met!" But Brook refused to tell him.
"Meaning the foe's too strong?" Franky was asking after being told that they would die fighting against him. "It won't kill you! At least give us a name."
"No, my lips are sealed. Honestly, I don't know where he is." Brook slightly chuckled. "I don't even know if I'll see him again before my second life comes to an end. But if I pass should ever crossed, I have to sided to fight him!" A silence fell upon the room. "Putting that aside..." But Brook began walking behind him to a case placed on the ground. "...let's sing!" He pulled out a violin and got ready to play it. "Instruments are my pride and joy. I was a musician on my pirate ship."
"Really?! You're a musician? Please! Join my crew, moron!" Luffy was sparkling hearing that.
"Let's enjoy a fun sailor song!" But it hadn't gotten a reply, however, just as he was about to play, Brook had come to a completely stop. His jaw was wide open as his head was up slightly. "NO!" He suddenly screamed before falling onto his butt.
"Hey! What is it? What's wrong?" No one understood what was happening.
"G... G-G-G... Ghost!" Everyone had then looked up to the wall he was looking up in fear and there, coming from the wall an white ghost like creature was there.
"Gah! Something's there!" Chopper was screaming as it was coming through the wall even further.
"Evil be gone! Evil be gone!" Usopp was shouting but it clearly wasn't having any effect. The only one that seemed to be enjoying was Luffy since he did think it was amazing.
"It's running way!" Nami was shouting as they watch it heading to the ceiling but that was the less of their problems as the ship was shaking and creaking.
"Wh-Whats causing that tremor!?" This had been asked by Zoro.
"I-It couldn't be!" Brook had ran out the door of the kitchen onto deck. "How horrible! The ship was already under observation." He then slightly run back into the kitchen telling the others to come look as they have blocked the path for the crew. It was what had caused the tremor. Luffy, Zoro and Usopp had come out to see a large object before them.
"What is that?" Luffy could only asked since it appeared out of nowhere.
"H-Hey, did you see monster gobble us up?" Usopp asked this since the large objects look like pairs of teeth.
"What's going on?"
"This is the back of the Gate." It appeared that Brook understood what was going on. "Which means..." he then ran into the kitchen only to run out the other door through Chopper's office and out to the stern, which had the others following out after him.
"What's going on?" Nami was asking as they all saw what was before them.
"By any chance, did you pick up a drifting barrel while out at sea?" Brook turned to Luffy asking him, which they did, opened up and a flare came flying out.
"We found on."
"I knew it! That was a trap." Which had been something Luna mentioned after seeing the flare. "They've been after your ship ever since then."
"Exactly, what do you mean?" Luna had asked him, since he wasn't making sense as their ship hadn't moved since meeting Brook. However, it doesn't explain the large, Fog covered island that stood before them. It came out of nowhere and was completely creepy. "Which makes me wonder why an island suddenly appeared from nowhere."
"This is the ghost island that wanders the seas... Thriller Bark!" Brook had explained to them which suited it. It was completely creepy no matter where one would look.
"Wait a sec! This isn't showing up on the Log Pose." Nami had checked looking down at her wrist were the Log was.
That's hardly surprising. This island came clearly from the West Blue." Brook had explained but it was a shock. Her then began walks inside once again.
"Hey, where are you going!?" Sanji was asking after him.
"Goodness, this is truly my lucky day!" Brook had picked up his cane speaking. "Not only have I run into people, but my heartfelt dream has also come true!" He made it to the front door once again, opening it up. Which was why Luffy began running around the kitchen, with the others either following after him or going through the kitchen. It was there when they watch him leap into the sky.
"He's so agile!" Sanji had been shocked to see how high and far the skeleton could jump as he had leaped onto the tip of Sunny's mane in a single one.
"Indeed! I became light on my feet after I died and turned into bones!" He and explained which made sense as he had no organs, muscles or flesh weighing him down. "Please break through the gate towering over you and escape with all due haste! No matter what, do not drop anchor by the shore!" Brook warned the group before him. It made me so very happy to meet you today! I will never forget that scrumptious meal! Well, take care! May we have the fortune to meet on other waters!"
"Hey! Wait, Brook!" Luffy had tried to stop him, but he jumped off the boat altogether.
"Isn't he a power holder?" But all were stunned at the skeleton couldn't swim.
"Why are earth did he jump into the water?!" But then all attention fell to the starboard side where the crew is amazed seeing Brook running on the water away from them. "He's running on the water!"
"Wow! Awesome!"
"A-At any rate, Luffy, let's take his advice." Nami spoke still a little shaken. "I have no idea what's going on, but this island is clearly nothing but trouble!" However...
"Huh? Did you say something?" It was clear he was already planing to follow the skeleton to the island.
"He's dying to go!" And all knew.
"What's the deal with this Ghost Island?" Usopp had asked as if anyone would know.
"Hey, where'd that ghost go?" Chopper was panicking while asking if it was still on the ship.
"Do not worry, I saw it flying towards the island." Luna had told him as it was probably where it originated from.
"Hey, about that large tremor we felt a minute ago..." Robin spoke before pointing towards the gate. ".... if that mouth-like gate cause it when it shut, I think that it's a essentially devoured us."
"So it ate us?" Luffy was asking her.
"It appears, since if you look hard enough you can see a fence that extends from the gates and appears to be going around the entire island." Luna had come to noticed looking through the fog. "Which means that currently we are trapped within the fence surrounding this island."
"I get it! So that's why the skeleton told us to escape ASAP!" Usopp came to realise that fact.
Does that mean someone is making this island wander the seas? What's the point?" Nami was asking to two woman that were the only ones that had brains beside herself. While the captain had ran into the kitchen closing the door behind him.
"If the island is moving, we are still in the middle of the ocean. We can't drop anchor here...." Franky came to that conclusion which was completely correct.
"Whoa, there! Why do I get the feeling you want to stay here?! We gotta leave now! We're gonna get cursed!" Usopp was screaming at him now.
Listen, guys. I've come down with Fear-of-unknown-islands-disease!" Nami was acting like Usopp now, as she was sitting on the ground hugging her knees.
"Same! I've caught the same bug." And Chopper was beside her doing the same thing.
"Okay! Let's take her up to the shore!" Luffy had appeared in the door way with a net in hand and a bug catcher bag over his shoulders.
Do you have Set-for-adventure-disease!?" Usopp couldn't believe how the boy was so excited about it. "Think that over! Luffy, open your eyes! See that creepy building?! It's a real haunted mansion! You're taking malicious spirits way too lightly."
"What're you talking about? I'm being super careful!" I'm gonna catch that ghost keep it as a pet." That was the completely opposite of being careful.
"You're totally underestimating it! Isn't that right, Luna!" He had turned to Luna,wanting her to try and reason with him.
"I've been alive for almost 300 years and I've never encountered of spirit." Luna stated to not just Usopp but everyone.
"What?!" They were pretty shocked at hearing that.
"Then that was your first one?"
"About that... I don't think it was a spirit."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, it's more of a hunch than anything."
"Yeah but your hunches haven't been wrong so far." Zoro stated but the others had agreed with him.
"Who cares!" Luffy then shouted, once again having everyone looking at him. "Above all else, we habe to bring back our dear crew mate."With that being said he ordered for his pirate lunch.
"Crew mate...? Hey , I'm against you on that one!" Usopp was telling him, since he found Brook so creepy that he would to scared to fall asleep at night.
"I got your lunchbox." Robin was holding a box in hand.
"Luffy! Franky! You'd better be sure to protect Robin and Luna!" Sanji had stated because it had been decided that the three of them were going with Luffy.
"There's nothin' like exploring a uncharted island, is there?" Franky was getting excited.
"You've gotta be kidding! You're going with them, Robin, Luna?" Nami couldn't believe that the two with actual brains wanted to step on an island that was filled with ghost.
"I simply love the thrill." Robin had been the one to state that.
"I want to understand how an island from the West Blue came to be in the Grand Line." While that had been Luna's reason.
"All right! So, guys, we're gonna take a small boat to disembark, but I've still got a special surprised I haven't shown you yet!" Everyone was looking at Franky that stated that. "It's Soldier Dock System, Channel 2!"
"You heard me!The system uses a total of five channels. 0 comes up twice. 1... 2... 3... 4! Each dog has its own unique function." That had been explained to them.
"Just a sec! You've already revealed the panel will it is 0 and the contents in 1 and 3." Nami had began to say as the hatch to the channels had opened up.
"But as I recall, you said 2 and 4 were still empty." Usopp had slid down the ladder, being followed by Nami climbing down, Chopper sliding, and Luna simply jumping down.
"'Cause I was savin' them for a special occasion!" Franky came climbing down while explaining. "Anyone steering clear of the island should give it a quick spin."
"The why is Luna here?" Nami was looking to the woman that was going to the island.
"Because I was curious." She had stated as an answer before they peaked into channel 2 that Franky opened. And when they saw it their eyes began to glow with excitement, even Luna's. Above Franky had turned the dial on the helm so that Channel 2 had been shown and began opening up.
"Soldier Dock System, Channel 2! Set out!" The others that hadn't gone below were all gathered  to watch what would come out.
"What is it? What's gonna pop out?" Luffy was getting all excited waiting. And that's when it came out, with Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Luna all onboard.
"With its steam engine, this paddle steamer that sits four is the Mini-Merry!" It was a small boat with a steam engine and paddle wheels with a figurehead design is based on the original Going Merry's sheep figurehead.
"It's Merry! Merry came back as a boat!" Usopp was over joyed screaming while standing up.
"It's small, but now we can ride Merry again!" Chopper had grabbed into the neck of Mini-Merry crying. And even Luna seemed overwhelmed with emotions as her pendent began to glow because of it and Chopper that was on her lap. Nami was having fun as she was steering the boat around with the guys both now at back enjoying the ride as Luna was sitting with her arms crossed at front.
"Sweet! I'm getting the hang of it." Nami pushed down on the peddle that caused the engine to go faster along with the boat. As they were moving forward as large wave, bigger the the Mini-Merry had appeared before them
"H-Hey! Th-That looks bad!" Usopp was shouting with Chopper clinging onto him as bath were in fear at what they were seeing.
"We'll be fine! You can county on me." Nami actually sounded confident as they were heading for the wave without slowing down which and resulted in them climbing up the wave and leaping off of it. I had no idea he was hiding such a wonderful present... Thank you, Franky!" She was slightly crying as she shouted back to the Sunny. Who were all watching in excitement.
"I'll be more than happy to go shopping for supplies in a boat like that!" Sanji stated with joy.
"Yahoo! Gimme at turn! I want to turn now!" Luffy was growing inpatient at watching them having fun.
"You took 'considerate' to a new level." Zoro turned to Franky saying, since even he was happy at this.
"Hey! Hold your horses, Strawhat. We'll get to ride it in just a minute. Let them have a bit of fun!" Franky had stated to him, which had worked,
"Is this everything, Franky?" Because Luffy had turned to him asking
"Yeah, including the 1 and 3 I've already shown you, this is it!" There was Channel 0: Support Paddles. Channel 1: The one-man waver, White Hobby Horse. Nami was really upset at first. Channel 3: The three-man recon submarine, Shark Submarine III. And of course Channel 2: The four-man errand boat, Mini-Merry. And with nothing in Channel 4 yet. "At the moment, this is everything the Soldier Dock System has to offer. Consider them soldiers meant to assist Thousand Sunny's voyage."
"I really love the way you think! Franky, you rock! You rock! You rock!" Luffy was overwhelmed with excitement as he was slapping the shipwright's back over and over again.
"Yeah! I'm the ultimate man again this week! SUPER!" Franky had posed proud of himself and knocking the captain over. They had completely forgotten about the others on the Mini Merry, until the screaming of Nami, Usopp and Chopper had reached the ship.
"Nami!? Luna!?"

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