The Strongest Family?!

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After being told about the ship, all but Luna seemed to be showing the excitement as they celebrated. Then there was Luffy who was still asleep even when Nami tried to way him. Luna was leaning up against the side wall with her arms crossed watching them, not taking any interest in it all. however, out of nowhere smoke and dust had covered the room as the wall had been smashed open. "What the...?" Franky was asking covered his face with hands like most of those in the room
"Who is it?"
"Are you the Strawhat Pirates?" A voice had asked as the owner walked in through the cloud of dust. "There're some men here who want to meet Monkey D. Luffy." A tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man wearing a dog mask and a vice-admiral uniform.
"Marines." Sanji, Chopper and Franky had moved so that they stood protecting the boy that the old man was looking for, Who was snoring away.
"Really... just as careless as always." The vice-admiral muttered and for anyone had knew it, he was right above Luffy. They were completely shocked realising the old man. "WAKE UP!" And it was then when Luffy was struck by a heavy blow, breaking throw the floor.
"It' hurts! It hurts!" Luffy was crying out, holding where he had been hit, however
"Hurts? What are you saying? That was a punch. For it to hurt a rubber man-" Sanji had began to say
"There's no defence against a fist of love." The Vice-Admiral removed his marks, to review then old man's face which had a gray beard and a scar over his left eye. "I heard you've been acting pretty recklessly... Luffy."
"That's..." Luna knew who he was the moment she saw him. However, as did something else
"G-G-G-Grandpa!?" Luffy screamed in pure terror
"A Marine Vice-Admiral is...?!"
"You Grandpa!?" As the others screamed in pure shock. Excluding the normal. They could only look to the grandpa of their captain in completely shock, while Luffy was recovering from a giant lump on his head.
"Now Luffy, don't you think you owe me an apology?" He was saying to his grandson smirking, however,
"You really like causing trouble, don't you, marine brat." Hearing a familiar name and voice, had caused the man to turn around where a giant grin appeared.
"Well, if it isn't Miss Athena! Or I guess it's Miss Luna." He looked over to Luna with excitement, as she hadn't even moved an inch from the wall. "Long time no see!" He was shouting loudly which caused her to cover her ears.
"Stop yelling. You two are just as stupid as the other." Luna stated about him and Luffy basically being in the same.
"Do you know this man, Luna?" The others looked to her for questions.
"Sadly." She stated to them, before turning back to the man. "The man here is an extremely famous and powerful Marine vice admiral. His name is Monkey D. Garp." She explained looking to the man
"Yes, the man that is considered the Marines hero. Who could go toe-to-toe with the Pirate King, Gold Roger himself. This had shocked the crew even further than before.
"Luffy, is your grandpa really...?" Sanji turned panicked
"He is, don't try to fight him." No one said anything looking stunned. "I almost almost killed by grandpa tons of times in the past."
Hey now, don't stop speak ill of me. When I tossed to interrupt but bottom ravine,And left you alone in the jungle at night, and tied you to balloons and sent you flying into the sky, all of it was to make you into a strong man!" The others couldn't help by image Luffy going through all of that. It definitely was extremely. But it explained a lot...
"I Think I've seen part of what gave Luffy his endless will to live..."
"In the end I left you with a close friend to continue your training with Ace." Garp had taken a breath out in annoyance. "And while you were out of my sight this has happened... I did all that to forge you into a strong marine!!!"
"I always told you that I wanted to be a pirate didn't I!?" Luffy stood up shouting back to his grandpa.
"You were crushed by that red head! It's nonsense!"
"I-I owe my life to Shanks! Don't insult him!" Luffy had snapped at the old man, which probably wasn't the smartest move
"Do you mean to tell your own grandpa what to do!?" Since he had been grabbed by the front of his tank top.
"I'm sorry!" And out of nowhere, Luffy was acting like Usopp getting all terrified.
"Emergency! Luffy was captured by the Marines!" Chopper screaming at seeing his captain.
"Luffy!" Nami was just as panicked, as he was struggling.
"This is bad, if we trying to fight they'll jump right on top of is!" Sanji stated looking to the Marines behind but
"There's no need to worry." Luna said those words because when they all looked back at grandpa and grandson, they were both asleep in the positions they were in.
"ASLEEP?!" This seemed to have caused more shock then the grandfather revolution.
"No, what do we do now?" Franky had never been in a situation like this. However it wasn't like any of the others weren't in the same since this has never happened.
"Oh no, I fell asleep..." the first one to have awoken was Garp. Who then saw that Luffy was fast asleep still. "Wake up Luffy! Is that how you act towards someone scolding you!?" And the A full blown beating had occurred. "First of all, where do you get off speaking like that your grandpa?!" It was upon this that everyone in the room decided to stay out of it.
"I-I-It huuuurts..." Luffy was crying after the beating was over and he had lumps over his lumps.
"Do you even know what level pirate that redhead you keep going on about is?!" Garp asked, looking down at his grandpa sitting on the floor before me
"Shanks? And the guys? Are shanks and everyone doing alright? Where are they?!" He was asking all panicked at the thought of something happening.
"Whether they're fine or not... where there's many pirates out there now as there are stars, like Whitebeard, he is one of the four great pirates! Those who rule over the second half of the Grand Line as if they were kings. We call them the Four Emperors!" Garp had explain in order to resign those four beings, the Marine Headquarters and the Seven Warlords of the Sea had align themselves together. It was these three great powers that kept the balance around the world.
"If that is the case..." All eyes had gone to Luna once again. "...leave the Emperors alone." She had said to him. "You go on and on about the balance and yet you're the ones who are trying to break it by taking down them. If the Four Emperors did not exist in the New World would be in chaos. It is the Four Emperors that keep the New World under control, not the World Government." He didn't say anything against what she said, because that was the truth no matter how much one would like the deny it.
I don't really get it, but is he's fine then okay." Luffy was being honest, because most of those in the room didn't understand much either. "Man, this brings back memories..." he had grabbed his hat looking at it smiling, but Luna on the other hand was glaring at it with pure anger. Robin on the other hand had to wonder what Luffy's connection with Redhair Shanks and ended up asking Nami about it. She didn't know much, all that she knew. was that it was Shanks he said his life and gave him his hat. But it was then when loud Noises were going on outside as swords for clashing in the Marines groaning in pain.
"Oh? What is that?" Garp turned to his lieutenant asking.
"It's the bounty head, The Pirate Hunter Zoro." He and answered him, looking to the back of the crowd.
"Oh? Luffy's friends right? He seems to be pretty tough." Garp seemed completely unfazed watching. "Heh, you two, the and stop him!" He had then ordered two of his men. One of them was a young tall man that stood the same height as Luffy. He had bright pink hair and wore a standard-issue Marine jacket, pants, and neckerchief as well as a brightly patterned bandanna wore tied across his forehead with glasses placed over them. As for the other, average-sized young man with a distinctive cleft chin and light blonde hair that was broad ponytail, coupled with a white shirt, pale green vest over it, purple slacks, black gloves, and a rather odd-looking black visor over his eyes.
"Yessir!" The both answered without hesitation before taking off to were Zoro was. The blond hair had been the one to leap into the fight with a pair of Kukri spinning in hand. When they had been swung down at Zoro, he had easily blocked them.
"Kukri knives, huh? You're using something pretty unusual." Zoro and stated smirking at the sight of them. But the man continue to swing and attack over and over again.
"Oi, Zoro wait! There's no reason to fi-" Luffy come out running trying to say, but had been kicked in the chin by the pink head. "What the...! Why you!" Which he then attacked.
"Shave." But the same technique that was used by CP9 had been used by the same young man who had disappeared. And had came running up from behind. However the two are easily subdued by Luffy and Zoro.
"Sergeant Major!" The marines watching were shocked.
"Really, you're no match at all." While Garp thought it was funny coming out of the building.
"You're As strong as I thought. Just what I'd expect." The pink hair man was telling Luffy. "I've lost." And both the Sergeants were released and allowed to stand up. "Luffy, Zoro. It's been a while." He had spoken patting off the dust asking if they knew who he was.
"Who?" But it appeared that they didn't.
"It's me, Coby!" The young man, called Coby had stated smiling. "Don't you remember?"
"Coby?" Luffy remain silent looking at him. "Coby is my friend but... by the Coby I know was a lot smaller." He had stated.
"That Coby. The same crybaby good for nothing Coby." The man seemed proud despite insulting himself.
"Are you serious?!" But Luffy had completely shocked looking at him.
"That Coby... why is he on the Grand Line?" Zoro seemed just as shock as the captain.
"I'm still not used to being a commissioned officer but, when I hear the two of you were nearby, I couldn't resist coming to see you." As Coby was saying that, Luffy began even shocker, or more like was still in shock. "It's because of you to that with become who we are!"
"Well, I'll give you that much." The blonde hair man had his arms cross saying.
"A lot has happened... Right now we are being trained by vice Admiral Garp at headquarters." That had been explained.
"So that's what happened?" Luffy seemed surprised but still happy as he spoke about the limits on how fast one should grow up which was why he was so surprised. "You were a bit rounder then too."
"You've must have been pretty tired after the incident, sorry to disturb you." Coby was saying as he, Luffy and Zoro all headed for the gapping hole in the wall together.
"It's fine. It's been a while, so let's make it a party!"
"Wait a second! You!" But they left the blond standing on his own. "You didn't recognise me at all did you?!" He was crying and it seemed like the marines behind him were as well, out of pity.
"Who're you?" Zoro turned annoyed as he asked.
"It's me! M-E!" The man expect them to remember just by yelling that, but they didn't. "The answer is... Helmeppo. Captain Morgan's son, Helmeppo." He had finally said his name, lifting up his strange glasses. "I'm the man who almost drove you to the death penalty, Roronoa Zoro!" That seemed to have pissed Zoro off. "How's that! You remember me now right?" But their heads had titled to the side. "Really now, stop joking around." Helmeppo didn't seem to believe that they forgot about him. "I'm that idiot who rode on his father's fame!"
"Why is he proud of that?" Luna was asking herself, as she watched from the hole in the wall.
"Oh? Was that you?" But there wasn't much of a reacting from Luffy or Zoro.
"Oh yeah, there was a guy like that... that was you?" The rubber head had asked that.
"I knew it... I still can't forgive these guys, Coby!" Helmeppo was crying in frustration.
It can't be avoided Helmeppo, you can't judge your past." Coby told him smiling.
"That was it?" Zoro then asked,
"That was it." While Luffy answered.
"Luffy, we're enemies but... Are we still..."
"Yeah, friends." He had finished Coby's question, which caused him to be filled with happiness. The reunion between Luffy, Zoro, Coby and Helmeppo and come to an end, and the other crew had all gathered back inside the building.
"Now then, you guys." The old Vice Admiral stood out side with his men who saluted to him. "Fix this wall." He ordered pointing his thumb behind him at the hole he created.
"But you did that yourself..." Surprising enough they speak up against him
"If you wanted us to fix it, then why did you even break it?" One of them had asked him, since it didn't make sense.
"Entering that way is cooler." His answer was extremely childish.
"What are you, a child?" Hearing someone behind him, caused Garp to turn around. "You fix it." She looked right at him with cold eyes.
"Yes ma'am." And her didn't even hesitate to completely obey her. Which was a complete shock to everyone, especially Luffy. But in the end, his men did help him.
"Your Grandpa is pretty famous isn't he?" Sanji asked Luffy who was standing beside him, as they watched the man at work.
"Yeah, I don't know much about what he does though." He had answered honestly, but it didn't surprise anyone what he said that.
"By the way Luffy, I heard you met your old man." Garp had stopped hammering for a minute as he had turned around to his grandson.
"Huh? Dad? What do you mean by dad?" But it seemed that Luffy didn't quite understand asking if he had one. Garp began Hammer again, but his with other hand, while the other seemed to be stuck up his nose.
"What's that? He didn't introduce himself to you then? I heard he saw you off at Loguetown!" It was being told that, those who originally came from East Blue thought back to that day. But Luffy still didn't seem to know anything about his so called father.
"Luffy's father was in that town?" Sanji asked but it was unsure if it was just to himself or Garp.
"What is my dad like?" Luffy then asked, since nothing came to mind. While the others seemed a bit curious as well.
"The name of your father is... Monkey D. Dragon. He's a revolutionary." Garp had answered,
"You said too much." Luna had stated to the old man. however... everyone had began to freak out, especially the marines at the shocked that the revolutionary Dragon had a son not to mention that he was the son of the Hero Garp.
"Hey guys, who is everyone so..." Luffy turned to the others only to see that they were just as freaked out by hearing the name Dragon.
"Idiot! You don't know Dragon's name!?" Sanji couldn't believe the boy's cluelessness.
"Your father is a completely outrageous man!" Nami shouted at him stating. Hearing that, Luffy began looking around the room, to see shock on all his crew members, even Robin was shocked.
"Hey, Luna..." He turned to the only one besides his Grandpa that wasn't.
"I will explain it so even you can understand..." She looked right at him saying. "We pirates are enemies of the World Government, but we don't go around attacking on our own. However, currently there is an organisation that's or directly opposing the authority of the World Government. They are called the Revolutionary Army and the head of that army is Dragon." She had simply told him. "By now he's are ideologyHas spread many nations worldwide, causing worldwide rebellion. The World Government's hold has already fallen in numerous regions.Naturally the government is furious. They have labelled dragon as the most dangerous criminal and will stop at absolutely nothing to get him." It was clear that by her explanation that he was a very dangerous man. "There is only one problem with that though. The only things known about him are his appearance and name, beyond that...nothing. And yet..." she didn't finish but still stopped
"And yet...?" Which had Luffy ask but she still didn't continue, even though she seemed to have quite the serious expression on. Which then had Luffy turn to his Grandpa that wasn't at all fazed at the shock expressions of his men looking at him.
"Ah! I probably should have said all that." He seemed to have finally raised turning around to the crew. Which left everyone speechless. "Then, forget all that!"

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