Offering of Treasure to the Sea God!

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A Thousand Sunny, a ship that was sailing perfectly peacefully over the seas belonging to the Grand Line. The sky wasn't completely clear, however, it was still the perfect weather as Luna

Sat in the window of the observation room looking over at the sea every few minutes after sketching in her book

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Sat in the window of the observation room looking over at the sea every few minutes after sketching in her book. Although, ever few often she would end up stealing a look from Zoro that was sitting on the opposite side of the room. Every time they made eye contact, the man had turned his head back outside but Luna could see his ears lightly flushed. Ever though he seemed to be perfectly fine after a week, when the two of the were alone, an awkward silence hanged. At least Zoro's side did since Luna didn't seem to care all that much. Although... "Usopp!" It appeared that something was happening down below on deck."Are you okay!?"
"Usopp!" Since they could hear the voices of Luffy and Chopper shouting. That was why Luna had gotten up to see what was going on, although she couldn't see anything but Luffy using his Gatling Gun into the tank entrance where Usopp soon came flying out.
"What were they doing?" Zoro asked as he was looking over Luna's shoulder, before heading back the spot he was after realising how close he was. But when he looked out the window something came into view. "Hey, something's floating on the water." He grabbed into the Loudspeaker Transponder Snail to inform the crew below.
"What? What?" Luffy ran to the starboard side of the ship.
"Huh? Where is it?" The others had soon followed him.
"Is that it?" Sanji looked off seeing a barrel floating in the water with a banner that said 'Offering of Treasure to the Sea God.'
"A barrel?" But Chopper didn't quite understand.
"Doesn't it say 'treasure' on it?" Usopp could only just make the words out.
"You're right! Maybe a treasure ship accident dropped it!" Luffy only saw the word treasure and not the others.
"Hey, Luffy! Let's pull the thing you already!" Usopp said to his captain who had stretched his arm flying to grab it before it was brought back to the ship.
"Treasure! Treasure! A treasure of silver and gold!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were dancing around the barrel in celebration. "Pieces nice and big! Nice and—"
"Sorry to break it to you..." Luna had come falling from the crow nest towards the grass, landing without any issues or injuries. And a Zoro in her arms, carried like a princess. "...but the only treasure that barrel would be carrying is alcohol and food." She explained to the boys that were so excited into thinking that they found actual treasure.
"How would you know if you haven't looked inside?" Luffy had become upset at the woman for saying that.
"Doesn't the banner say, 'Offering of Treasure to the Sea God'?" Nami had joined in the conversation while coming out from the aquarium along with Robin. "It's called a 'drifting barrel.' It means someone made an offering to the God of the sea in hopes of a safe voyage. ' offering of treasure' means it's a gift to the god."
"That bites! So we can't do anything with it?" Usopp had become completely disappointed.
"Hey! Since we picked it up, let's drink the booze!" Zoro had completely disregarded the fact that this was a offering to the gods.
"Stupid! The god'll get angry at you!" The long nose was freaking out.
"It shouldn't matter, just pray and offer something up in return." Luna had stated to the crew.
"I don't pray to any gods." Zoro stated once again, the first was from Skypiea.
"I've heard that booze is extra good after it's been floating on the waves." Nami was saying looking forward to tasting it.
"Then we're gotta try it out!" Franky was onboard completely.
"Sweet! Let's have a toast!" Usopp was once again excited.
"It's custom to refill the barrel with fresh offerings auger you've emptied it." Robin explained, which had been a lot more detailed then when Luna had said it. Chopper found it quite interesting.
"Let's open it! Hurry up and open it!" Franky was trying to open up the barrel all impatient.
"Hey, God! Tim taking your booze. Heh, heh!" Luffy thought that that considered praying if he put his hands together.
"What's so great about 'God'? Didn't a certain someone beat the crap out of that God on Sky Island?" Zoro had brought up the passed battle Luffy had.
"That man was no god." Luna had told him, since Enel was merely a lunatic with a huge ego because of his Devil Fruit ability.
"Okay, I'm done praying." But the captain didn't hear anything as he began to untie the ropes around the barrel. "Cool, it's opened!" When he opened the barrel, something came flying out and a large red light explodes in the sky above the ship. "What's that?" Luffy didn't seem to understand, however, there were a few that become alarmed by this.
"What was that? What does it mean?" Nami was asking not understanding.
"The booze flew out, flashed, and vanished." However, it seemed that Chopper didn't understand at all.
"No, that was a flare." Luna spoke up informing the others.
"A flare?"
"Don't you mean the Sea God's curse?" Zoro was joking around.
"This could simply be a prank sent by someone, however..." Luna had completely ignored the man's jokes.
"However?" Usopp and Chopper were shaking.
" might have alerted someone and they coming to get us." She finished explaining her theory behind the flare.
"S-So that was a trap!?" Which would appear to be the case. "'By opening the barrel, we just informed someone of our location!' Like that? Chopper, Check the perimeter!! Usopp was completely freaking out.
"I'm on it!"
"More bounty hunters might come down on us!" The two had the ran off.
"I don't see anyone anywhere!" Chopper was looking out with a pair of binoculars on the Sunny's head.
"Same here!" Usopp was on the observation deck at the stern.
"Yeah, I don't see anyone..." Nami was saying but it felt off still. "Everyone, take your stations! We!re escaping to the south-southeast!" She suddenly shouted while running up the stairs to the aft deck. "A huge storm will be here in five minutes!"
"I don't see a storm, but if that's what she says, I bet it'll suddenly hit!" Luffy was running off shouting as well, and he was right because Nami has never been wrong before. "Nami, where should I take us!?"
"Head straight for 2 o'clock!" The others began running around to do their assigned jobs and it wasn't long before the sky had gotten dark and heavy rain began to fall.
"Damn! It started to rain right after her warning!" Usopp was tying up the swing on deck. Then soon after that, green lightning began to strike.
"Now we've got lightning!" Chopper was shouting but then the ship began to crack as the wind began picking up.
"Crap! We're getting hit by head winds! They're going to push us back!" Nami said as the ship began titling to port side, which had Luffy and Chopper sliding across the grass and one was enjoying it. The waves were picking up which was forcing the ship to tilt again but the other way.
"Hey! Is this ship really that big of a pushover?" Franky had asked, which seemed to have reminded Nami of something.
"Guys, take in the sails!" She ordered saying that they were bringing out the paddle.
"Oh, that?" Usopp was holding onto the rails as he was being flattered in the wind.
"I love how cool it is! Do it!" Luffy was all for it. The sails began to be taken in.
"Are you all set?" Nami called down asking.
"The main sail is set, Nami!" Sanji had informed her.
"The foremast is also set." Luna came falling from above.
"Franky, we're ready!"
"Great!" Franky was at the Helm. "Soldier Dock System, Channel 0!" And with that being said, he had pulled the handle that had changed the numbers on the helm from 1 and 3 to just 0. And then pulled the lever down beside him. "Activated!" The side of the ship began to change as well.
"With its cola-powered engine..." and it had opened it.. ".... it's the Paddle Ship Sunny!" And two paddle wheels had appeared out from both sides of the ship and with the sails up.
"Go!" And they began to move.
"Plow forwards!" The Thousand Sunny had taken off and made it way out of the storm with everyone still alive and kicking.
"We survived!" Nami was completely relieved at that.
"Yeah, it's nice that we pulled through, but what's with this sea?" Zoro was asking since there was nothing back dark sky and thick fog, completely different then the beautiful sky from before. And it wasn't caused by a storm, it was just dark almost like night time, except that it was the middle of the day.
"Do you think we stumbled into that one sea? I'm not ready for this!." Nami stated looking out in the distance all worried.
"What? We're drawing up on Fishman Island?" Usopp had completely misunderstood what sea she spoke of.
"Nope! Dirts we ha e to cross haunted waters." Luffy appeared behind him with a large grin across his face as his hat was covered over his eyes.
"Yep! Don't let your guard down. From the look of it, we're already caught in the infamous..." Franky spoke with a grin that spelled creepy. "...Florian Triangle! These are mysterious waters were everything disappears without exclamation."
"I-It's h-ha-haunted..." Usopp's entire face had darken.
"These seas are haunted!" Luffy seemed to find it amusing.
"What the hell!? And you all knew about this!? You never bothered to fill me in!" The long nose was pointing at the guys as this was the first time his heard of it.
"That's right, you weren't with us when it was being explained." Luna had come to remembered seeing the fighten boy.
"Zoro..." Chopper was clinging onto Zoro's leg in complete terror.
"Hmm?" Luna looked down behind the little guy because she thought she saw something, however, nothing was there.
"Luna gave us the heads up. There's a living skeleton!" Luffy had jumped off the rails he had been sitting on.
"A-A l-living skeleton?"
"I never said anything like about living skeleton." Luna had plainly stated to him, since she only remembered saying they skeletons were found.
"Only in your imagination." Sanji had lite a match as he spoke. "Don't scare him more than he already is." Usopp began to sweat as his complex had gotten pale. "Listen, Usopp. In the sea come on over 100 ships mysteriously vanished every year. And to top it off, I've had ghosts carry the dead wonder these waters." Sanji's face had become creep due to the match that was placed under his chin, that caused a shadow upwards to his face.
"No! You shoulda warned me about this sooner!" Usopp bursted out screaming.
"What good would it have done?" Sanji asked and the boy began to ramp on about preparing and then he's gonna cover himself in anti-evil stuff.
"Usopp, please let me borrow some!" Chopper was pleading completely forgetting something. 
"Yohohoh~!" A strange voice had sung.
"Where's that voice coming from!?" Usopp was panicking once again as everyone was looking around to know where that voice was coming from.
"Yohohoho~!Yohohoho~!" The voice appeared to be singing.
"That's a..." Luna's voice had pulled the others to look off to the side where a massive black ship with torn sails slowly appeared behind them.
"One appeared!"
"IT'S A GHOST SHIP!" It seemed that the only ones that hadn't freaked out were Robin and Luna as they were all looking up at the ship
"Yohohoho~! Yohohoho~!" But as it gotten closer, even Robin had become panicked while it slowly sailed along side the Sunny. "Yohohoho~! Yohohoho~!"
"Whats with that song!?" Nami was crying while asking in terror.
"It's an evil spirit's sailor song!" Usopp covered his ears shouting at the others to plug their ears as well. "Present you can't hear it if a ghost tried to talk to you! It'll will drag you into the sea if you respond!" He was crying while Chopper beside him couldn't seem to speak. "Evil spirits want to drag you down with them!"
"Would you be quite." Luna had told them both as they were doing nothing but screaming.
"Is someone aboard that ship...?" Robin didn't seem to believe that, since the ship looked like it was going to fall appears soon.
"If he's our foe, we'll take him out." Zoro was trying to sound confidence, but even he was a little unsure.
"Something... is up there." Sanji pointed out as there was something on the side of the ship watching them.
"We're on our way... to deliver Bink's booze~" As the ship passes by the Thousand Sunny, they all could see a skeleton wearing a suit and an afro and drinking a cup of tea singing softly and watching them. "Yohohoho~!"
"You don't see that every day."

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